Graduate School Staff Dean of the Graduate School- K Doerner Student Services Coordinator- M Ochsner Graduate Admissions/Recruiter- K Johnson Senior Secretary- TBD Program Assistant I – A Gerlach Program Assistant I – T Hays Asst to the Dean- N Lounsbery
SDSU Website
WebAdvisor Webadvisor.sdstate.edu Class registration, payment, course listings, grades
MyState Mystate.sdstate.edu Student portal – Jacks activation, Parking, Student schedule, News & Events, Access to Accounts (Hobo Dough, WebAdvisor, etc)
Jacks jacks .sdstate.edu Jacks accounts are the official of SDSU, all university news and contact will come via your Jacks account. You are responsible for activating and checking this account. Your password
Desire 2 Learn (D2L) d2l.sdbor.edu Online course materials
Need Technical Support? eSDSU Laptop Center (Student Union) Free labor Computer support Viruses SDSU Support Desk (Admin 131) or Support on SDSU systems ( , WebAdvisor, etc)
Registration & Status Conditional Admission/Final transcripts SDSU needs final official transcripts from your previous institution – failure to submit can block registration Immunization records MMR shots are also required for all students taking classes on campus – failure to submit can block registration
Registration & Status Active Status To maintain active status students must be registered for each semester of the academic year (excluding summer). Students who fail to register for 3 academic terms will be considered inactive and will have to reapply Graduate assistants must register for a minimum of 1 credit (including summer) in order to keep assistantship
Degree Options Always refer to the Graduate CatalogGraduate Catalog Master of Architecture (M.Arch) Master of Arts (M.A.) Master of Education (M.Ed) Master of Mass Communication (M.M.C) Master of Science (M.S.) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Graduate Certificates Graduate Minor (GIS only)
Time-Limits Master’s: 6 years Doctoral: 8 years Both program and coursework expire Time to Degree: Marked by Semesters not calendar date Ex: If started during Fall, student would time out at end of relevant Fall semester.
Advisory Committee Roles Academic Advising Thesis/Dissertation/Research Supervision Administer exams Track progress Master’s first semester or as soon as practical 3 members (min) Doctoral first semester or prior to twelve (12) graduate credit hours 4 members (min)
Advisory Committee Committee Chair –chairperson, must have Grad Faculty Status Program representative(s) – from major or related dept., Must also have GF status Graduate Faculty Representative Assigned by Graduate School Outside field of study Student advocate Upholds policies and academic rigor Must vote in favor of passing for student to pass
Plan of Study List of agreed upon courses which will complete degree requirements All Graduate Catalog requirements must be met Doctoral students will meet with advisory committee before submitting Plan Submit the first semester of graduate work or prior to 50% of credits towards graduation
Credits Transfer credits Must be Graduate credits 40% of the Plan of Study Submit official transcript Carryover Credits Credits used toward an earned graduate degree Limit of 10 Converted credits 300/400 level SDSU courses Awarded 80% of total credits Will be on the Graduate transcript Limited to 7 (Masters) and 10 (PhD)
Academic Standing Must maintain a 3.0 GPA Academic Warning Academic Probation Plan of Improvement with Advisor Program dismissal
Master’s Degree Options Option A- Thesis 30 credit min Thesis 798: 5 cr min-10 cr max (Plan of Study) Option B- Research/ Project 32 cr min Research/Design 788: 2 cr min, 5 cr max (Plan of Study) Option C- Coursework Only 35 cr min Some use internships, practicum….etc
Master’s Exams Oral exam required for all. Scheduling oral exams is conducted through the Graduate School Submitted 2 weeks before oral exam Posted publically Complete by date published for same semester graduation Written exams are not required by the University Programs may use written exams as part of internal practice.
Doctoral Exams Comprehensive Written Exam After coursework is substantially completed. Comprehensive Oral Exam Completed following comprehensive written exam At least 2 months before dissertation defense Final Oral Exam Dissertation defense Competed by deadline for graduation in same semester All exams scheduled through Graduate School Must allow 2 weeks for processing
Thesis & Dissertation SDSU Graduate School has set format requirements for binding purposes Available on SDSU’s website Department may also have guidelines specific to your area of study Follow all printed submission dates published by the graduate school each semester Thesis/Dissertation Formatting Workshop Fall 2014 – October 1, 9:00am October 2, 4:00pm
Campus Information Parking All campus parking lots require a parking tag from 8am-4pm or you risk receiving a ticket Purchase parking tags online through sdstate.edu/parking PARK Yaeger Hall 103 Student ID Card Photo ID Student ID Number Entry to the Wellness Center Entry to Athletic Events Hobo Dough Meal Plan Card services - Union
Offices to Know Cashier’s (Admin 136) Student accounts/bills Financial Aid (Enrollment Services) Loans, grants, work study, loan deferral Graduate School (Admin 130) Any student concerns Records (Enrollment Services) Petitions Transcripts Student Health & Counseling (Wellness Center) Health appointments One on one and group counseling Immunization records
Offices to Know Wintrode Student Success Center (Wintrode Building) Tutoring Writing Center Career Development (Union) Interview Skills Job postings (part time, full time, on and off campus) International Affairs (Briggs Library 119) Comprehensive home for international students and scholar services
Q & A Thanks for coming!