Welcome Aboard! Denbigh High School Aviation Academy
Where are we?
Who are we? Magnet Program of Denbigh High School A total of 330 students Students can attend Aviation who are interested in (but not limited to): Aerospace Physics Computers Aviation Engineering Airline & Airport Operations Navigation Meteorology
How does Denbigh High School – Aviation Academy work together? Shuttle buses run to and from Aviation Academy and Denbigh Student schedule is based upon course requests and interests Typical Freshman schedule has 3-5 classes at Aviation Junior or Senior schedule may have up to 2 classes at Aviation
Concentrations Based Upon Student Interests Student Interests Aviation Technology Aviation Operations Aviation Aerospace Aviation Career Ready All Concentrations are integrated into the Virginia Department of Education High School Diploma Requirements
Aviation Technician Concentration Courses Taught YearAviation Classes Freshman Introduction to Aerospace Sophomore Aviation II or Electronics I Junior AMT 100 Aviation Tech III Senior AMT 110 Aviation Tech IV
Aviation Operations Concentration Courses Taught YearAviation Classes Freshman Introduction to Aerospace Sophomore Aviation II Junior Ground Pilot Electronics I Senior Air Traffic Control Airport / Airline Operations
Aviation Aeronautical Concentration Courses Taught YearAviation Classes Freshman Information Tech Fundamentals Sophomore Computer Systems I Junior Computer Systems II Computer Network I Senior Computer Systems III Computer Network II
Aviation Career Ready Concentration Courses Available YearAviation Classes Freshman Introduction to Aerospace Sophomore Aviation II Junior Airport / Airline Operations Electronics I Senior Electronics II Internship / Senior Seminar
Benefits For Students Dual Enrollment Industry Certification Instill Critical Thinking Work Site Experience
Our Partners Committed To Excellence
Colleges with Dual Enrollment & Articulation Agreements
Air Disaster Exercise Pictures
More Air Disaster Exercise Pictures
More Air Disaster Pictures
Other Hands-On Opportunities
Making the class come to life
In the labs for English and Electronics
In our AMT Lab
In our ground pilot or AMT class
Or just taking a break….
We like to learn through hands on
You just might not know what will come at the airport
Students working on their lab
Common Traits of Successful Students At Aviation Academy Regular Attendance Good Grades C+ average (2.2 GPA) Strong work ethic Desire to want to better themselves College and Career Minded Positive & respectful attitude
Expectations During the Four Years Completion of Algebra I by 9 th grade year (minimum) Physics taken in 10 th grade year Take at least one dual enrollment course Maintain at least a 2.2 GPA (C+ average) No D’s or F’s
Highlights Class President, Valedictorian and Salutatorian are all Aviation Academy students 5 students in process of getting Pilots license 4 students passed A+ certification 10 Internships developed
Highlights continued $4,500 in grants for STEM course enhancement 5 teachers participated in three day workshop at NASA 15 students volunteering at the Virginia Air & Space Center Created 1 st Annual STEM night
Our Core Beliefs The Core Beliefs of the Academy Be attentive to details The difference between an employee that is highly sought after and recommended is those that are attentive to details. Be safe Every location wants their employees safe when they work. Being safety minded keeps the work productivity high. Be prepared & organized In order to do a job right means that great preparation and organization must be done to minimize the work and mistakes. Be committed Whether it is a team or individual approach, it is critical to be focused on your work. Anything less is unacceptable. Be clean All work locations are required to be clean at all times. This ensures the longevity of the tools as well as maintaining a standard of excellence.
Focus Areas #1 – Soft Skills Formal conversations Interviews Public speaking Presentations Informal Conversations Day to day work Phone calls s Professionalism Attire Courtesy & Respect Giving Back
Focus Area #2 – Hard Skills Written Expression Resume Cover letter Reports & Outlines Project Based Critical Thinking Creation of an ePortfolio Real world scenarios Preparing for the next level College applications Grants & Scholarships Preparing and maintaining a budget
Focus Area #3 - Courses Dual enrollment Course pathways Experience with tools, vocabulary Industry Standards Certifications Internships, mentorship & site tours Safety & Cleanliness Research & Development Teaming with partners to develop new products & models Trying to fail Exploration of ideas
Our Future Needs Areas in which our program needs assistance Grants for additional equipment iPads with Apps More internship opportunities Guest Speakers Exposure to latest research / technologies Develop a technical panel
For More Information…
DR. AARON L. SMITH My Contact Information
Pictures from tonight's meeting