Lead, Engage, Align & Do! (LEAD) DepEd Order No.2, s. 2015 Guidelines on the Establishment & Implementation of the Results - based Performance Management System (RPMS) in the Department of Education Lead, Engage, Align & Do! (LEAD)
Policy Statement The DepEd hereby sets the guidelines on the establishment and implementation of the RPMS in the department stipulating the strategies, methods, tools and rewards for assessing the accomplishment vis-à-vis the commitments. This will be used for measuring and rewarding higher levels of performance of the various units and development planning of all personnel in all levels.
Policy Statement For non-school based personnel, the RPMS shall provide for an objective and verifiable basis for rating and ranking the performance of units and individual personnel in view of the granting of Performance-Based Bonus(PBB) starting 2015.
Policy Statement For school-based personnel, the RPMS shall be used only as an appraisal tool, which shall be the basis for training and development. The granting of PBB shall be governed by the existing PBB guidelines. The Department shall adopt the RPMS Framework
VISION, MISSION, VALUES (VMV) Strategic Priorities Department/ Functional Area Goals KRAs and Objectives Values CENTRAL REGIONAL DIVISION SCHOOLS DEPED RPMS FRAMEWORK Competencies WHAT HOW On the screen, you see Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Framework of DepEd. At the top center of the framework is the Vision/Mission of DepEd. At the left-hand side is the "WHAT" consisting of Strategic Priorities broken down into Department/Functional Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Objectives. At the right-hand side are the core values of DepEd broken down into enabling competencies. The framework aligns efforts to enable DepEd to actualize its strategic goals and vision.
Policy Statement The DepEd RPMS shall follow the four-stage performance management system cycle as prescribed by the CSC
Phase 1 Performance Planning and Commitment Performance Planning and Commitment is the first phase of the RPMS. This is the starting point of performance management. The Rater and the Ratee work together to identify, understand, and agree on: what the employee needs to do, how it needs to be done, why, when, and so on.
1. Discuss Unit’s Objectives 2. Identify Individual KRAs, Objectives and Performance Indicators 3. Discuss Competencies Required and Additional Competencies Needed 4. Reaching Agreement Phase 1 has four important components: 1. Discuss Unit’s Objectives 2. Identify Individual KRAs, Objectives and Performance Indicators 3. Discuss Competencies Required and Additional Competencies Needed 4. Reaching Agreement We will be discussing this in greater detail in the next slides.
CATEGORY DEFINITION Effectiveness/Quality The extent to which actual performance compares with targeted performance. The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. In management, effectiveness relates to getting the right things done. Efficiency The extent to which time or resources is used for the intended task or purpose. Measure whether targets are accomplished with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense or unnecessary effort.
Category Definition Timeliness Measures whether the deliverable was done on time based on the requirements of the rules and regulations, and /or clients/stakeholders. Time-related performance indicators evaluate such things as project completion deadlines, time management skills and other time- sensitive expectations
Phase 2 Performance Monitoring and Coaching Let us move on to Phase 2 which is Performance Monitoring and Coaching. Phase 2 Performance Monitoring and Coaching
Heart of the RPMS 1. Performance Tracking 2. Coaching/Feedback There are 2 very important components: 1. Performance Tracking 2. Coaching and Feedback It is called the heart of RPMS because it is not just a paper activity that you do at the beginning of the year, keep the form, then pull out at the end of the year. Performance Tracking and Coaching plus feedback must be done throughout the year. Heart of the RPMS
Phase 3 Performance Review and Evaluation You've worked closely with the people in your work group during the performance cycle. Together, you've identified Key Result Areas and agreed on Objectives, Performance Indicators and related competencies. You've had regular review meetings, coaching them to ensure success. You've also reinforced their effective behaviors and skills. It is now time for the Review and Evaluation Phase.
