St. Paul Parish Athletic Association PAA Overview
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Charter Vision: To provide the youth of St. Paul Parish with a sports program that will promote spiritual, physical and social values in a Christian environment. Goals:1. Develop spiritual, physical and social character through participation in sports. 2. Build character and develop good sportsmanship 3. Learn to work as a team while building leadership skills 4. Introduce a variety of sports and develop basic sport skills 5. Promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle 6. Develop Athletic skills from developmental to competitive 7. Have Fun Participants: St. Paul Sports is open to all parish children in grades 4 through 8 (except Boys Lacrosse starts in Grade 3) : 450 Student Athletes (350 Families)
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Scope Participants: : 450 Student Athletes (350 Families) Sports: SeasonSportTeamsParticipants Fall:Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Football Girls Volleyball Boys Volleyball215 Cheerleading550 WinterGirls Basketball Boys Basketball SpringTrack Lacrosse465 Softball565 Baseball
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Scope Financials: Overall Budget $100,000 Income: Expenses: Athletic Fees85,000 Concessions3,000 Apparel3,000 Golf Tournament12,000 Raffle10,000 Total Income113,000 Diocese Fees10,000 Officials25,000 Eqp & Uniforms30,000 Facilities5,000 Rentals10,000 Banquets & Awards10,000 Cost of Goods4,000 Golf Tournament8,000 Misc Other 7,000 Total Expense109,000
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Organization Board President – Mike MurrayVice President– Jack Tresoline Secretary– Jamie RyanTreasurer– Open (*Mike Murray) Boys AD– Tim MaloneyGirls AD– Open (*Julie Bowman) Facilities– Mike BohusWay & Means– Open (*Gary Cook) Cheerleading– Kelly WinbiglerEquip/Uniforms– Open (*Jerry Herrick) Commissioners Girls Soccer– Open (*Kathy Wickert) Baseball– Open (*Tim Maloney) Softball– Open (*Mike Murray) Golf– Open (*Tim Doney) Boys Soccer– Jamie Ryan Football– Tim Maloney Volleyball– Tom Hess Girls Basketball– Dino Guanciale Boys Basketball– Mike Bohus Track– Matt Ginikos Lacrosse– Jack Tresoline Support Staff Girls Uniforms– Open (*Becky Murray) Boys Uniforms– Open (*Jerry Herrick) Web Registration– Open (*Bohus/Murray) Golf Outing– Open (*Jamie McAllister) Asst Football Comm– Open Asst. Lacrosse Comm– Open Asst. Track Comm– Open Parent Rep – Open * Outgoing
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Position Responsibilities Commissioners Overall Sport responsibility Define teams and assign coaches Attend Diocesan Meetings and submit paperwork Define and assign practice fields and facilities Support Equipment and Uniform process Oversight on players and coaches Parents concerns Reporting team records to Webmaster Girls and Boys Uniform Mgrs Manage Inventory Uniform hand-out and turn-in Web Registration Mgr Define new on-line registration process Submit roster to commissioners Golf Outing Mgr Manage Annual Golf Outing Asst. Commissioners Co-Lead Sport for upcoming season Positioned to succeed current Commissioner Athletic Director Coordinate with Sport Commissioners Attend Diocesan Meetings Ensure Proper registration of Students Ensure Coaches meet requirements Appeals on Parent Concerns Recognition Awards
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Volunteers Needed This is a very large sports program It is 100% dependent on volunteer parents The sport's program is run by the PAA – board, commissioners & support staff The time commitment is very manageable when you have enough volunteers It is a commitment, a number of different people will be counting on you Bottomline It's a fun and rewarding experience and the program only exists because of parents like you. We hope you are willing to help participate, whether it's as a board member, a commissioner, a staff member or as a general volunteer. Thank You !!