2013 Spring Meeting Size-Alike Session “Supporting Principals as Leaders of Learning”
Overview The focus of our Spring 2013 Size-Alike Session was a report by the Wallace Foundation entitled, “The School Principal as Leader: Guiding Schools to Better Teaching and Learning.” This report examines the critical leadership role played by principals in improving student achievement and highlights five key responsibilities of principals if they are to become "leaders of learning."
Overview Each table of participants, separated into size-alike groups of large, medium, and small school districts, were asked to look at one of the five key responsibilities discussed in the report. The participants were asked to discuss how, in each of their districts, special education leaders and other central office administrators support principals in meeting these responsibilities and what more could be done to assist principals in these areas. The following are notes of these conversations.
The Wallace Perspective Five key practices that effective principals perform well: 1. Shaping a vision of academic success for all students’ 2. Creating a climate hospitable to education 3. Cultivating leadership in others 4. Improving instruction 5. Managing people, data, and processes to foster school improvement.
Shaping a Vision of Academic Success for All Students Current SupportsNeeded Supports Data team to help principals ID and define best practices (instructional) Ask about principals’ concerns instead of just asking them to state their vision. “What keeps you up at night? Collaborative evaluation of principals by panel PD and regular consultation to principals Open communication Principal / asst. principal attends all IEP meetings and signs off on all evaluations Ask staff in building what principal’s focus is and how they support it ongoing PD and training for principals to understand special ed, link to Common Core, PD that is already provided to staff Provide an understanding that building’s staffing must also ensure all services are being met Provide more training on how to evaluate special ed teachers, what those classrooms look like
Shaping a Vision of Academic Success for All Students Current SupportsNeeded Supports Meeting with principals to discuss special ed. law and compliance Education Changed the role of staff members Funding Support staff Trainings developed based on staff questions and concerns Need time to meet, plan, and work with principals to create a stronger support mechanism for all buildings Develop consultant groups with strong principals as facilitators PD needs to be developed based on current issues and concerns
Shaping a Vision of Academic Success for All Students Current SupportsNeeded Supports Consistently presenting data to determine needs In-classroom coaches Determine / identify “bright spots” to further develop Collaborate with other departments to increase support Principal types notes / offers FAPE Schedule all IEP in beginning of year to coordinate principal / parent / related service Connect vision to belief system Provide data and exemplars to promote vision Celebrate small successes
Shaping a Vision of Academic Success for All Students Current SupportsNeeded Supports Lead principals mentor for all principals School improvement plan includes a school- wide vision Professional development Central office staff assigned to schools to provide coaching, consults, etc. Supporting evaluation of teachers Support with instruction, scheduling, interventions, and data Professional development with diverse learners to ensure students with disabilities are involved in vision Increased support for hiring individuals who believe in the vision Assist principals in developing a rubric for evaluating / identifying tightly effective teachers, and how to assist teachers who haven’t embraced inclusion.
Shaping a Vision of Academic Success for All Students Current SupportsNeeded Supports Monthly communication Data, reports Provide training (teachers, principals) Support special ed. staff in a variety of ways Attend meetings Set standards of practice for special ed. Staff special education in the building Accountability Principal is part of IEP process as district representative Better allocation of resources (per IEP mandates) Better screening process for support staff Professional development Help with setting high standards for special ed. students Accountability
Creating a Climate Hospitable to Education Current SupportsNeeded Supports Implement PBIS school-wide Common goals Create shared vision Weighted student budget Facilitate problems with / for principals Advocate for upper management to support culture shift
Creating a Climate Hospitable to Education Current SupportsNeeded Supports Communication regarding special ed. students and pre-school Identifying options to suspension / expulsion Creating high expectations that are the same for special ed. as general ed. and are indicated by data collection analysts Engage in collaborative learning walks with administrator and director Integrate a seamless terminology between special ed. and general ed. We are available for support information and collaboration modeling Professional development for all, not by category Empower general education to serve all students include special ed. Creating partnerships in safe environments Create value for partnerships Create ground rules for collaborative problem solving Be responsive to admin. “Plant seeds. Don’t give them the garden.” Systems thinkers – focus groups
Creating a Climate Hospitable to Education Current SupportsNeeded Supports Comprehensive support plans (individualized per school) Data coaching, action plans, and tiered support District-wide PD, data-driven support plans Campus-wide training and site capacity-building through behavior support team Support around more specialized issues (i.e. behavioral) Build and expect accountability for all students at site level
Current SupportsNeeded Supports Whole-school trainings Scheduled time with principals Individual student supports Principal training / principal buy-in Fielding parent concerns – mediating disagreements Helping principals really understand different levels of service Escalation protocol Cultivating Leadership in Others
Current SupportsNeeded Supports PD for both gen. and special ed. teachers to support inclusive learning environment Increase use of structures (walk- throughs) Teacher / leadership academy with special ed. Problem solving one at a time Helping principals to know what to look for during walk-throughs Assisting principals with the completion of TEM evaluations for special ed. teachers out in the schools Embedded support to principals through PD. Walk through process Increase level and frequency of support Collaborative develop structures by faculty Teaching leadership skills Evaluation tool / rubric for special ed. Teachers Should offer more guidance for principals and training on various areas of responsibility for special ed. teachers
Improving Instruction Current SupportsNeeded Supports Instructional team review for any school Monthly training / collaboration for autism coaches Respond quickly to site requests for support Support in IEPs that are measureable and high expectations Graduation plans with high expectations for all IEPs set rigorous goals and drive instruction, not just compliance ESE part of review team and part of evaluation Integrated at district level
Improving Instruction Current SupportsNeeded Supports Offer professional development on special ed. Instruction – all staff Provide RtI assistance – intervention Provide feedback and data PBIS support Assist with evaluation of staff Coaching, modeling for staff and principal Give programming recommendations Principal training for expectations Work on increasing collaboration between special / general ed. from central office Become “tighter,” more effective in practices More training for principals and staff More accountability from principals for success special ed.
Managing People, Data, and Processes to Foster School Improvement Current SupportsNeeded Supports Data dashboard share: compliance Inclusion ratio share by campus Academic achievement compare BOY and EOY SSA snapshot to schools (IEP compliance, growth) Walk through forms with quality descriptors for principals Model classroom set-up Videos of critical element Supplemental guide for special education evaluation Additional walk- through to broaden understanding Embed special education support to instructional teams Individualized data reports Combine ELL with special education data Use current technology to train administration
Managing People, Data, and Processes to Foster School Improvement Current SupportsNeeded Supports Goal-setting process is focused (asking the right questions) Delivery of service Delegating leadership Using data for decision- making Regular sharing of data Sharing solutions when you’ve identified a problem / concern Preventative communication (e.g. students’ BPs) Facilitate goal-setting with data Providing resources to support strategic goals Implementing a strong hiring process Sharing common understandings Clear evaluation procedures Protocols / processes and expectations for looking at data
Managing People, Data, and Processes to Foster School Improvement Current SupportsNeeded Supports Limited PD – left to fend for themselves Principal academy general ed. and special ed. share Info not always shared Universities are training teachers to do walk- throughs and learning walks Instructional rounds are done by administration, paperwork done by principal PD Principal needs to support AP more Need data related to discussion More instructional leads
Current SupportsNeeded Supports Campus is first point of contact to address concerns Right people around table for conversations Systematic plan to principal Guiding with questions Match admin to campus needs Give leadership what to look for Be a part of the hiring and evaluating process Managing People, Data, and Processes to Foster School Improvement