ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE District 7570 Virginia & Tennessee Ruth Arnold Staunton Rotary Club Inbound Coordinator & Youth Exchange Committee Chair
Rotary Youth Exchange Promoting Rotary’s goal of world peace and understanding, one person, one exchange at a time.
Purpose of Youth Exchange Provide high school students an opportunity to spend a summer or a year studying in another country… -discovering the culture, -learning the language, -developing skills and maturity Bring the world into our local community through friendship Promote Rotary’s goal of world peace and understanding
Types of Youth Exchange Short Term Long Term Outbound Inbound
Short Term Exchange 3 to 6 weeks during the summer Live with one family Host student from same family for equal amount of time in your own home Cost of travel, ESSEX fee, Rotary District fees, Rotary insurance, clothing and personal expenses are the responsibility of the participating student and family
Long Term Exchange Academic year – mid-August to mid-June Students live with 2-4 families Host Rotary Club provides monthly allowance Cost of travel, ESSEX fee, Rotary District fees, Rotary insurance, clothing and personal expenses are the responsibility of the participating student and family Sophomore or junior year recommended, or “gap year” after high school
Who are Rotary Exchange Students? Age ½ upon arrival Selected and prepared Club & District Most speak English sufficiently Anxious and excited to: – Learn our language – Discover American culture – Represent their countries – Become part of host family
What is ESSEX? Eastern States Student Exchange 36 Rotary districts in the northeastern United States, eastern Canada and Bermuda. Manages the placement of inbound, outbound and short term students into over 60 countries around the world placing approx. 280 Inbound/240 Outbound Students per year Operated completely by volunteer Rotarians
What is the DISTRICT COMMITTEE? The District Committee is made up of Rotarians from the District that facilitate the youth exchange program within the District by: Providing education, training, resources and support to Rotary Clubs in all avenues of the exchange Providing orientation and resources to the exchange students in the Rotary Exchange Program Ensuring that District meets ESSEX, RI and State Department requirements
Expectations of HOST CLUB Select host families, provide Host Family Orientation Provide student counselor and/or Club YEO Support & train the host families Help with school arrangements Supply monthly allowance of $100 Involve the student in club activities and encourage club members to get involved Work with host families with transportation for special events Ensure completion of appropriate paperwork
Expectations of Exchange Student Adapt to host family Learn our language and culture Attend school with passing grades (long term) Represent their country and Rotary Participate in school and Rotary activities Adhere to the Rotary Int’l, Essex and District Rules and Guidelines
Expectations of Host Families Provide a safe, non threatening, respectful and appropriate environment Room and board Treat student like their own child Help with challenges - language - school - culture shocks - homesickness Provide an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to depend on
What is Needed Right Now! Rotary Clubs to host students for the school year, beginning August 2013
How to Find out about Youth Exchange /RotaryYouthExchange/Pages/ridefault.aspx /RotaryYouthExchange/Pages/ridefault.aspx Your local Rotary Club District 7570 Youth Exchange Committee Inbound Coordinator: Ruth Arnold Outbound & Short Term Coordinator : Metta Alsobrook
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain