Newton-Conover City Schools Elementary and Conover School Improvement Plans
Serve Utilize Technology to improve instruction 4Cs-Communication, Collaboration, Creativity & Critical Thinking Celebrate accomplishments & each other Engage students Enrich the lives of students Differentiate based upon individual needs District Focus
Conover School School Improvement Plan
Conover Demographics
SIT Members Phyllis Pegram Principal Priscilla Palmisano Asst. Principal Jeremy Ross Middle School Mary Graham Pre-K Joan Cresimore School Nurse Tasha Herman Teacher Assistant Carissa Shafer Speech Margaret Bush Teacher Assistant Alesa Davis High School (CHAIR) Eileen Cangemi Elementary Tonya Wehnau Parent Rep
School Focus Create healthy, active, and appropriate citizens in their school and society Provide a rigorous and differentiated environment Create a positive climate Align instruction Improve the use of technology
Goal 1 & 2: 100% of students will thrive in a rigorous and differentiated learning environment. 100% of students will be healthy, active, and appropriate citizens in their school and society
Action Steps for Goals 1 & 2: Incorporate strategies into the instructional plans that show differentiation Monitor attendance rates for students Utilize Adaptive Materials in all classrooms Implement ways for the staff and students to be involved in healthy choices Utilize proper rules and regulations to ensure safety
Goal 3: 100% of staff will communicate with, and contribute in a positive manner to all stakeholders in the students’ lives.
Action Steps for Goal 3: Implement standards for all stakeholders Provide communication in a variety of ways to all stakeholders Promote opportunities to give back to the community Provide minutes to all stakeholders when meetings occur
Goal 4: 100% of staff will align instruction to the needs of the students and the requirements of the state.
Action Steps for Goal 4: Increase staff attendance rate in the district Provide PLC’s for grade levels Train staff with new Common Core standards Incorporate morale boasters Inform staff of available staff development or trainings that are available Follow all rules/procedures related to field trips
Goal 5: 100% of staff will be proficient and consistent in using instructional technology in the classroom.
Action Steps for Goal 5: Utilize technology in all classrooms Provide on-going technology training
North Newton Elementary School School Improvement Plan
North Newton Demographics
Economically Disadvantaged
SIT Members Mandy Cobb 3rd Grade Jonathan Tharpe 4th Grade Co- chair Matthew McKinney 5th Grade Sharon Hartsoe Special Area Kelly Clampitt Teacher Assistant Amy Ross Parent Rep Shane Whitener Principal Jill Hager Instructional Coach Dawn West Emily Smith Guidance Bobbi Jones Kindergarten Stacey Mrazek 1st Grade Chair Cheri Dudley 2nd Grade Mandy Cobb 3rd Grade
School Focus Increase Reading Proficiency Increase Math Proficiency Decrease the Number of Discipline Referrals Increase Number of Volunteers and Opportunities for Parents to be Involved in the School Building Specific Academic and Value-Added Goals will be Created when North Carolina Releases EOG Data
Goal 1: North Newton Elementary School will increase our school wide reading proficiency by 10% as measured by TRC, and achieve high growth status as measured by the EOG’s at the end of this academic school year.
Action Steps for Goal 1 Each grade level developed plans to address this reading goal. Identify at-risk students Implement 90 minutes of reading in each class Implement use of mClass Advisor to develop interventions for Dibels Implement Letterland in first grade Utilize the EC teachers for inclusion services Utilize ICT process for at-risk students
Goal 2: North Newton Elementary will increase our school wide math proficiency by 10% and achieve high growth status as measured by the EOG’s at the end of this academic school year.
