Athletic All-Sports Meeting Kevin Jarrett Athletic Director Laura Whittington Secretary
Granville Exempted Village Schools Administration Jeff Brown – Superintendent Ryan Bernath – asst. superintendent MatT Durst – Principal GHS Scott Carpenter – Asst. principal GHS Lisa Ormond – Principal GMS Dustin Grime – Middle School AD/Dean
Fall Middle School Head Coaches CC heerleading – Katie Wenger & Kristina glissen CC ross country CC hrisi Rogerson & Todd Patton FF ootball – Trevor Wolfe – 7 th Eric Steele – 8 th BB oys’ Golf – PP aul Drake VV olleyball – Beth Aleshire – 7 th Megan White – 8 th
Phone: Athletic Training Office – xt:5066 Trainer’s Cell – –
Sports Medicine Team Policies Injury Reporting Athlete must report to coach first then see athletic trainer All injured athletes are expected to attend practices or games Medical Referral for Injuries Documentation for RTP must be provided regarding injury, treatment, and participation status
Sports Medicine Team Policies Adolescent Athlete Protective Care Policy Athletes returning to play must complete sports-specific RTP Athletes must complete a full practice prior to game competition If clinical evidence is present, sports medicine team can remove an athlete from activity if he/she is at risk of greater injury
MRSA PREVENTION!!! Wash hands Shower regularly Wash practice/game clothing when dirty Follow good hygiene practices If suspected, find ATC or make appointment with physician Beginning stages look like acne (swollen, red, painful, pus filled)
Paperwork Physical exams and Emergency Medical forms: Must be completed prior to any participation Expire at end of current school year Physicals will be given next may (2015) at ghs (date tba)
OHSAA / NFHS Concussion Information Website: OHSAA Video OHSAA Video MS Sports Schedules MS Sports Schedules
Athletic Department Philosophy Athletes are at a prime age to learn: Good sportsmanship True meaning of competition Develop personal qualities to become successful citizens Athletic Program Goal: Develop Total Individual Emotional Social Intellectual Physical
State and School Eligibility Standards OHSAA Athletic Eligibility Bulletin Available on-line at *Drop down under eligibility *Click on eligibility guide Read and become familiar with it School eligibility outlined in Student Athletic Handbook
Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention We all must work together Parents must be partners to prevent use Show by parent networks and promoting alcohol free and other drug free events State your position openly and clearly and enforce rules Verify child's whereabouts Set appropriate examples
Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Over the years there have been rumors and instances of parents providing alcohol at parties in their homes. This is ILLEGAL and a violation of the Athletic Policy and will be dealt with accordingly.
You must have insurance to participate in athletics. If you need insurance see Kevin Jarrett or your coach for forms to purchase insurance. It can purchased for the season or for the full school year.
Booster Club Fred Wolf – President Invitation to join - Family Membership $25 *Business Membership $50 We need your involvement and help!!!! We are asking everyone to sign up to work at least one event. You don’t have to work the event your son/daughter is playing. Meetings held in IT Room on the Second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm
Granville Athletic Booster Club Fundraiser Contact Booster President Fred Wolf
QUESTIONS ? Thank you for your attendance and attention. Please contact Mr. Grime at gms if you have questions throughout the season.Mr. Grime