STEP Transition Workshop Memphis November 8, 2008 STEP Transition Workshop Memphis November 8, 2008 Secondary Transition Update Secondary Transition Update Presented by Joseph Fisher, Asst. Commissioner
Transition Outcomes Project with Dr. Ed O’Leary Purpose of the Transition Outcome Projects: –Assist LEAs in meeting the transition service requirements of IDEA 1997 –Evaluate the effectiveness of providing and delivering transition services to students and families through the IEP –Provide training and resource materials on the transition process for educators, administrators, adult agency personnel, parents, and others
Purpose of TOPs cont. –Improve the postschool outcomes of students with disabilities –Develop a model and process for meeting the transition requirements and identify strategies/interventions that work and can be replicated and implemented in a variety of states and districts.
TOPs in TN Twenty-two school districts completed the TOPs training, developed and implemented action plans and all have shown significant improvement. TOPs Expanded Across the State – In Oct., school systems being monitored during the School Year sent a team to Nashville for in-depth training in transition requirements in order to further improve transition planning in TN.
TOPs Training and Technical Assistance Statewide transition Consulting and Guidance is being provided through a contract with Dr. Ed O’Leary, Educational Consulting, Inc., nationally known Transition Specialist
Quality of Transition Services in the IEP The Federal requirement known as Indicator 13, asks What percent of youth aged 16 and above have an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the postsecondary goals.
Quality of Transition Services cont’d Quality of Transition Services begins with Effective Transition Planning that: –Helps student achieve his/her dreams! –Prevents dropout –Increases graduation rates –Increases enrollment in postsecondary education –Improves employment rates Transition Training, TN October, 2008, Dr. Ed O’Leary
Transition Academies Transition Academies held concurrently in Knoxville and Nashville in August. Jane Winstead and EdExcellence presented two days of in-depth training in the transition process for 56 participants.
Work Based Learning Training Work Based Learning Training - September and October, 2008, in Knoxville and Jackson Check DOE Website: Career & Technical Education, Work-Based Learning, for further information (WBL Contact Sheila Carlton, Program Consultant.)
Resource Mapping Division representatives joined our agency partners across the state October 10 to participate in Resource Mapping to better provide services to students and families in the transition process. Session 2 scheduled November 14, 2008
Putnam County Transition Project Putnam County Transition Project with TN Technological University provides a teacher and job coaches to work with students ages who would significantly benefit from a program designed explicitly for: Development of work skills, Supported or independent living skills, and Assistance in accessing post-secondary programs, services, and/or vocational training. Program is operated both on-site at an apartment at TTU and in Community at various work sites, and in Conjunction with existing supported living and work environments.
Division of Special Education Website - Transition Newly revised Tennessee Connections Transition Manual on Department/Division Website ed/setransition.shtml
Secondary Transition Links of Interest –Disability Services Pathfinder – Links to Services and Agencies –Parent Guide to Transition Planning in the IEP Process –Student Guide to Transition Services –Transition Assessment Tool-Kit – Developed by EdExcellence –NCWD/Youth – National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability – Role of Families and Advocates
Additional Links of Interest on our website TCIDS – TN Career Information Delivery System - Site for Career Exploration EdExcellence – University of TN, Knoxville Materials are available for download in an effort to assist in meeting the requirements for an on-going, individualized, age-appropriate transition assessment process as required in IDEA 2004.
Self-Determination/Advocacy An initiative that promotes the student advocating for him/herself. Having a voice at the IEP meeting. Assisting with their future plans
Contact Information Contact Jane Winstead for more information on the provision of transition services: East TN Resource Services, Knoxville,
Thank you for all you do to help teachers teach and children learn!