International Education & Global Opportunities at CUA Presented by Tanith Fowler Corsi Asst. Vice President for Global Education The Center for Global Education The Catholic University of America
International Education at CUA All international educational programs, services and initiatives that take place at the University level Education Abroad International Students and Scholar Services International Programs International Research & Scholars (incl. Fulbrights) International Agreements and Collaborations Internationalization of Curriculum University-wide International Guidelines & Protocols
Center for Global Education (CGE) CGE Mission Statement: “To foster a sense of international community that builds on the University's strong intellectual and Catholic Mission” CGE Mission Goals: ■ I mplement the university’s strategic objective of internationalization ■ Serve as hub for international educational activities at CUA ■ Coordinate, build and strengthen CUA international programs and initiatives in collaboration with academic and administrative units
CGE Structure Education Abroad Office (CUAbroad) Develops and administers international educational opportunities overseas in coordination with academic & administrative units International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) Provides immigration and cultural advising and programming
CGE Staff Central Administration Asst. VP, Global Education: Tanith Fowler Corsi Education Abroad (CUAbroad) Director: Ella Sweigert Program Manager: Madison Bolls CUA Rome Director: Dr. David Dawson Vasquez International Students & Scholar Services (ISSS) Director: Helene Robertson Asst. Director: Gudrun Kendon Adm. Assistant: Rita Barriteau CGE is located in McMahon 111 – Office hours are M-F 9am to 5pm
CGE Objectives Support schools in their existing efforts to bring global perspectives into their curricula Develop CUA-wide international guidelines & standards that incorporate best practices Oversee a CUA-wide Global Education Committee to ensure University dialogue on international education Maintain and develop the range of international agreements and memoranda of understanding
CGE Long-Term Goals Brand CUA as an international university Make CUA more competitive on a global scale Help with the recruitment and retention of quality students, staff, and faculty
Education Abroad Nation-Wide The number of US students studying abroad has gone up 150% in last 10 years 55.4% participated in a short-term program (including summer, January term, and programs less than 8 weeks) 57.8% studied in Europe (15% in Latin America, 10.3% in Asia, 5.2% in Oceania, 4.2% in Africa, and multiple locations including Middle-East) * Data from Open Doors Fast Facts Report 2008 (
Education Abroad at CUA CUA offers students a variety of credit-bearing education abroad opportunities: CUA in Rome – CUA’s own semester program with CUA Rome facilities & Program Director Faculty-led short-term programs (Summer programs: Mexico, Poland, Europe, South America, Asia) New Initiative: new CUA affiliated semester programs in Mexico, Latin America, Africa and Asia & additional short-term faculty-led programs CUA-affiliated semester programs in Western Europe, Australia, and China (over 20 program locations) Exchange programs & direct enrollment (Western Europe & China) CUA non-affiliated accredited semester programs (World-wide) International internship programs (England & Belgium)
CUA Student Exchange Programs CUA has agreements of academic cooperation for the exchange of students with overseas partner universities. Examples include: Hong Kong Polytechnic for Engineering students Essex & Leeds Universities in England for Politics students Leuven University in Belgium for Politics students University of Eichstatt, Germany for Language students
CGE Faculty Support Acts as clearinghouse for CUA Global Education initiatives & faculty opportunities Oversees Visiting Scholars Process (including Fulbright) Promotes Formal Faculty Programs (Franklin Fellows Program) Develops University-wide international protocols (University- sponsored international travel-related) Develops faculty-led short-term education abroad opportunities (summer, winter, spring break) Provides faculty training in matters of overseas health, safety, liability & crisis management
Faculty International Collaborations CUA has a variety of faculty-driven international collaborations with overseas universities & institutions. Examples include: Physics Department & Vatican Observatory School of Engineering & several Asian universities (Taiwan, Vietnam, China, India, Portugal) Columbus School of Law & University of Lisbon (joint research & conferences) School of Music & Terezin Institute (Czech Republic) School of Nursing & Brothers of Charity in Belgium (certificate program)
Other CUA-Sponsored Overseas Travel CUA also offers students a variety of non-credit bearing overseas travel opportunities Faculty-led Spring Break Trips (Rome, Greece, Paris, Berlin) Campus Ministry Mission Trips (Jamaica, Panama, Honduras, Belize, Tanzania) Student Groups, i.e. Engineers without Borders (El Salvador) Athletics (Short-term trips to England, Argentina, Italy) Alumni Affairs (CUA alumni trips to Ireland, Italy, Holland) These programs are not considered education abroad but they are still university-sponsored travel programs
Questions? For more info on the Center for Global Education & Global Opportunities at CUA, please contact: Tanith Fowler Corsi, Asst. VP, Global Education Web: Phone: (202)