Lodi Unified School District Comprehensive High School Courses Update Non-College Prep Science Courses & Mathematics Placement Flexibility Board of Education Study Session October 25, 2011
2 Non-College Prep Science & Mathematics Courses ScienceMathematics Earth/Physical ScienceStrategic Algebra BiologyHigh School Algebra Applied Geometry CAHSEE Intervention
3 Traditional Mathematics Pathway 8 th Grade:Algebra I 9 th Grade:Geometry 10 th Grade:Algebra II
4 District Suggested Mathematics Placement Guidelines Current 8 th Graders PathwayCurrent Course Avg. Semester Grades Avg. Semester Final Q2 & Q4 Benchmark Math Placement Recommendation AdvancedGeometry≥ CAND≥ 70% Algebra II BenchmarkGeometry< COR<70% Geometry BenchmarkAlgebra 1≥ C*AND≥70%** Geometry BenchmarkAlgebra 1≥ CAND<70%** Algebra 1 BenchmarkAlgebra 1D BenchmarkAlgebra 1FAND≥55% Algebra 1 StrategicAlgebra 1FAND<55% Algebra 1 with Shadow StrategicAlgebra Readiness≥ DOR ≥40%Algebra 1 with Shadow IntensiveAlgebra ReadinessFAND <40%High School Algebra
5 Current 6 th Graders Pathway Pre-Algebra Readiness MDTP Algebra 1 Readiness MDTP Average Benchmark Grade 5 ST Math Recommended Math Placement Accelerated≥75%AND≥35%AND≥90% (ADV)ANDAdvancedAlgebra 1 Benchmark30% % Pre-Algebra Strategic0.00% % Pre-Algebra with Shadow Current 7 th Graders Pathway Current Course Semester 1 Grade Semester 1 Final Math Placement Recommendation AcceleratedAlgebra 1≥ CAND≥ 70%Geometry BenchmarkAlgebra 1< COR< 70%Algebra 1 BenchmarkPre-Algebra≥ COR≥ 55%Algebra 1 StrategicPre-AlgebraDAND<55%Algebra 1 with Shadow StrategicPre-AlgebraFAND40% %Algebra 1 with Shadow IntensivePre-AlgebraFAND<40%Algebra Readiness District Suggested Mathematics Placement Guidelines (con”t)
6 School Site Placement Criteria & Flexibility Considerations: Mathematics Bear Creek High School Strategic Algebra 9 th graders who were scheduled for High School Algebra High School Algebra Failed Algebra I; minimum sophomore standing Applied Geometry Must have credit for High School Algebra or Algebra I; minimum sophomore standing CAHSEE Intervention All seniors who have not passed CAHSEE as 10 th graders and failed subsequent make-up exams
7 School Site Placement Criteria & Flexibility Considerations: Mathematics Lodi High School Strategic Algebra Class not offered High School Algebra Failed Algebra I in middle and high school Applied Geometry F in Algebra I in middle school and high school or weak Algebra I skills coupled with F in Geometry CAHSEE Intervention Failed CAHSEE as 10 th graders and failed subsequent make-up exams
8 School Site Placement Criteria & Flexibility Considerations: Mathematics McNair High School Strategic Algebra D or F in 8 th grade Algebra I; will take Algebra I beginning second semester High School Algebra Failed Algebra I twice Applied Geometry 11 th and 12 th graders who need to complete mathematics graduation requirement CAHSEE Intervention Failed CAHSEE as 10 th graders and failed subsequent make-up exams
9 School Site Placement Criteria & Flexibility Considerations: Mathematics Tokay High School Strategic Algebra Class not offered High School Algebra 9-12 th graders who have previously failed Algebra I, teacher or counselor recommendation Applied Geometry 9-12 th graders who passed Algebra I with very low scores or grades; High School Algebra or Geometry students who failed CAHSEE Intervention Seniors who have failed CAHSEE as 10 th graders and failed subsequent make-up exams
10 School Site Placement Criteria & Flexibility Considerations: Mathematics
11 School Site Placement Criteria Non-College Prep Science Bear Creek High School Earth/Physical Science All 9 th graders are placed in a college prep class; some who are in geometry or higher skip the class and are placed in biology Biology All 10 th graders are in a college prep class; some who took the class as 9 th graders are in Chemistry
12 School Site Placement Criteria Non-College Prep Science Lodi High School Earth/Physical Science Credit recovery only; teachers are giving extra time to students needing additional support Biology Credit recovery only
13 School Site Placement Criteria Non-College Prep Science McNair High School Earth/Physical Science No students are enrolled; all students are placed in college prep earth/physical science Biology No students are enrolled; all students are placed in college prep biology
14 School Site Placement Criteria Non-College Prep Science Tokay High School Earth/Physical Science All 9 th graders are placed in a college prep class; non-college prep classes are th graders who either failed the college prep course or came into Lodi USD behind in credits, low GPA, not UC/college-bound at this time Biology Students who failed the college prep course, but had no intention of going to a 4-year college, or whose GPA, etc. would exclude from directly attending a 4-year college
15 School Site Placement Criteria Non-College Prep Science
16 Number of Courses Offered & Student Enrollments Per School Site