Name of the Department: History Year of Establishment: General: 1964, Honours: 1969 Names of Programmes/ Courses offered:UG (Honours & General) Annual/ semester/choice based credit system (programme wise): Annual ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT
SanctionedFilled ProfessorsNil Associate ProfessorsNil01 (By promotion) Asst. Professors0301
NameQualificationDesignationSpecializationNo. of Years of Experience Suman Bandopadhyay M.A.,M.Phil.Associate Prof. Modern India15 Nimai Chand Dan M.A. M.Phil.Asst. Prof.Modern India04 Sankardev Maiti M.A., M.Phil. Part-time Teacher Modern India05 Bisakha Chatterjee M.A.Part-time Teacher Ancient India05 Puspa DuttaM.A.Part-time TeacherIslamic History 04
Student -Teacher Ratio (programme wise): Hons 1:30 Gen-1:300 List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department: 1. Dr. Amit Dey-University of Calcutta, History Dept. 2. Dr. Rashed Ali – University of Calcutta, History Dept. 3.Dr. Nirban Basu – University of Calcutta, History Dept
The department organizes seminar to celebrate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda each year. Basic Rock climbing course is conducted by the department under special instruction by Nimai Chand Dan from 2011 onwards. Special lecturers have been provided by the Dept. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Educational Excursion, Use of Internet, Slide show, Historical Journal etc.
Strength Highly focused and devoted Teaching faculty. Departmental Library with modern facility like computer with internet and latest Books and Journals. Good relationship between Teacher and student. Organizing various academic programmes like internal seminar, debates, special lectures and educational excursion etc. Weaknesses Students are weak in English, so pursuing higher studies in this subject becomes difficult. Lack of sufficient Teaching faculty. High Drop-out rate primarily due to discontinuation on account of financial crisis. Opportunity For progress History is one of the key subjects. Wide scope in several areas of Higher education. Multiple job opportunities in related fields like translation, Museology, work related to social welfare department. Challenges To convince students to pursue higher education and assure them about the scope of the subject
THE FACULTIES ARE MEMBERS OF THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES INSIDE THE COLLEGE SUMAN BANDYOPADHYAY Member of G.B (Teacher Representative) Member of Finance Committee Member of UGC Building Committee Member of Bisakha Committee Member of Purchase Committee Member of Academic Sub Committee Member of Admission Sub Committee Member of Library Sub Committee Member of Anti Ragging Cell OUT SIDE THE COLLEGE Life member of the Asiatic Society General Secretary of WEBCUPA, Howrah District C.U Representative at G.B of Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharya College NIMAI CHAND DAN Member of Academic Sub Committee Member of Cultural Committee Mentor of Eco Club Convener of cleaning committee Joint Convener of Games & Sports committee Member of health club & Value Education Cell SANKARDEV MAITI Member of Value Education Cell
DAY MONDAY 1 ST SDM(H)-N9 SDM(G- A)-N13 2 ND SDM(G)-37 SB(H)-N9 ND (H)-N9SB(H)-N9 3 RD SDM(H)-N8 ND(H)- N14 SB(H)-N9 ND(G)- N13 SB(H)-N9 ND(H)- N9 TUESDAY1 ST SDM(H)-N9BC(H)-N10SB(H)-N9 SDM(G- A)-N14 ND(G-B)- 37 ND(H)-N8ICT 2 ND ND(H)-N9 SB(G)-N14 ND(H)-N9SB(H)-N9Tutorial 3 RD ND(H)-N8SDM(H)-N8 BC(H)-N8 SB(H)-N9 BC(G)- N13 WEDNESD AY 1 ST ND(H)-N9SB(H)-N9 SB(G- A)-37 PD(G- B)-N13 2 ND SB(H)-N8 ND(H)- N8 ND(G)- N14 ND(H)-N9 ICT PD(G)-37 3 RD PD(G)-N14 SB(H)- N10 PD(H)- N10SB(H)-N8
