Welcome to Scoutmaster Specific Training
Open your Boy Scout Handbook (older versions only) to page 1
Course Overview “Adventure, learning, challenge, responsibility – the promise of Scouting is all this and more…”
This is a Big Promise! It’s a promise to boys that we’ll help you keep by teaching you the things you must know, be, and do.
Delivering the Scouting Promise: That’s why we’re here.
Thousands of volunteers have been in your position… …and thousands have succeeded!
By the time we’re done, you’ll be confident of your abilities to succeed as the Leader of a Boy Scout Troop
Training Overview
BSA Training Opportunities Orientation and Fast Start This Is Scouting Position-Specific Training Appropriate Outdoor Skill Training Wood Badge Lifelong Learning There’s a progression of training opportunities in the BSA, starting with click before each bullet item Orientation and Fast Start – Accompanied by a video, these provide a non-structured introduction to the Scouting organization. This Is Scouting – This is an on-line overview of the values, vision, and mission of the Boy Scouts of America, and an introduction to each of the Scouting programs. Position-Specific Training – Contained in this training are the nuts and bolts of specific positions in Scouting. Adult leaders can learn how best to fulfill their particular leadership roles in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, or Venturing, or as district or council Scouters involved with multiple Scouting program areas. Appropriate Outdoor Skill Training – Training opportunities are targeted to enhance the outdoor skills needed by leaders in Scouting’s various programs. Wood Badge – The BSA’s ultimate leadership training for adults, Wood Badge offers a six-day immersion in the theory, practice, and experience of appropriate skills for leading others within Scouting and in many environments beyond the BSA. Lifelong Learning – In addition to its progression of structured training, the BSA encourages leaders to take advantage of opportunities for continuous learning and supplemental training within the Scouting organization -- roundtables, pow wows, COPE courses, University of Scouting, Scouting publications, special courses tailored to specific program areas of emphasis, etc. – and the great variety of possibilities beyond the BSA to increase skills. Lifelong learning is further enhanced when adults accept the challenge of teaching skills to others. The front end of this, the progression of BSA training, is skills-oriented. In the middle, the emphasis is on leadership. That will be our emphasis here on NE-II-130. After that, the focus is on advanced skills that require leadership. click for next slide
This Is Scouting Youth Development Basic Structuring and funding Resources available Review of the importance of ensuring that Scouting is safe
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Review of outdoor skills mastered for First Class Scouts Camping, hiking, and other outdoor skills Required to be “Trained”
This training course has three sections:
Session One: Getting Started The Role of the Scoutmaster in a Boy-Lead Troop
Session Two: Lighting the Fire The Outdoor Program
Session Three: Keeping it Going Program Planning and Troop Administration.
Written Resources For Scoutmasters: The Scoutmaster Handbook The Boy Scout Handbook Other BSA Literature
Troop Leader Guidebooks, soon to replace Scoutmaster Handbook Vol. 1: For new troop leaders Vol. 2: Advanced guidance for veteran Scouters
The Aims of Scouting Character development Citizenship training Mental and physical fitness
The Methods of Scouting Method: Covered In: Ideals Patrol method Outdoors Advancement Association with adults Personal growth Leadership development Uniform All sessions Session one Session two Session three
Session One: Getting Started The Role of the Scoutmaster
What a Scoutmaster Must Be A role model A friend to the boys An example, wearing the uniform
What a Scoutmaster Must Know That boys are the leaders How to use the patrol method The skills to deliver the Scouting promise The resources: training, literature
What a Scoutmaster Must Do Give direction Provide coaching Support Empower Have fun
Basic Troop Organization Patrol Leader’s Council Senior Patrol Leader Scoutmaster Asst.
Organization Chart for a Large Troop
Troop Structure Patrols Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) Adult Leaders
The Troop Committee
Session One: Getting Started Troop Meetings
The Troop Meeting Pre-opening Opening (5 minutes) Skills Instruction (15 - 20 minutes) Patrol Meetings (5 - 20 minutes) Inter-patrol Activity (15 - 20 minutes) Closing (5 minutes) After the meeting
Troop Meetings and the Scoutmaster Support and guide Senior Patrol Leader The Scoutmaster’s Minute Assess and review plans for the next meeting
Session One: Getting Started Working with boys
“We Did It Ourselves!”
