HB 5 Marty De Leon Escamilla & Poneck, LLC
Programs and Grants Spending Spending FSP$40B- $4B+ $3.4B IMA$802.8M$792M$838M TRS Contingency$0 $330M * ESCs$42M$25M DATE$394M$40M$32M CIS$30M$20M$31M SSI$302M$23.5M$50.5M PreK$300M$0$30M TxVSN$18M$8M 2 * One- time transition aid to assist with newly created TRS employer contribution rate of 1.5% (est. $67.87 per ADA); 2 nd yr in biennium
HB 5 – Assessment, Curriculum & Accountability
HB 5 – Transition Plan by Commissioner TEC (h) Foundation Diploma effective Fall 2013 (Commissioner Rules re: Class of 2013) Class of 2015, 2016, 2017 have the option of continuing on one of the current graduation plans SBOE will issue rules on new diploma –November 2013 (First Reading) –December 2013 (Comment Period) –January 2014 (Second Reading)
HB 5 – ASSESSMENT Eliminates 15% & cumulative provision Eliminates EOC exams for class rank/Top 10% Eliminates Eng.III/Alg. II EOC exams for graduation Reduces EOCs from 15 to 5 needed to graduate: –English I (reading + writing) –English II (reading + writing) –Algebra I –Biology I –US History
HB 5 – ASSESSMENT cont. STAAR Exams to be released ISD shall disclose test results to teachers Eliminates double-testing - satisfactory performance on AP, ACT, SAT can sub for EOC Allows ISDs to administer Algebra II and English III EOCs for diagnostic purposes (beginning in 2015) Limit of 2 benchmark tests
HB 5 – Accelerated Instruction (A.I.) Students who fail EOC = A.I. ISDs must adopt policy limiting pull-out for remediation. Students need parental permission to miss more than 10%. 90% Rule = final grade A.I. may be after hours, outside normal school year. ISDs must have A.I. budget set before comp ed funds can be used. ISDs must evaluate A.I. effectiveness and have public hearing on results.
HB 5 – Foundation Diploma – 22 credits Creates a new Foundation Diploma (22 credits) –4 ELA [Eng I, II, III + advanced course*] –3 Math [Alg I, Geometry + advanced course*] –3 Science [Biology + 2 advanced courses*] –3 Social Studies [US, Govt/Econ + W.Geo and/or History] –2 Foreign Language [computer language Ok] –1 Fine Arts –1 PE –5 electives = 22 credits *To be determined by SBOE
HB 5 – Jr. High Personal Graduation Plans (PGP) TEC Middle school principals must designate a counselor, teacher or other personnel to develop personal grad plans. All students must have a personal grad plan by 9 th grade. Applies school year
HB 5 – High School PGP TEC (a), (b) TEA must prepare a document that states: –a) benefits of choosing a PGP that includes distinguished level of achievement (which will help student to be in top ten percent of class) & –b) “encourages” parents to have the student pick a grad plan described above ISDs must post info on website and share with high school students/parents Applies school year
HB 5 – High School PGP TEC (c) High school principal must designate a counselor or administrator to review PGP options with each student/parent entering grade 9 PGP options must include distinguished level of achievement with endorsements Before the conclusion of the school year, student/parent must sign PGP Applies school year
HB 5 – Personal Graduation Plans TEC (d) PGP must identify a course of study that promotes: –college and workforce readiness and career placement and advancement and –facilitates the student's transition from secondary to postsecondary education. ISD may not prevent student/parent from confirming a PGP that leads to distinguished level of achievement or an endorsement. Student may amend PGP after the initial confirmation School shall send written notice to parents re: change. Applies school year
HB 5 – Grad Plan cont. - Endorsements Foundation Diploma (22) + Endorsement (4) = 26 credits Endorsements*: –STEM –Business and Industry –Public Services –Arts and Humanities –Multidisciplinary Studies *To be determined by SBOE
HB 5 – Types of courses in each Endorsement STEM - Science - Technology - Engineering - Advanced Math - Computer Science Public Services - Health Sciences - Education - Law Enforcement - Culinary Arts/Hospitality Business & Industry - Architecture/Construction - IT/ Communications - Accounting/Finance - Auto Tech/ Welding - Marketing - Database Management - Ag Science/ HVAC
HB 5 – Types of Courses in each Endorsement Arts/Humanities - Political Science - World Languages - English Literature - History - Cultural Studies - Fine Arts *If ISD cannot offer other endorsements, must offer Multidisciplinary Studies. Multidisciplinary Studies* - Allows a student to select courses from the curriculum of each endorsement area
HB 5 – Grad Plan cont. - Endorsements Endorsement includes: –an additional flexible math credit, –an additional flexible science credit and –two additional electives. All students must select an endorsement BUT may opt for Foundation Plan (22 credits) after grade 10 with parental consent.
HB 5 – Grad Plan cont.- Distinguished Level Distinguished Level –Foundation –Endorsement –Algebra II –4x4 Distinguished Level means: –students eligible for Top Ten 10% All high school students can apply: –to any college (including UT) –for Texas Grant
HB 5 – Endorsement Requirement (& Exception) TEC (b) ISD shall ensure each entering 9 th grader picks an endorsement (in writing) After Sophomore year, student may drop endorsement ONLY AFTER –Counselors advised student/parent on benefits of endorsements AND –Parent files written permission Applies school year
HB 5 – Foreign Language Requirement & Exceptions TEC (b-12), (b-13), (b-14) SBOE shall adopt rules to allow a student to comply foreign language requirement by substituting 2 credits in computer programming languages. Rules must allow appropriate school personnel to make determination if student unable to meet the requirement due to disability (i.e. ARD/ 504 committees) Rules must allow student with disability to meet requirement by credits in English, math, science, social studies CTE, Tech Apps, or other academic electives.
HB 5 – Performance Acknowledgements TEC (c-5) Students may earn performance acknowledgment on diploma/ transcript SBOE must adopt rules An acknowledgment is for outstanding performance for: –dual credit course –bilingualism and bi-literacy –AP or IB test –PSAT, ACT-Plan, SAT, ACT or –national or international certification or license.
HB 5 – Transcripts TEC (e), (e-1), (e-2), (e-3) SBOE will develop new transcript forms District must use new transcript forms to report the academic achievement record of students: –Foundation Diploma* or certificate of completion –Endorsement* –Distinguished Level of Achievement* –Performance Acknowledgement –*Must be reported to PEIMS at the end of each year disaggregated by all student groups
HB 5 – Counseling Re: Postsecondary Education TEC Each counselor at elementary, middle, and high school shall advise student/parent about the importance of postsecondary education, including financial aid Counselor must advise student/parent each year of high school The info must mention benefits of: –Foundation diploma, –Endorsement, –Performance acknowledgement, –Distinguished level of achievement and –disadvantages of GED Applies school year
HB 5 – Acct: Community Engagement Each ISD shall evaluate each campus District must assign a rating of exemplary, recognized, acceptable, or unacceptable by August 8 each year. –Fine arts –Wellness /physical education –Community/ parental involvement –21st Century Workforce Development –the second language acquisition program –the digital learning environment –dropout prevention strategies –educational programs for gifted and talented students ISD shall use criteria developed by a local committee Applies beginning with the
HB 5 New Reporting & Website Requirements
New Reporting & Website Requirements