DAY THURSDAY1 ST BC(H)-N9 BC(G-A)-N13 PD(G-B)-N14 SB(H)- N11 PD(H)-N9Library 2 ND PD(G)-37SB(H)-N9 PD(H)-N9 3 RD BC(H)-36SB(H)-N9SB(H)-N10ICT FRIDAY1 ST BC(H)-N9SDM(H)-N9 ND(G-B)- N13 2 ND ND(H)-N8SDM(H)-N8 BC(G)-37 3 RD ND(H)- N10 BC(H)-N9 ND(H)- N9 SATURDAY1 ST PD(G-B)- N13 ND(H)-N8 SB(H)-N9Rem.ClassRem Class WORk LOAD PER WEEK: SB-20 CLASSES ND-20 ‘’ SDM-10 ‘’ BC-9 ‘’ PD-9 ‘’ 2 ND SB(H)-N8ND(H)-N8 3 RD ND(H)-N9 PD(G)-N13 SB(H)-N9Tutorial
STUDENT PROFILE RESULT No. of studentsCategory of students C.U Exam AppearedQHQG Failed % of success YearMaleFemaleTotalGenSCSTOBCPart-I st Part-ll nd Part-lll rd
STUDENT PROFILE RESULT No. of studentsCategory of studentsC.U ExamAppearedQHQG Failed % of success YearMaleFemaleTotalGenSCSTOBCPart-I Waiting for final result 1st Part-ll Waiting for final result 2nd Part-lll rd
HISTORY % OF SUCESS YearC.U ExamAppeared QH QGFailed Part-I Part-II Part-III Part-I Part-II Part-III Part-I Part-II Part-III Part-I Part-II Part-III Part-I Part-II Part-III
SL. No.ActivitiesTentative Date 1.Departmental meeting for syllabus distribution Students' orientation for Part-l students by departmental teachers before the commencement of class Bridge course test Classes to conduct Bridge course Departmental meeting for preparation for stall on Golden Jubilee closing ceremony Departmental stall on Golden Jubilee closing ceremony Formative assessment for Part-l students Mid term examination for Part-l studentsNov Departmental meeting to review mid term resultsNov Parent teacher meeting on the progress of Part-l studentsNov Educational tourDec.2nd week 12.Student Seminar for Part-lll-H studentsNov.1st week 13.Student Seminar for Part-ll-H studentsDecem.1st week 14.Student Seminar for Part-l-H studentsNov.1st week 15Remedial Coaching for Part-lll studentsJanu Remedial Coaching for Part-ll studentsFeb Remedial Coaching for Part-l studentsMarch Test for Part-lll studentsJanu Test for Part-ll studentsFeb Test for Part-l studentsMarch Tutorial classesAs per Routine 22.Remedial Coaching for Part-l-ll-lll studentsAs per Routine
NameDetails of Seminar SUMAN BANDYOPADHYAY (1). One day College level Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Through IQAC, 26th August 2014, Organised by Prabhu Jagatbandhu College. (2). State level Seminar on "Siksha,Sanskriti, Chatraya Andolone Sikshakayer Bhumika", Organised by WBCUPA, on 15th November NIMAICHAND DAN (1). Paper presented on 49 th Annual Conference of the Institute of Historical Studies at Chinmay International Foundation Soodha Sansthan on 20 th Feb-22nd Feb (2)One day College level Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Through IQAC, 26th August 2014, Organised by Prabhu Jagatbandhu College. SANKARDEV MAITI (1). UGC sponsored Research Week Programmes, 16th June-20th June 2014, Organised by Rabindra Bharati University. (2). One day College level Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Education Through IQAC, 26th August 2014, Organised by Prabhu Jagatbandhu College. PUSPA DUTTA(1). UGC sponsored State leval Seminar on 28 th February 2014 Organised by N.D College. (2). UGC sponsored National Seminar on 29 th February 2014 Organised by DinaBandhu College
1. Introduction of Spoken English class. 2. Maintain pass out student’s database of our department. 3. Organize more educational tours & seminars. 4. Carrier & Competitive examinations preparations guidance. 5. Publishing the Departmental Magazine. 6. Conduct awareness programs about social life & hygiene. 7. Give special attention to weak students.