Boys Basketball Jan. 14 vs. Seneca, 5:00 Jan. Pierce City, 5:00 Jan. Spokane Tournament vs. Marionville, 7:30 Jan. Spokane Tournament TBA Jan. Spokane Tournament TBA Girls Basketball Jan. 14 vs. Seneca, 5:00 Jan. Pierce City, 5:00 Jan. Galena Tournament vs. Lutie, 6:00 Jan. Galena Tournament TBA SPORTS SCHEDULES
SOPHOMORE INFORMATION January 22 – class ring information 2:30 January 23 – tour of Scott Tech 10am – 12pm January 28 - class ring orders due 8:00am
CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr. tip-off candidates freshmen – esvin rodriguez Sophomore – isaac brattin Junior – robby moody Senior – andrew mCcormick
UPCOMING EVENTS *NO SCHOOL JANUARY 20* *FBLA testing will be THURSDAY* *Ozark 7 Music Day will be January 29 at Verona.* *FCCLA Regional Elections at Marionville Thursday*
SPEECH AND DEBATE January 18 – Cassville Speech and Debate Tournament January 24 & 24 – Ozark 7 Speech and Debate Tournament at Purdy February 13 – Ozark 7 Conference Reader’s Theater and One Act Competition at Crowder College. February 15 - Hillcrest High School Speech Festival February 22 – Exeter Speech Tournament
Congratulations to Homecoming Candidates Freshmen: Morgan Schilly Sophomore: Courtney White Junior: Trisha Jones Senior: Careya Garcia
HOMECOMING INFORMATION Homecoming coronation will be held prior to the Varsity boys basketball game February 14. The dance will be immediately after the games until midnight. The dance will be semi-formal. Cost for the dance is $3 for single ticket and $5 for couples. Tickets will be sold at the door. A sign-up sheet for outside district dates will be placed on Mrs. Temple’s window. All outside dates must be signed up and approved before February 10.
Attention seniors, scholarship information is posted on the school website. Please remember to check this often for valuable information. If you have questions, see Mrs. Temple.
YOUTH ALIVE HS Youth Alive will meet Wednesdays in the HS computer lab. Community Wide Youth Service will be held this Wednesday night, Jan. 15 in the elementary gym at 6:30. Devotion will be given by Scott Hettinger.
THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! Download the FREE Purdy R-II School app for Android and iPhone! The app features breaking news, sports and activity schedules, and access to instant updates and an anonymous tip line. Search for ‘Purdy R-II School’ in Google Play or the App Store and download it today!
Hurry!!!! Only a few yearbooks are still available!!! See the High School office soon for yours! 2013 YEARBOOKS