AP Tues 9/20 1.TEST 2.HW:Finish Gravity write-up AP Wed 9/21 1.Lecture notes: Projectiles (2D kinematics) 2.Asst: Asst B on worksheet (start with the # you drew from the box, and then go from there.)
AP Thurs 9/22 1.Students will present: –going in order (chapter 4: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 30, 32b&c, 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 43, 46a, and 48) for any problem anyone has questions on. –QUICKLY present (a) what the lists are for that problem - and some of them have 4 lists of variables!! - and a brief explanation of why the lists are that way if necessary. THEN, (b) the next steps to solve the problem BRIEFLY. (I really don't want this to take more than a half-hour of class time TOTAL tomorrow.) 2. HW: Get all of asst B finished. I’ll be here after school if you need more help and/or you can me tonight if you get stuck.
AP Friday 9/23 1.Collect lab books & binders 2.Go over asst “B” projectiles. 3.Asst: Asst C
You will have the next 3 days in class to work: Monday 9/26: 1.Show me Asst C #7 on your graphing calc. 2.“More Projectiles” ditto Tuesday 9/27: 1.Finish “More Projectiles” ditto 2.Start “Ditto G” Wednesday 9/28: 1.Finish “Ditto G” (next test scheduled for Tuesday Oct. 4 th )
Thursday 9/29 1.Interactive Physics 2.Look at graphing tests if time (tomorrow if not) 3.HW: HS worksheet
Friday 9/30 1.Binders due – AGAIN! 1.Do you have all the agendas? 2.All old assts in there? 3.(check nb rubric) 2.Do 2 problems from chapter 5, together on HW sheet 3.Look at graphing tests 4.Shoot the monkey 5.Finish IP assts Asst: B again, starting with #30
Graph from day 2 asst:
Similar graph to day 4 asst:
d x vectors and d y vectors:
v x vectors and v y vectors:
a x vectors and a y vectors:
It will fall a greater distance during the 2nd second, because it is speeding up. The average velocity would be bigger (negative), and it would take less time to fall Confetti is subject to air resistance, so no...
C. trajectory constant zero acceleration force of gravityequal to frames of reference horizontal vertical trajectory horizontalvertical zero -9.8 m/s 2 zero increasesstays the same positive zeronegative the same reversedhorizontal vertical equal equal to Didn’t really cover
Part D: Problem 1.1 same less more Imagine the astronauts walking on the moon! See below…
Parts E and F: A e. Vertical “speed” greatest? least? A & E / C all E parabola duh! NO! Height of bldg matters! directly above the flare; both have same (initial) horizontal velocity 20 m/s negative won’t! time is “y” thing will go further (2 x as fast = ??) YES! See IP 6.0 seconds Have inverse relationship: longer jump means less height and vice-versa. See graph on Day 3 asst.
Monday 10/3 – Homecoming week Hand out high school textbooks + Forces assts 2.Do vectors sheet together 3.Go over HS worksheet (see previous slides) 4.Redo ditto C 1-6 (#5 w/ calculus) & Study (Projectiles Test tomorrow) Tuesday 10/4 1.Projectiles test 2.Asst: Newton’s 3 Laws worksheet (asst 1) Wed 10/5 1.Notes on equilibrium problems (asst 3) Do/Start “dead parrot” & “misc” problem 2.Brief notes on the 1-D problems (asst 2) 3.Asst: Rest of asst 3 problems Thurs 10/6 (no HW day, KL at Negotiations) 1.Work period ½ hour asst 3 2.Work period ½ hour asst 2 Note: skipping asst A (book notes + ppt notes) this year – No HW day Friday 10/7 1.Some Newton’s Laws demos 2.Work period 3.Asst: Rest of asst 2 problems Note that all three Forces assts will be picked up Monday****