Module 3: Assessing Learning Outcomes © 2013 Christie Cruise-Harper, PhD All Rights Reserved
The purpose of this module is to assist you with choosing the appropriate assessment tools/methods, based on your learning outcomes, for the program/service you plan to assess in the 2013 – 2014 academic year.
DepartmentProgram Office of Multicultural Programs Multicultural Scholars Program/Dean’s Award Program Personal Counseling Mandated Substance Abuse Assessment Program Health and WellnessHEROs Program Campus Ministry and Community Service KLILV Sophomore Colloquium Student InvolvementCAB/MSG/CSI AthleticsSAAC or Champs Residence LifeResident Assistant Program Student Life/Associate Dean of StudentsHabitat for Humanity
In module 1 you developed learning outcomes for your program/service using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide. Module 2 allowed you to strengthen those learning outcomes and guided you through the process of choosing learning activities. This module will assist you with choosing appropriate assessment tools/methods for the learning outcomes and learning activities you have established.
Learning Outcome What should your students be able to do? Learning Activity What activity will help your students achieve the learning outcome? Assessment How will you assess whether students have achieved the learning outcome? Module 1Module 2Module 3 Module 1Module 2Module 3 Module 1Module 2Module 3
Assessing learning outcomes is an ongoing process. All outcomes do not need to be assessed this academic year. Don’t get overwhelmed by the process! Keep things feasible and manageable. An assessment tool may be used to assess more than one learning outcome. Assessment tools should be direct and indirect; they should also be formative and summative. Remember Bloom’s Taxonomy when considering assessment tools.
Direct Methods ◦ Demonstration of an expected learning outcome ◦ Provides evidence of knowledge/learning ◦ Actual samples of students work Indirect Methods ◦ Students, or others, report their perception of how well a given learning outcome has been achieved ◦ Not based directly on student performance, but on opinions or thoughts about student learning ◦ Gathering information through means other than actual samples of students work
Formative ◦ Designed to give feedback to improve what is being assessed and is ongoing ◦ Informs students and educators about student understanding so that adjustments may be made during the process Summative ◦ Designed to provide an evaluative summary of the effectiveness of the program ◦ Comprehensively assesses student learning and program effectiveness ◦ Measures the level of success or proficiency obtained at the completion of the program
Cognitive ◦ Mental skills ◦ Knowledge Psychomotor ◦ Growth in feelings or emotional areas ◦ Attitude Affective ◦ Manual or physical skills ◦ Skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy provides a classification of levels of intellectual behavior. These levels represent the Cognitive Domain. Higher Cognitive Levels Lower Cognitive Levels
The Student Life Assessment Project has focused on the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Choose assessment tools that reflect this. Use both summative and formative assessments in gathering information for a holistic impression of learning. While direct and indirect methods are important, beginning the assessment process with direct measures may be more useful.
ToolMethodDomainUsage TypeBloom’s Level EssayDirectCognitive, Affective Formative, Summative All levels PortfolioDirectCognitive, Psychomotor SummativeVariable Satisfaction Survey IndirectAllSummativeComprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation The complete list can be found at: Example Assessment Tools
Allen, M., Noel, R. C., Rienzi, B. M., & McMillin, D. J. (2002). Outcomes assessment handbook. Long Beach: California State University, Institute for Teaching and Learning. Association for Middle Level Education. (2013). Retrieved from: Assessment/tabid/1120/Default.aspx Skidmore College. (2013). Retrieved from: /direct-v-indirect-assessment.cfm University of Connecticut Assessment. (2013). Choosing the right assessment tool. Retrieved from: ht_Assessment_Tool.pdf