A Successful Language Program 2009 CHINESE LEARN CONFERENCE Luba Grant & Richard Donovan Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Disclaimer: The views, opinions, and all findings contained in this presentation are those of the author(s) of this presentation and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Asian School I Org Chart
Critical Elements of Success Program Management Faculty Student Feedback/Evaluation Collaboration Motivation Leadership
Program Management Course Objectives Focused Curriculum - Language, Culture, Area Studies Currency Job–Related Track Methodology Immersion
Program Management (cont’) Technology (to support program as required by curriculum) Availability Pedagogically Sound Training of Faculty and Students
FACULTY Personnel: 143 Teachers Professional Development Hiring (FY08 to date: 33) Qualifications Effective Working Groups Professional Development Provide Opportunities for Academic & Leadership Training Promote Professional Presentations (Language Teaching & Research Forum)
Student Feedback/Evaluation Feedback to the Students During the Course Classroom Assessment Tests Diagnostic Assessment Formal Counseling Post-Course: Proficiency Evaluation Based on ILR Scale DLPT 5
Student Feedback & Evaluation (cont’) Feedback From Students: Questionnaires During and After Course Sensing Sessions
Collaboration – Sharing of Ideas & Resources Among & Between Faculty Cross Campus Institutional Partnerships
Motivation Be Inclusive Encourage Innovation Coach/Mentor Be Fair Make Goals Achievable
Critical Elements of Success
Leadership Provides the Necessary Cohesion
Academic Leadership “I never worry about action, but only about inaction.” Winston Churchill
Academic Leadership Essential Qualities of a Leader… Ability to Create a Vision Skill to Inspire Others Willingness to Resolve Problems
Leadership Triad
Develop a Vision Seek to Understand Previous Vision Analyze what happened and how it could have been done differently Where is the divergence? How it can be resolved?
Inspiration Provide Guidance Set Challenges Develop Healthy Competition Redirect if Needed Recognize Progress Reward Achievement
Resolving Problems “WHAT If?” vice “If ONLY!” Approach Appreciative Inquiry – Technique to Solve Problems and Create New Theories Collect Opinions Through Dialogue Define Problem in Practical Terms Maintain Open Mind Don’t Accept “un-executable”
Grant’s 11 Leadership Principles Build the “Right” Team Keep Your People Informed Develop Subordinates Through Delegation Seek and Take Responsibility (accept “just” criticism) Make Sound and Timely Decisions Set Example Through Your Own Actions
Leadership Principles Communicate and Supervise (ensure understanding of tasks) Seek and Encourage Self-Improvement 9. Be Technically Proficient 10. Know Your People 11. Care for Your Staff
Asian I Chinese Program Student Results FY 08 (DLPT IV & 5) 66% achieved 2/2/1+ 26% achieved 2+/2+/2 FY09 to date (DLPT5) 72% achieved 2/2/1+ 32% achieved 2+/2+/2
Words of Wisdom Chinese Proverb … “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” “植树的最佳时间是20年前,现在还为时不晚.”
For Additional Info luba.grant@us.army.mil richard.donovan@us.army.mil
DISCLAIMER The views, opinions, and all findings contained in this presentation are those of the author(s) of this presentation and do not represent the views of the Department of Defense, of the Department of the Army, or of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
Words of Wisdom Chinese Proverb … “植树的最佳时间是20年前,现在还为时不晚.”
English: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago English: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” In Chinese characters: 植树的最佳时间是20年前,现在还为时不晚。 In Pinyin: Zhíshù de zuìjiā shíjiān shì èrshí nián qián, xiànzài hái wéishí bù wǎn.