Implementation of STCW Regulations STCW – Final Rule New Rule Drafting Changes Implementation of STCW Regulations
NEW RULE DRAFTING CHANGES National Deck Officers: General Guidance Conversions: Not More Than = Less Than Steam and Motor = Self-Propelled Any Gross Tons = Unlimited Tonnage NOTES: Not Valid on Aux Sail or Sail vessels limitation must be placed on every Master / Mate inspected endorsement. Radar Observer if qualified will now be a stand alone capacity, no longer endorsed to each officer endorsement. Commercial Assistance Towing if qualified will also now be a stand alone endorsement on all officer endorsements less than 200 GRT. Do not endorse on MMC’s with officer endorsements of 200 GRT and above and/or Master / Mate Towing. ITC / GT Tonnage will NO LONGER be listed on National side, with the exception of OSV tonnage limitations. 2
NEW RULE DRAFTING CHANGES National Engineer Officers: General Guidance Conversions: Any Horsepower = no limitation. Only endorse HP if there is a limitation. Not More Than = Less Than. Steam and Motor = Steam Propelled, Motor Propelled OR Steam and Motor Propelled NOTES: Kilowatts will now be endorsed along with the Horsepower. Chief Engineer (Limited Oceans) and Chief Engineer (Limited Near Coastal) will be converted to: Chief Engineer – Limited and Assistant Engineer (Limited – Oceans) will now be converted to: Assistant Engineer – Limited. Tonnage that used to be only endorsed on STCW for Chief Engineer – Limited, Assistant Engineer- Limited, and DDE and will be now be reflected on the National side ONLY. (DDE=500 GRT, C/E and A/E = 1600 GRT) 3
NEW RULE DRAFTING CHANGES National Deck / Engine Ratings: General Guidance Able Seaman: No longer issuing original AB- MOU. We will continue to renew as is. QMED: 2 new combined ratings: Pumpman/ Machinist Electrician / Refrigerating Engineer **Notes: Entry Level Ratings will be endorsed to all Deck and Engineer officer endorsements. Any Unlicensed Rating in Engine Dept. will convert to QMED – Any Rating 4
NEW RULE DRAFTING CHANGES STCW : General Guidance Conversions: Not More Than = Less Than. NOTES: In most cases only GT will be used on STCW deck officer endorsements. Kilowatts will now be endorsed along with HP. (Just like National) OICNW, OICEW, Management Level Deck and Engineer officers will have negative endorsements up to December 31, 2016 if they have not completed certain courses . (Similar to how we endorse ECDIS) 5
DRAFTING Examples CHANGE: If a mariner gives you BT applies for STCW and only holds an OS, Wiper SD (FH) then we will now begin issuing their credential as follows: NATIONAL STCW Capacity Limitations OS Wiper SD(FH) Regulation: VI/1 Capacity Limitations Basic Training
Regulation (s): II/3, II/4, II/5, VI/1, VI/2 DRAFTING Examples SNM applied & qualifies for a renewal national/STCW endorsement as Master 100 NC/Mate200 NC with AB Unlimited and RFPNW with no ECDIS course provided: NATIONAL STCW Capacity Limitations Master Of Self-Propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT upon Near Coastal Waters. Mate Of Self-Propelled vessels of less than 200 GRT upon Near Coastal waters. Radar Observer (Unlimited) Able Seaman Unlimited Lifeboatman Wiper Stewards Department (F.H.) Regulation (s): II/3, II/4, II/5, VI/1, VI/2 Capacity Limitations Master Limited to vessels of less than 500 Gross Tons. Valid for near coastal voyages only. Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. OICNW Limited to vessels of less than 500 Gross Tons. Valid for near coastal voyages only. Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. Able Seafarer-Deck Rating Forming Part of an navigational watch Proficiency in use of Survival Craft Basic Training HQ-Guidance on Auxiliary sail Drafting Endorsements and STCW II/3.
