Jessamine County Schools Pyramid of Interventions Update 2009
Agenda I.Process II.Pyramids of Intervention – programs III.Professional Development IV.Monitoring and evaluation V.How did we get here?
Teacher Handbook Read pages 3, 4 and 5 Divide into groups of 5 Section handbook for reading: -Page 6-10WOW -Pages 11-13FROG -Pages 14-18FISH -Pages 19-22YOU ROCK -Pages 23-27SUPER STAR
Group Activity Each person read their section and then share/discuss with group using the following guiding questions: *What is the general content of the section? *Why do you think we included this information in the handbook? *How does this help us communicate district expectations?
Share Out Each group share out one insight or comment about the Teacher Handbook
POI Blog Log in using generic user name/password UN: jctcag Pass: farms Explore the blog Click on Documents and then scroll down. Click on the link to access the documents. We have copies of forms for you also.
District Required Forms Coaches developed as a team TIP Level change rubric Implementation Documentation Referral Checklist Next steps? (JTPT)
Pyramids of Intervention Divide the different pyramids up between the people seated at your table. You might work in pairs or individually to answer the following questions: How do the interventions change from level to level? What are ways that teachers can use these pyramids? What are ways the school can use these pyramids? You’ll have 2 minutes to analyze your assigned pyramid. Be ready to share with the others at your table.
Pyramids of Intervention Pyramids outline variety of choices available for meeting student needs Have been created over the last couple of years and we are continually refining them Provide a framework for: –Teachers to help make decisions about Tier 1 interventions –School teams during problem solving meetings Next steps? –Create student profiles to match with programs –Ensure that the training is provided for every teacher, assistant working with students on the programs
PD: POI University Look through the different sessions and sort them into strands. How and why do you think we included the topics that we did? Share with a partner your insights and how you will use this information.
PD: POIU the details CRAs helped develop list of sessions by surveying teachers on topics. Priority was given to finding in-district “Experts” to present sessions. Teacher registration was completed online. Evaluations were very positive!
On Line PD Goal: Have “just in time” training on different intervention programs to enable schools to readjust their program based on student needs. Videotaped live trainings. Worked with teachers to create on line version that involved video clips, informational reading, and directions. Use the program with student(s) and bring examples to school’s Principal or CRA along with any questions they may have about implementation.
PD for Administrators : Ensuring fidelity of program implementation Videotape teacher using the program with students Create observation checklists Train administrators/coaches on observation tool and providing effective feedback We are just beginning this process with one training completed and several started. Goal to have each Coach provide a program PD and follow it up with development of on line version
Next Steps: Moodle
Monitoring and evaluation School Level –Intervention Resource Teachers –CRA/Principal walkthroughs –Fidelity Checklists District Level –Monthly school site visits by Asst. Director-M –Twice yearly data review with district team-C –Walkthroughs by district PLCs_C –DoSE reviews EVERY referral prior to acceptance-M –JTPT-c
Intervention Resource Teachers Job Description – part data manager, part coach, part intervention teacher Funding and School Plans Elementary vs. Secondary Monitoring and Supervision –Principals Walkthroughs –IRTs observe other staff conducting interventions and offer support
District-Level Monitoring and Feedback Asst. Director meets with all Elementary IRTs and Secondary IRTs on a monthly basis. Every month, Asst. Director visits two schools for a full day to observe interventions. Twice a year, a district team conducts data review visits
How did we get here? Planning Use the CDIP/CSIP process to: outline framework ensure priority create need for funding Transition from elementary coaches to Intervention Resource Teachers at each school-M C
How did we get there? Administrative Retreat Summer 2008 Met with administrators by level for hourly sessions Four days of learning Focus on basic process, key components, expectations, communication plans and monitoring plans M
How did we get there? Data Review Meetings Scheduled 2 times during year Collected common data from each school Provided opportunity for Central Office staff to: –Check implementation –Problem solve with school staff –Identify needed resources –Identify strengths in different schools and pair schools together as needed Outcomes from these meetings: –Sharing of interventions between schools –Fidelity checklists –Pyramid of Interventions University –IRT unfunded need in CDIP process –Refinement of tier change process C
How did we get there? Funding Variety of sources: –Special Education –Textbook –ESS –Title 1 –ARRA funds ARRA funds –Goal to create a system of support –Transition Elementary Coaches to IRTs –Coach charged with developing capacity of teachers to sustain the work –Combination of Title 1 and Special Education resources