1 Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region) Topic : DHS/FEMA Grants in Region IV Title: FY 2009 Grant Programs DHS/FEMA Region IV Speaker: Steve Denham Grants Branch Chief DHS/FEMA Region IV Date:1 April 2009
Branch Chief Business Prep GMS Non-Prep GMS Mit/CSEPP GMS/MM GMS Disasters Admin Asst Program AFG Program Analyst Program Analyst Program Analyst Admin Asst Administrate Assistant Close Out Lead Grants Management Branch FEMA Region IV
3 Region IV Preparedness Grants Emergency Management Performance Grant Program The EMPG program provides resources to assist State and local governments to sustain and enhance all-hazards emergency management capabilities. States have the opportunity to use EMPG funds to further strengthen their ability to support emergency management activities while simultaneously addressing issues of national concern as identified in the National Priorities of the National Preparedness Guidelines. EMPG has a 50 percent Federal and 50 percent State cost-share cash or in-kind match requirement.
4 Metropolitan Medical Response System Program The MMRS program supports the integration of emergency management, health, and medical systems into a coordinated response to mass casualty incidents caused by any hazard. Successful MMRS grantees reduce the consequences of a mass casualty incident during the initial period of a response by having augmented existing local operational response systems before the incident occurs. Region IV Preparedness Grants
5 Emergency Operations Center Grant Program The FY 2009 EOC Grant Program is intended to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, and interoperable Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs. Real ID/DLS Grant Program Purpose of FY 2009 Driver’s License Security Grant Program is to prevent terrorism, reduce fraud, and improve the reliability and accuracy of personal identification documents that states and territories issue. Region IV Preparedness Grants
6 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program AFG is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical services organizations. Citizen Corps Program CCP brings community and government leaders together to coordinate community involvement in emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery. Region IV Preparedness Grants
Branch Chief Business Prep GMS Non-Prep GMS Mit/CSEPP GMS/MM GMS Disasters GMS Disaster GMS Disaster Admin Asst Program Prep Program Analyst Program Analyst Program Analyst AFG Program Analyst Program Analyst Program Analyst Admin Asst Administrate Assistant Close Out Lead Grants Management Branch FEMA Region IV
PROGRAM CONTACTS (as of April 7, 2009) Last NameFirst NameStatesPhone Number FEMA Region IV PREP Grants DenhamSteve All Region IV States(770) AFG MurphyVickiGA, KY, TN(229) ChristianAlmaSC, FL, AL(229) RammVinceNC, MS, AL(229)
10 Headquarters Preparedness Grants OVERVIEW The purpose of all below programs is to enhance the ability of State, local, and tribal governments to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other emergencies. These grants serve as the primary funding mechanism for building and sustaining national preparedness capabilities. State Homeland Security Program Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities Urban Area Security Initiative UASI Cities UASI Nonprofit Security Grant Program Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program Buffer Zone Protection Program Transit Security Grant Program Port Security Grant Program
11 Programs from FEMA, grants are awarded to fire departments to enhance their ability to protect the public and fire service personnel from fire and related hazards. SAFER Grant Program Patti Blankenship (202) FP&S Grant Program Cathie Patterson (202) Headquarters Firefighter Grants OVERVIEW
PROGRAM CONTACTS (as of April 7, 2009) Last NameFirst NameStatesPhone Number SAA Contact Info Alabama Department of Homeland Security(334) Florida Division of Emergency Management(850) Georgia Emergency Management Agency(404) Kentucky Office of Homeland Security(502) Mississippi Department of Public Safety (MDPS)(601) North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety(919) South Carolina Law Enforcement Division(803) Military Department of Tennessee(615) FEMA Region IV PREP Grants DenhamSteve All Region IV States(770) AFG MurphyVickiGA, KY, TN(229) ChristianAlmaSC, FL, AL(229) RammVinceNC, MS, AL(229) FEMA HQ Contact info MarshallKimFL, PR, VI (202) AllenMattCT, SC, TN, VT (202) CherryCedric AL, MS, NC (202) GarciaLuisGA (202) GavinPatrickKY, ME, NH, NJ (202)
13 DHS/FEMA Grants in Region IV Grants are available for States, Locals and Tribes Start with the Your States SAA Next stop for Regionalized Grants – Region IV For Non-Regionalized Grants – FEMA HQ For More information Go to Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region)