Action Steps for Goal 2 Implement Math Expressions to fidelity Assessment using Unit tests Plan weekly with Instructional Coach with Math Expressions (in addition to their PLC meeting day) Focus on conceptual thinking instead of procedure
North Newton Elementary will decrease the number of discipline referrals from 63 to 30 by the end of the school year. North Newton Elementary School will increase the number of parent volunteer hours and increase the amount of parent involvement by the end of the school year. Goal 3 & 4:
Action Steps for Goal 3 & 4 Meet monthly to analyze the PBIS data Reorganize PTO so that all meetings are Open Mtgs. Set up committees through PTO Use Remind 101 Encourage parents to volunteer through the monthly newsletters Have the PTO incorporate a monthly newsletter and update the website Have a schedule set up for parents when they come in to volunteer
Shuford Elementary School School Improvement Plan
Shuford Demographics
Economically Disadvantaged
SIT Members Cierra Parker 5 th Grade Kecia Hopper Special Area Gina Lutz Teacher Assistants Jody Cecil Parent Rep Tina Starnes Parent Rep Patrick Nelson Principal Scarlet Davis Instructional Coach Julianne Surratte Kindergarten Shannon Weaver 1st Grade Kristy Davis 2nd Grade Chair Adrianne Blackwelder 3rd Grade Shannon Childress 4 th Grade
School Focus Increase Math Proficiency Increase Reading Proficiency Implement a Character Program Implement a Education/Bullying Program Specific Academic and Value-Added Goals will be Created when North Carolina Releases EOG Data
Goal 1: Each grade level will increase the number of students on grade level as compared to the Mclass/Dibels data by 10% or more according to the Mclass/Dibels data in Reading by June 2014.
Action Steps for Goal 1 Incorporate flexible reading groups Incorporate Letterland interventions Utilize differentiated word sorts Implement Project Based Learning opportunities
Goal 2: Each grade level will increase the number of students on grade level according to the Math Expressions unit tests overall by 10% according to the Math Expressions data in math by June 2014.
Action Steps for Goal 2 Use all Math Expressions materials and intervention materials as needed according to the program Use volunteers/tutors to work with individual struggling students. Incorporate differentiated strategies in the classroom (Ruby Payne/SIOP/RIGOR) Offer tutoring to at-risk by core teachers Initiate the at-risk teacher mentor program
Goal 3: ● 100% of Shuford students will participate in a character education/bullying prevention program by June 2013.
Action Steps for Goal 3 Implement a character trait of the month Highlight the Student of the month Implement a Character Kid of the month bulletin board and website with selected students’ photographed. Hold a luncheon for students identified as showing the monthly trait Implement classroom guidance classes to address character trait
South Newton Elementary School School Improvement Plan
South Newton Demographics
Economically Disadvantaged
SIT Members South Newton Elementary School Julia Styers Principal Dr. Scarlett Davis Instructional Coach Rich Painchaud Chair - Special Area Jane Clark Co Chair K/1 rep Christy Buff 2/3 rep Terry Drum 4/5 rep Jenny Morgan Pre K rep Shelly Van Sanford EC rep Teacher Assistants/ Classified Staff Marguerite Sullivan TBA Parent Rep
School Focus Specific Academic and Value-Added Goals will be Created when North Carolina Releases EOG Data Increase Math Proficiency Increase Reading Proficiency Address Healthy and Active Lifestyles Become a PBIS model school
Goal 1: Each grade level will increase the number of students on grade level as compared to the Beginning of Year (BOY) Mclass/Dibels data and measured by the End of Year (EOY) Mclass/Dibels data in Reading according to the following scale: 80% or higher by 5% % by 10% 60% - 70% by 15% Below 50% by 20%
Action Steps for Goal 1 Balanced Literacy Café and Daily 5 Words Their Way Groups Tiger Time interventions McLass interventions Progress monitoring reds and yellows every 10 and 15 days
Goal 2: Each grade level will increase the number of students on grade level as compared to the Class Scapes / data and measured by ClassScapes data in Math according to the following scale: 80% or higher by 5% % by 10% 60% - 70% by 15% Below 50% by 20%
Action Steps for Goal 2 Math enrichment / remediation using activity cards from Math Expressions Teach Math Expressions from cover to cover with fidelity Use data from Quick Quizzes and Unit tests for prescriptive intervention Meet twice per month with instructional coach and principal to discuss progress with Math Expressions and plan accordingly
Goal 3 & 4: South Newton staff will increase the number of activities offered for students and staff encouraging healthy active lifestyles from 2 for students including PE and recess to 4 and from 0 for staff to 2 this school year.
Action Steps for Goal 3 Implement the theme “On the Move” Provide staff seminar titled “Making Choices for a Healthier Lifestyle.” Encourage students/staff to join “On the Move” club to walk / run after school Provide weight loss contest for staff
Goal 4: South Newton Elementary will become a model PBIS school as identified by the criteria from the National Positive Behavior Intervention Support program by the end of the school year.
Action Steps for Goal 4: Determine and set guidelines and expectations for becoming a model school Develop an action plan Hold monthly meetings to determine progress of the goals