Effective District Strategies for Struggling Clubs Rotary Zone 24 West
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Today’s Facilitators Zone 24W Coordinator Team Members Gayle Knepper Dave Stambaugh Distri ct 5010 District 5060 Jackie HobalAl Bergsma District 5370District 5360
Topics for Discussion Impact of struggling clubs Assessing the risk factors Developing a strategy Forming a team Taking action: 6 steps A real life story
Poll Question
Identifying the Impact of Struggling Clubs Al Bergsma District 5360 Assistant Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
The Impact of Struggling Clubs Existing & potential members Other clubs & district Community Potential partners & funding sources Service projects Rotary’s image
Identifying the Risk Factors Rotary Zone 24 West
Signs of At-Risk Clubs Progressively declining membership Few service projects Lack of social events Poor and/or cancelled meetings Consistently late dues Does not file required reports
Signs of At-Risk Clubs More Examples Little member participation in district events Difficulty in finding leaders Few younger members Little or no fundraising Lack criteria of functioning club
Poll Question
How do we start?
Defining Struggling Clubs Dave Stambaugh District 5060 Assistant Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
Step 1: Assessing the Risk Quantify club functioning Continuity in review/ assessment Annual review of all clubs; semi- annual review of at-risk clubs Track trends: club moves from healthy to struggling over time
Step 1: Assessing the Risk Ready-to-Use Tools Rotary Club Central Vibrant Club Assessment Club Self Assessment
Rotary Club Central Governor & AG View
Vibrant Club Assessment
Club Self Assessment
Effective Rotary Clubs Indicators - MOP Measures club functioning Effective Club Criteria Minimum Standards
Effective Club Criteria Sustain/Increase membership Implement successful service projects Support TRF (financially & program participation Leaders beyond the club level
Minimum Standards Meet regularly * Conduct effective service projects * Accept visits of district/RI leaders Pay RI & district dues without assistance * Members receive a Rotary magazine * frequently observed in struggling clubs
Minimum Standards Maintain liability insurance Act consistently with RI policies Provide accurate membership lists Resolve disputes amicably * No litigation with RI Cooperative district relationship * * frequently observed in struggling clubs
Creating the Plan Gayle Knepper District 5010 Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
Step 2: Categorizing Clubs Rotary Club Central
Rotary Club Central Categorizing Clubs 5. Excellent – consistently engaged 4. Good – engaged, could increase effectiveness 3. Satisfactory – is functioning, could improve 2. Needs improvement - significant assistance needed 1. Non-functional – failed to meet functioning club criteria
Other Considerations Number years at risk Assistance already provided Response of the club Was structured follow-up plan implemented? Have targets been set & what is the progress?
Step 3: Prioritization & Decisions How will resources be allocated? What will have the most impact? Plan by category, customize by club Include in district strategic plan Involve DG/DGE/DGN/DGND for continuity & long-term results
Step 4: Forming the Team Who is responsible ? Team size: 4 to 7 Based on district & geography District team or regional teams DG participates (perhaps adjunct member) Consider “turnaround specialist”
Step 4: Forming the Team Team Composition Examples District leaders Recent PDGs Turnaround specialized From vibrant club Regionally or district based
Poll Question
Identifying the Action Steps Al Bergsma District 5360 Assistant Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
Possible Action Steps Visioning Customized solutions Pairing with a vibrant club Assign a mentor for development in areas needed Consider making it a satellite club or merging two clubs
“Required” for Results Club is committed to change & to accept help Written plan and targets for club Timeline sufficient for change and regular progress reports
Step 6: Follow Up, Evaluate & Adapt Consistent follow up & support Regular progress reports & feedback Adaption of plan, as needed AG is key link
When might it be time… for the club to close? Years of consistent work & no change Poor community reputation Club is no longer relevant Club unwilling to change Does not meet functioning club criteria
A Real Life Story Dave Stambaugh District 5060 Assistant Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
Blueprint: The Morinville Club Story
Rotary Club of Morinville Story
Blueprint: Creating a Vibrant Morinville Club A. Commitment of Leadership Membership chair & committee with 3 members B. Begin with the End in Mind Vibrant club – enough members to provide service above self Membership – discussed at each club meeting
Blueprint: Creating a Vibrant Morinville Club C. Create the Plan Committee meetings to develop plan Condense feedback into a 3-year plan D. Ambiance & Friendliness Location, room, décor, name badges First impressions, greetings & more Programs, monthly social activities
Blueprint: Creating a Vibrant Morinville Club E. Use Best Practices for Development Review plan periodically Firesides for classification development Annual meeting with Chamber of Commerce F. Engage all Members
Summary: Six Steps to an Effective District Strategy 1. Assess clubs 2. Segment by vibrancy category 3. Plan: Prioritize, make resource decisions, develop strategy 4. Form the team 5. Take action 6. Follow up, evaluate, adapt
Resources Jackie Hobal District 5370 Asst Rotary Coordinator Rotary Zone 24 West
Resources rotary.org Rotary Club Central Club Assessment Tools Be A Vibrant Club (booklet) Membership Development Resource Guide (assessments)
Resources Vibrant Club Assessment Club Self Assessment
Resources In person Community Expertise Professional who works to turn around struggling organizations/ businesses Your Rotary Coordinator
Zone 24W Coordinator Team Gayle Knepper Jackie Hobal Overall CoordinatorAsst Coordinator D2225, D5040 Liaison D5060, D5360 Liaison Dave Stambaugh Al Bergsma Asst Coordinator D5010, D5050 Liaison D5370, D5550 Liaison Send best practices, ideas and samples for sharing
Rotary Coordinators Zone 24E/32 Lynda Ryder Karien Ziegler Zone 24EZone 32
Resources Workshops Zone Pre-Institute Toronto – October 15 Public image, membership & engagement, training, The Rotary Foundation, youth programs, future leaders and more
Webinars RI & Zone Search “webinars” Topics from membership and service to leadership and Club Central. Zone 24 West One Rotary: Building Highly-Effective Clubs November :00 pm PST/7:00 pm EST
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