Working With Boy Leaders: The Patrol Method “The patrol method is not a way to operate a Boy Scout troop, it is the only way. Unless the patrol method is in operation you don’t really have a Boy Scout Troop.” - Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting
When it comes to working with boys, what are your greatest concerns?
Leadership is often a matter of providing what is missing. Keys to Troop Leadership Be a good listener Provide positive reinforcement Match leadership style to the needs of your Scouts
Four Styles of Scout Leadership (EDGE) Directing (Explain) Instructions to be followed here and now Coaching (Demonstrate) Guidance and praise, learning by doing Supporting (Guide) Referring to resources, encouragement and praise Delegating (Enable) Letting Scouts do it with minimal supervision
What Scouting can provide a boy: Sense of belonging Achievement & recognition Self-esteem Confidence Self-discipline Self-reliance Healthy interaction Experience of teamwork Chapter 11, Scoutmaster’s Handbook
Session One: Getting Started The Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC)
The Patrol Leaders’ Council Planning troop meetings Planning Outdoor activities Feedback to/from patrol members
Session One Summary Role of a Scoutmaster Troop organization Troop meetings Working with Boy Leaders/Patrol method Listening Using the four styles of leadership The Patrol Leaders’ Council
You can deliver the promise of Scouting! What will your action plan be?
Session Two: Lighting the Fire
Lighting the Fire: The Outdoor Program Preview of Session Two Lighting the Fire: The Outdoor Program Sizzle of the Outdoor Program Nuts and Bolts of the Outdoor Program Outdoor Program - Patrol Activity Reflection
Session Two: Lighting the Fire Sizzle of the Outdoor Program
Outdoors: “the sizzle” The allure The stage Classroom without walls The adventure
The Challenge of Delivering the Outdoor Program Start out small and grow Boys and adults have different perceptions Learn together Know when to delegate
Session Two: Lighting the Fire Nuts and Bolts of the Outdoor Program
The Two Elements of Adult Leadership in the Outdoor Program Skills and Safety The Two Elements of Adult Leadership in the Outdoor Program
Outdoors: The skills Key Resources BSA training opportunities Other adults The boy-led troop using the patrol method BSA outdoor-related literature
Outdoors: The skills The Scoutmaster Handbook Checklists: Scoutmaster’s Campsite Quick Checklist Scout Outdoor Essentials Personal Overnight Camping Gear Troop Overnight Camping Gear Outdoor Program Checklist
Outdoors: The skills Leave No Trace Plan ahead and prepare. Travel and camp on durable surfaces. Dispose of waste properly. Leave what you find. Minimize campfire impact. Respect wildlife. Be considerate of other visitors.
Outdoors: The skills Conservation Projects Giving back to the land We can make a difference Conservation awards
Outdoors: Safety “Sweet 16” of BSA Safety Qualified supervision Physical fitness Buddy system Safe area or course Equipment selection and maintenance Personal safety equipment Safety procedures and policies Skill level limits Weather check Planning Communications Permits and notices First aid resources Applicable laws CPR resource Discipline
The Safety Sandwich Principle
Outdoors: Safety Additional Safety Resources Safe Swim Defense Safety Afloat Climb On Safely Guide to Safe Scouting
Outdoors: Safety Scoutmaster responsibilities: Encourage boys to incorporate safety in their plans Step in if an activity is unsafe Set boundaries and standards of behavior Use appropriate leadership style to rectify problems
Session Two: Lighting the Fire Outdoor Program - Patrol Activity
Outdoor Planning: A Patrol Activity Winter climate Arid climate Rugged terrain Urban setting
Session Two: Lighting the Fire Reflection: A form of careful listening and sharing that allows Scouts and leaders to assess an experience and generalize, to get from it the greatest value it has to offer.
You can deliver the promise of Scouting! What will your action plan be?
Homework Assignment