Randolph Antúnez Dr. Figueroa Ingl 3103
This work looks forward to make an advice to college students mostly about bad influences they can encounter in their environment. Actually there are a lot of different things that people can find in colleges that are actually a bad influence for them and can guide them in the so called "wrong way" which makes you take bad decisions.
In this part you could find some previews findings from other studies made about the same topic. There are a variety of studies and I only selected about 5 different. Now a little preview: A Bad Influence is something that is no good for you as a person. It can be found on your environment or also it can be a person or group of persons. An example of a bad influence is a friend that consumes drugs and incite you to do the same. One of the places a teenager can find a big "amount" of bad influences is the college. Specially if you are a freshmen because it's your first time in college. Perhaps the most common bad influence in college is the alcohol. According to a study made by David Timberlake said that teens are very likely to develop alcoholism problems specially when they have a genetic disposition towards alcohol. This study says that it can be a big error to send a student with this type of disposition because it will probably begin to have problems with alcohol.
As indicated above, the alcohol is a big problem between college students. A lot of them are likely to have problems with alcohol or maybe become strong drinkers. Also other drugs are commonly used on campus which makes another problem for teens and another thing about to worry for their parents. According to a study made: "Alcohol and other drug use is a factor in many accidents, injuries, vandalism, and crime on campuses and is frequently a key factor when students encounter problems with their coursework." Also this study said that: "Alcohol, of all substances used, causes the most problems on college campuses." So this is a good reason to say that an alcoholic friend is a bad influence for you as a person.
Here is a chart that I found that was very interesting about alcoholic students. "College Students Encounter Problems When Others Drink Too Much 60.5 % had study or sleep interrupted 53.6 % had to take care of a drunken student 29.3 % had been insulted or humiliated 20.1 % experienced an unwanted sexual advance (women) 18.6 % had a serious argument or quarrel13.6 % had property damaged 9.5 % had been pushed, hit, or assaulted 1.3 % had been a victim of sexual assault or date rape (women)" Basically this numbers prove again that heavy drinkers are a bad influence and even a risk for others on college.
The methodology is the part that was used to do the research. The type used was the Quantitative methodology which can be defined as the type of methodology based on a quantity of things. This type of research is commonly used in social research which is the type of research that is being done here. After the information is gathered, it is analyzed and that is where you see the real results of your investigation.
The scale used to measure was the Likert scale. This type of scale obligates the person taking the survey to think about their answers. There is no medium point between answers it is Strongly Disagree or Disagree and in the other hand we have Strongly Agree or Agree.
Here is a little about the findings that I had. 1.In the group of Freshmen students (17-18 yrs) both males and females all answered the same in all the statements. 2. In the group of Sophomore students (18-20 yrs) both males and females answered the same on every statement. The only difference is that females divide her opinions from males by a 50% in their opinions about the statement that refers to learn from bad student's errors. For the whole analysis read the project.
First I want to let you know that out there are a lot of bad influences that can affect us all if we don't deal with them and try to do our best to avoid them. Bad Influences can end up a lot of things in your life such as some friends, have a a bad relationship with your family and in college it can throw away your studies and make you repeat them. As part of my research. I had to do surveys. It counted with 10 statements and it was made using the Likert scale to have more precise answers. As part of my findings I can say that almost every group, divided by university year, had the same way of thinking. Every group had only one statement that made a big difference in the way of thinking. Freshmen had a way of thinking that was pretty similar between males and females. The change comes in the Sophomore group. Here males and females divide in a 50% percent because they don't think that you can learn at all from bad influenced students' mistakes.
There is an analysis about each statement on the work. It has some curious findings that I didn’t think that I would have. To finalize I gave a little heads up for the ones that read my work which is that I hope that the ones that read my work really can get a little advice and try to avoid those "Bad Influences" that are around everywhere specially college that is where we got to learn and start to build our future.