Using WEAVE Online Nathan Lindsay & Dan Stroud September 4, 2013
Creating RooWriter Reading Packets - Tuesday, September 10, 2013 (Henri Wood) Assessment Basics - Wednesday, September 18, 2013 (Nathan Lindsay) Writing Intensive (WI) Instructors Discussion Group - Wednesday, October 2, 2013 (Henri Wood) General Education Assessment - Tuesday, October 8, 2013 (Nathan Lindsay) Conducting Focus Groups - Tuesday, November 12, 2013 (Nathan Lindsay and Dan Stroud) Assessment Workshops: Fall 2013
During the fall semester, at which of the following Kansas City events/locations are you most likely to be found? 1. In the Country Club Plaza 2. At the Kansas City Zoo 3. In the Jazz District 4. At a Royals or Chiefs game 5. In the library 6. At a UMKC sporting event 7. At an assessment workshop
Whenever I am starting something new, I generally prefer to “try it out” and “play with it,” more than reading the directions. 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 6. Not applicable
Four “Big Picture” questions to ask about assessment How do you define a successful student? What have you learned about your students’ learning? Are you satisfied with the results? If not satisfied with the results, what are you going to do about it?
Submitting the Assessment Annual Report Part I: Detailed Assessment Report All items submitted in WEAVEonline Mission statement Goals Learning outcomes Measurements and achievement targets Findings Action plans To log in to WEAVE, go to c/login.aspx c/login.aspx
Using WEAVE for the Assessment Cycle Everything from has carried over into the assessment cycle If you are creating entirely new goals, learning outcomes, etc., don’t write these over the top of old items (this will mess up your linked associations in WEAVE). Create new ones. If you need to delete something in WEAVE, please contact me, and I will do it for you
Sharing Assessment Plans: Printing Reports from WEAVE Click on the “Reports” tab Under “Select cycle,” choose your cycle (the cycle should be chosen if you’d like your findings listed) Under “Select a report,” there is a button you can select for “Assessment Data by Section” to make your report a little shorter Under “Select report entities,” choose the areas you would like to report
Printing Reports from WEAVE (cont.) Click on “Next” (on the right side of the page) On the second page, under “Report-Specific Parameters,” click on “Keep user-inserted formatting.” Click on “Run” (on the right side of the page) The Report will come up in a new window, and this can be copied and pasted into a Word document.
Assessment Plan Narrative Part II: Timeline/Account of Activities “Assessment Plan Narrative” In 1-2 pages, tell the story of all the work and careful consideration you and your colleagues accomplished in your assessment work this year (Ex.: meetings, mentoring, experiments, setbacks, lessons learned) Submit this in the Document Management section in WEAVE Please follow the four outlined questions (see next slide)
Four Questions for the Assessment Narrative 1) Process: Please describe the specific activities and efforts used to design, implement, and analyze your assessment plan during this academic year. This narrative might be organized chronologically, listing meetings, mentoring sessions, and experiments at each stage of the developmental process including the names of people involved in various capacities, with each event given one paragraph. 2) Positives: Please describe what was most useful about the assessment process, or what went well. What did you learn about your faculty, students, or program through this experience? 3) Challenges: Please describe the challenges you encountered in terms of the development or implementation of your assessment procedures, as well as the lessons you learned from this experience and your efforts or plans for overcoming them. This section might be organized topically. 4) Support: Please describe your program’s experience during the past year with the support and administrative structures in place at UMKC for Assessment: the Provost’s Office, the University Assessment Committee, FaCET, and so on. If there are ways in which these areas could be improved to better support your efforts in assessment, please make those suggestions here.
1xx K K K Program Level Student Learning Outcomes K= Knowledge/Comprehension; A= Application / Analysis; S= Synthesis /Evaluation 1xx S K K 2xx A A S A A K 3xx A K A A K A 4xx S A K S Capstone S S
Avoiding “Garbage In, Garbage Out” An assessment plan submitted for each degree is not enough Focus on encouraging best practices Enhancing overall quality through: One-on-one mentoring Multiple drafts/iterative process Timely and thorough peer review given for all academic degrees and student affairs programs
Submission: October 1 st 2013 Final reporting complete for the assessment cycle No edits allowed after 1 st of October During the fall semester, the University Assessment Committee and the Asst. VP for Assessment will give feedback on these Annual Reports
After October 1 st Assessment entries for AY begin Assessment Cycle runs from June 1, 2013 to May 30, 2014 Need to implement the Action Plans from last year Update mission statements, goals, learning outcomes, and measurements based on feedback from UAC. Items in WEAVE carry over from last year unless changed. Enter new findings and action plans.
Assessment Resources Assessment Handbook Core principles and processes regarding UMKC assessment WEAVE guidelines Assessment glossary 10 FAQs Appendices Available at assessment/downloads/handbook-2011.pdf assessment/downloads/handbook-2011.pdf
Contact Information For assistance with assessment, please contact Nathan Lindsay, Assistant Vice Provost for Assessment at or