New Course Descriptions and Scheduling Process for
Students will be using the DASL Public Course Module to schedule their classes for the school year online. The process was piloted with our current 9 th and 10 th grade students last school year. This year all students grades 8-11 will be using the program from home to schedule their classes. The scheduling process will begin on Monday, January 30 th, Each grade level will have its own class meeting with very specific instructions. Computers will be available in the Paw Stop during lunches on Thursdays during the month of February to assist students will any technical problems or answer any scheduling questions. ▪ The Media Center will be open during conferences on Feb. 23 rd, as well.
Utilizing the Public Course Module will: Give students the opportunity to experience online scheduling prior to entering college. Create more efficient time use of our guidance team. Tally student course requests and scheduling data quicker. ▪ Thereby, putting necessary data in the hands of the principal sooner. ▪ Our goal is to have the master schedule locked in by the end of April, allowing for counselors to address scheduling conflicts with students prior to the end of this school year.
Special Parent Meetings will be held on January 26 th in the GHS Senior Commons: 6 PM for Class of 2015 6:30 PM for Class of 2014 7 PM for Class of 2013 8 th grade Parent Night is February 27 th at 6:30 PM in the Auditorium
New courses have been added to our curriculum for the school year. These include: New dual enrollment options New Advanced Placement Courses New World Language Options STEM courses in our Science Department
Green High School students have the opportunity to take college courses while still in high school utilizing our PSEOP hybrid menu: Post Secondary Courses on the college campus of one of our university partners. Distance Learning classes: taken in our DL classroom via the University of Akron. Dual Enrollment: college classes taught at GHS by a GHS teacher serving as an adjunct professor to one of our university partners.
General Biology I and II Meant for students interested in a Biology related major or minor Pre-Calculus Both courses are TAG: transferable.
AP Environmental Science AP Statistics AP Language and Composition AP World History A total of 11 AP courses will be offered at GHS. Check out AP teacher, Mark Tomecko’s article in this month’s issue of the Bulldog Bite about the value of AP.
French I-IV AP French German I-IV Japanese I and II Latin I and II Mandarin Chinese I and II These courses will be taught online by our current provider, Aventa K-12. They will be year long courses which will meet in a lab environment facilitated by one of our WL teachers. Students and parents will have the opportunity to preview the option.
The “New” 9 th grade Physical Science: Project-based Infused technology Advanced Physics Designed for students with an interest in pursuing engineering as a major.
Parent Meetings: January 26 th at GHS in the Senior Commons 6 PM for Current Freshmen 6:30 PM for Current Sophomores 7 PM for Current Juniors 8 th Grade Parent Night is Feb.27 th at 6:30 (will be followed by the PTSA program “10 Things I wish I Knew about High School”)
Main Office Cindy Brown, Principal, Bill Bridenthal, Asst. Principal, grades 10 and 12 Erich Muzi, Asst. Principal, grades 9 and 11 Malia Miller, Guidance Chairperson