UGC Sponsored National Conference (OAMII 2012) Open Access Movement in the Age of Innovation and ICT: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 6 th & 7 th January, 2012 Open Archive Developments in India Dr. Sarika Sawant, Asst. Professor, SHPT School of Library Science
Pioneers of growth of Open Access in India Prof. Subbiah Arunachalam Prof. N. Balakrishnan Dr. T. B. Rajashekar A. R. D. Prasad and so on…………. Dr D. K. Sahu
India wide programmes on OA Prof. Subbiah Arunachalam organized a workshop on ‘Open Access and Institutional Repositories’ under the aegis of the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, in May, 2004 A special session on OA was held at the 93rd Indian Science Congress in January 2006 In mid-March 2006, NCSI-IISc had created a Cross Archive Search Service for the Indian Repositories (CASSIR). The Open Access Week ( was held worldwide from 18 to 24 October, 2010 A one-day seminar on open access took place on 16 th March, 2011 at India International Centre, New Delhi jointly organized by UNESCO and the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore
National Knowledge Commission: Open Access and Open Educational Resources Research articles published by Indian authors receiving any government or public funding must be made available under OA Government should allocate specific funding to increase the digitization, high quality OCR Author paid journals Specific fund for OA research publications
Present Scene of Open Archives Shodhganga: 2000 full-text theses of 30 universities Google is in touch with NKC Indian mirror-site for arXiv Promise from director of IISc and CSIR E-gyankosh Journal of Free Software and Free Knowledge & Annals OJS
Present status 4 cross institutional archives, 2 cross institutional electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) repositories, 3 institutional ETD repositories, 22 functional institutional repositories 200 OA journals