Rosa E. Hernandez, Principal David Knittle, Dean of Students David Valentino, Dean of Instruction Ruben Pineda, 6 th Grade Asst. Principal Brittany Jennings, 7 th Grade Asst. Principal LaTonya Smith, 8 th Grade Asst. Principal Frances Cortina, Magnet/Title I Coordinator Kylene Boswell-Jones, Instructional Coordinator Antonio Herrador, Business Manager Maria Nuncio Principal Intern T HEME : B URBANK A LL -S TARS B UILDING A L EGACY C OFFEE WITH THE P RINCIPAL
W ELCOME P ARENTS ! “Relationships are the foundation upon which winning teams and organizations are built.”
P RINCIPAL U PDATES - M ISSION /VISION Mission Statement The mission of Burbank Middle School is to create a community of empowered learners in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Vision Statement Achieving Success as a Team; 110% No Excuses! “Every play, every moment, every movement matters.”
R ICE M ARKETING P OSITION S TATEMENTS “You create a culture of greatness by expecting your people to be their best. You don’t settle for anything less than excellence.” Segment#1: Burbank is the premier middle school for high-achieving, college- bound Vanguard students because we offer: a) all Pre-AP courses, b) a wide selection of high school/college-bound credit courses, c) and an enriched 21 st century technological environment. Segment#2: Burbank is the premier middle school in HISD for Dual Language college-bound students because we offer: a) rigorous academic instruction in English and Spanish, b) AP Spanish, c) and a unique culturally sensitive environment. Segment#3: Burbank is the premier middle school for college-bound Excel students because we offer: a) rigorous core courses, b)targeted intervention classes, c) and a variety of electives and sports.
P RINCIPAL U PDATES - E NROLLMENT T REND “The best have to be willing to be uncomfortable and embrace it as a part of your growth process.” YearTotal6 th 7 th 8 th 20101, , , , , ,
P RINCIPAL U PDATES - E NROLLMENT T REND BY P ROGRAMS “A collaborative team is a group of people working interdependently to achieve a common goal for which members are mutually accountable.” Note: The Vanguard Program is at 380 total students for EnrollmentPercent ESL5% Bilingual18% Total LEP26% Special Education8% GT26% Honors57% At-Risk51% Free/Reduced Lunch95% Title 1100% Homeless9% EthnicityPercent African American5% Hispanic94% White/Other<1% Asian<1% Total Enrollment100%
P RINCIPAL U PDATES - A TTENDANCE T REND “A collaborative team is a group of people working interdependently to achieve a common goal for which members are mutually accountable.” CYCLE CYCLE CYCLE SEMESTER CYCLE CYCLE CYCLE SEMESTER ALL YEAR REMEMBER: Attendance = School Budget The higher our student attendance rate, the more funds we have to do the great things we do to ensure student success!!!! REMEMBER: Attendance = School Budget Student absences costs approximately $20 per student per day.
S TANFORD S TUDENTS ON G RADE L EVEL “Zoom-focus means that you are not just working hard, but working hard on the right things.”
P RINCIPAL U PDATES STAAR R ESULTS - B URBANK COMPARED TO HISD “To create… To work together… To change for the better…” Mathematics STAAR % Level II Satisfactory Phase-In Standards, Spring 2014 GradeBurbank MSHISDState 685%73%78% 782%62%67% 890%72%79% Total86%69%75% Reading STAAR % Level II Satisfactory Phase-In Standards, Spring 2014 GradeBurbank MSHISDState 677%68%77% 781%67%75% 890%75%82% Total83%70%78%
“The best make every around them better.” P RINCIPAL U PDATES STAAR R ESULTS - B URBANK COMPARED TO HISD Social Studies STAAR % Level II Satisfactory Phase-In Standards, Spring 2014 GradeBurbank MSHISDState 857%54%61% Science STAAR % Level II Satisfactory Phase-In Standards, Spring 2014 GradeBurbank MSHISDState 874%64%70% Writing STAAR % Level II Satisfactory Phase-In Standards, Spring 2014 GradeBurbank MSHISDState 781%66%70%
P RINCIPAL U PDATES AP S PANISH D ATA Burbank Middle School (449950) Texas Global “I feel like I am making a difference.”
Next Coffee with the Principal Meeting October 10, 2014 Every second Friday of the Month!
Q UESTIONS AND A NSWERS “Choose faith over fear”.