2013 Callout 9/04/13
Check for trip hazards Watch the stairs In case of Emergency ◦ Fire ◦ Tornado
Welcome and Introductions New Advisor Involvement ◦ Outreach ◦ Media ◦ Corporate Relations Open Positions NEON Update Becoming a member of ANS
President: Patrick Ochynski Vice President: Savannah Marstall Treasurer: Phil Forsberg Secretary: Season Wyatt Faculty Advisor: Robert Bean Outreach Chairs: Kiah Griffith Corporate Relations Chair: Niral Shah Media Chair: Jamie Marangoni Social Chair: Manhar Grewal
B.S, M.S. and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from Purdue University Interests in: ◦ Application of Advanced Safeguards to the Design of Nuclear Facilities ◦ Radiation Detection and Measurement
Professional organization for the nuclear industry ◦ Promote professional development of our members ◦ Spread awareness and knowledge of nuclear science and technology ◦ Help members get to know each other and participate in fun events
Outreach Chairs: Internal - Kiah Griffith, External – TBD ‘Trainee’ - TBD Corporate Relations Chair: Niral Shah, Media Chairs: Jamie Marangoni, ‘Trainee’ - TBD Social Chair: Manhar Grewal,
Maintain the Purdue ANS website and calendar Update the Purdue ANS Facebook page Photograph events
Two Chairs: Internal and External Internal, Kiah Griffth: Focuses on spreading awareness on campus through events such as Nuke Week, E-Week, and Spring Fest. External, TBD: Focuses on spreading awareness off campus through visiting middle and high schools, as well as planning events such as Boy Scout and Girl Scout Day We are always looking for volunteers and people who want to share their love of the nuclear industry with the community!
Interact directly with companies to plan and organize events – ◦ NEON ◦ Industry and Research tours ◦ Fundraising events ◦ Company Seminars
When: September 18 Location: STEW 214 Time: 6-9 pm
We have three board positions open, Outreach External, Media ‘Trainee’, and Outreach ‘Trainee’ ◦ Click the link below to apply ◦ 6PxZvKsrXl0lmSpEFIhdhtrxTRMU/viewform We are also looking for Class Representatives ◦ Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Graduate ◦ Click the link below to apply ◦ RfCuAYhOoKmgmKWK4ot_hjfMe1fW2xMUF4/viewform NUKE Week Survey ◦ Please give us your input! ◦ sMeOnhFhwPpcnjQCMVZP1dn_-I/viewform
Student Conference Tours Student/Faculty Dinners
Last year held at MIT. Won 3 awards for Best Paper 2014 conference will be held at Penn State Great opportunity to present papers and network with students and professionals in the nuclear industry
Technical Sessions ◦ Podium Presentations ◦ Poster Presentations Career Fair Workshops
Present Research! Stay Active and Involved! Pay Dues by November Meeting
Have the opportunity to go on Plant tours as well as Faculty labs ◦ Cooke Nuclear Power Plant ◦ CMUXE ◦ Reactor Tour (PUR-1) ◦ Thermal-hydraulics and Reactor Safety Laboratory ◦ Metastable Fluid Research Laboratory
A great way to network with faculty Learn about their research Recommendation Letters
Pay Dues ($20) by November Meeting Money goes towards food and social events Gives you an opportunity to be considered for funding to go to the Student Conference