Clouds and the 2002 LBA Field Campaign Alexandre A. Costa Universidade Estadual do Ceará / UECE
Questions What’s Amazon clouds microstructure? What’s Amazon clouds microstructure? What are the differences in the microstructure of dry and wet season clouds? What are the differences in the microstructure of dry and wet season clouds? How do such differences influence the larger scales? How do such differences influence the larger scales?
Enhanced surface fluxes Tropical clouds and climate Clouds greenhouse effect Blocking of Solar Radiation Release of latent heat
Conceptual model Polluted clouds Polluted clouds Too many droplets Low precipitation efficiency Need of ice-phase to produce rain Wet season clouds Wet season clouds Fewer droplets Relatively large precipitation efficiency Development of warm rain
Platform UECE’s instrumented aircraft UECE’s instrumented aircraft
Pressure, temperature and humidity sensors FSSP and Csiro-King OAP 200X and 200YCCN counter Global Positioning System Data Acquisition System Instrumentation
Campaign Summary (Flight Legs) 72 flight hours: , , , (transit from Fortaleza to Ji- Paraná) , , , , (cloud base sampling, cloud vertical profiles, aerosol sampling, aerosol instrumentation intercomparison, from Ji-Paraná – very smoky) , , , (cloud base studies, cloud vertical profiles from Vilhena and Alta Floresta) , , , , , , (cloud vertical profiles, cloud base studies from Ji-Paraná to the north of Cruzeiro do Sul) , , , , , , (cloud vertical profiles, cloud base studies from Ji-Paraná – cleaner) , , (return to Fortaleza) (CCN sampling, cloud base studies, cloud vertical profiles from Fortaleza)
Preliminary Results