2. Discuss Strengths and Improvement Needs 1. Review Performance 2. Discuss Strengths and Improvement Needs 1. Reviewing Performance Two important points should be done in this phase: 1. Review Year—end Results 2. Discuss Strengths and Improvement Needs
Scale Description Adjectival The RPMS Rating Scale 5 Outstanding Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time , technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence. 4 Very Satisfactory Performance exceeded expectation. All goals, objectives, and targets were achieved above the established standards. 3 Satisfactory Performance met expectations in terms of quality of work, efficiency and timeliness. The most critical annual goals were met. 2 Unsatisfactory Performance failed to meet expectations, and/or one or more of the most critical goals were not met. 1 Poor Performance was consistently below expectations, and/or reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas. We will follow this Performance Rating Scale mandated by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
Sample Computation KRA’s Weight Per KRA Objectives Weight Per Objectives Rating Score KRA 1 40 Objective 1 10% 4 0.400 Objective 2 20% 5 1.000 Objective 3 3 0.300 KRA 2 20 5% 0.150 0.200
Sample Computation KRA’s Weight Per KRA Objectives Weight Per Objectives Rating Score KRA 3 30 Objective 1 10% 4 0.400 Objective 2 15% 3 0.450 Objective 3 5% 0.150 KRA 4 10 2.50% 0.075 0.100 Plus Factor Final Rating 3.675
Adjectival Ratings RANGE ADJECTIVAL RATING 4.500 - 5.000 Outstanding 4.500 - 5.000 Outstanding 3.500 – 4.499 Very Satisfactory 2.500 – 3.499 Satisfactory 1.500 – 2.499 Unsatisfactory Below 1. 499 Poor
*DepEd’s Competencies Scale Definition 5 Role model 4 Consistently demonstrates 3 Most of the time demonstrates 2 Sometimes demonstrates 1 Rarely demonstrates This is DepEd’s Competencies Scale. Ratings here will be used for developmental purposes only. 5 (role model) - all competency indicators 4 (consistently demonstrates) – four competency indicators 3 (most of the time demonstrates) – three competency indicators 2 (sometimes demonstrates) – two competency indicators 1 (rarely demonstrates) – one competence indicator *will be used for developmental purposes
Phase 4 Performance Rewarding and Development Planning The last phase of the RPMS is Performance Rewarding and Development Planning.
1. Rewards 2. Development Planning There are two important points on this phase: 1. Rewards 2. Development Planning
Please go to page 6 of your Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF). In here, you will capture the Strengths and Improvement Needs. How you will do this? The highest point on Results and demonstration of Competencies are the Strengths. On the other hand, the lowest points are the development needs.
For School-Based Personnel RPMS Cycle For School-Based Personnel Performance Planning Phase I May Mid-Year Review Phase II November Year-End Results Phases III & IV April For the teaching positions, it will be May to April.
RPMS Cycle For non School-Based Personnel Performance Planning Phase I December Mid-Year Review Phase II July Year-End Results Phases III & IV December For DepEd, we will follow two RPMS cycles. For the non-teaching positions, it will be December to December.
Composition of Performance Management Team Division PMT School PMT Chair: ASDS (most senior in terms of tenure as ASDS Members: Planning Officer III Accountant III * Chief Administrative Officer V One(1) Education Program Supervisor One(1) Principals’ Representative (Elementary : PESPA) One(1) Principals’ Representative (Secondary : NAPPSSHI, NAPPSSPHIL One(1) representative from the teacher association for elementary Chair: Principal-elect * Four(4) Master Teacher/Head Teacher * One(1) representative from the School Planning Team * One(1) Administrative Officer/Representative from non-teaching group
Composition of Performance Management Team Division PMT School PMT One(1) NEU-Division Chapter Representative Observer: One(1) PTA Division Federation Representative Secretariat: Administrative Office One(1) representative from the teacher association One(1) PTA Representative Composition of Performance Management Team
Composition of the Grievance Committee Schools Division Office Schools Chair: SDS Members: Legal Officer HRMO EPS Accountant PESPA representative NEU Chair: ASDS PSDS HRMO/AO Principal Master Teacher/Head Teacher Teachers Association
RATEE RATER APPROVING AUTHORITY Schools Division Office 1. Superintendent 2. Asst. Superintendent 3. Chief of Division 4. Education Program Supervisor 5. District Supervisor 6. Section Chief/Unit Head 7. Staff Asst. Regional Director Superintendent Asst. Superintendent Chief of Division Section Chief/Unit Head Regional Director Asst. Director Head of Division
RATEE RATER APPROVING AUTHORITY Schools 1. Principal 2. Head/Master Teacher 3. Teacher 4. Non -Teaching Staff Asst. Superintendent Principal Head/Master Teacher Superintendent Superintendent (Small & Medium Divisions) Asst. Superintendent(Large & Very Large Divisions) 3. Principal 4. Administrative Officer V
“Behind every successful person, there is one elementary truth. Somewhere, someway, someone cared about their growth and development.” - Donald Miller, UK Mentoring Programme May we continue to propagate the essence of this saying in DepEd. Provide avenues for people to grow and develop. Let there be a culture of encouragement, support, and guidance.