The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: DRAFTING EXAMPLE SNM is renewing Second Mate Unlimited Tonnage OC, Master 1600 OC, and Master Towing OC and has not provided an ECDIS course but holds VSO currently. The following is his NATIONAL draft: The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: Capacity Limitations Master of Self-Propelled vessels less than 1,600 GRT upon Oceans. Master Of Oceans Towing Vessels. Second Mate of Steam or Motor vessels of any gross tons upon Oceans. Radar Observer (Unlimited) Able Seaman (Unlimited) Lifeboatman Tankerman PIC (Barge) Limited to Dangerous Liquid (DL) Cargoes. Tankerman Asst Limited to Dangerous Liquid (DL) Cargoes. Wiper SD (FH) HQ Guidance on Auxiliary Sail Drafting Endorsements and STCW II/3.
Regulation: II/1; II/2; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; V/1-1;VI/1;VI/2; VI/3: VI/4;VI/5; VI/6 Capacity Limitation Master Limited to service on vessels 500 GT or more and Less Than 3,000 GT. Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. Valid for service on Uninspected Towing Vessels. Officer in charge of Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. Valid for service on Uninspected Towing Vessels. a navigational watch Able Seafarer-Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Proficiency In use of Survival Craft Advanced oil Limited to non-self- propelled vessels. tanker cargo operations. Advanced chemical Limited to non-self- propelled vessels. Basic oil and chemical tanker cargo operations. Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training GMDSS Operator Vessel Security Officer Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties Security Awareness Corrected limitation order. TMD (12/17/2012)
Capacity Limitations____________ ___ DRAFTING EXAMPLE SNM holds 3rd Mate 4,000 GRT NC and has provided an GMDSS and ECDIS course. The following is his NATIONAL draft: The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: Capacity Limitations____________ ___ Third Mate of Self-Propelled vessels less than 4,000 GRT upon Near Coastal Waters. Radar Observer (Unlimited). Able Seaman (Unlimited) Lifeboatman Limited to non lifeboat equipped vessels. Wiper SD (FH)
Regulation: II/1; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; VI/1;VI/2; VI/3: VI/4 Capacity Limitations Officer in charge of Valid for near coastal voyages only. a navigational watch Able Seafarer-Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats - limited (PSC - limited) Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training GMDSS Operator
The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: DRAFTING EXAMPLE SNM is renewing DDE 4,000. Previously held Any Unlicensed Rating In The Engine Dept. The following is his NATIONAL draft: The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: Capacity Limitations Designated Duty Engineer Of Motor Propelled Vessels of less than 4,000 HP/3,000 kW. Less than 500 GRT. QMED-Any Rating Lifeboatman OS Stewards Department (F.H.)
Regulation (s): III/1, III/4, III/5, VI/1, VI/2, VI/3, VI/4, Capacity Limitations Officer In Charge of an Not valid on steam or gas-turbine propelled vessels. Engineering Watch Valid on ships less than 4,000 HP/3,000 kW. Less than 500 GRT. Able Seafarer-Engine Rating Forming Part of an Engine-room Watch Proficiency in use of Survival Craft Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training
The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: DRAFTING EXAMPLE SNM is renewing Engineer Officer Endorsements and AB. SNM qualifies for VPDSD. The following is his NATIONAL draft: The INTERNATIONAL portion should look like: Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer Of Offshore Supply Vessels. Second Assistant Engineer Of Motor Propelled Vessels of 4000 HP. Third Assistant Engineer Of Steam Propelled Vessels. Designated Duty Engineer Of Steam and Motor Propelled Vessels. Less than 500 GRT. Able Seaman (Unlimited) QMED-Any Rating Lifeboatman Tankerman-PIC Limited to Dangerous Liquid (DL) Cargoes. Stewards Department (F.H.) Mariner qualifies to renew all National and STCW endorsements.
Regulation (s): II/4; II/5; III/1, III/2, III/4, III/5, V/1-1, VI/1, VI/2, VI/3, VI/4, VI/6 Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer Limited to service on motor propelled offshore supply vessels of not more than 3,000 Gross Tons (ITC Tonnage). Valid for near coastal voyages only. Officer In Charge of an Not valid on gas turbine propelled vessels. Engineering Watch Able Seafarer-Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Able Seafarer-Engine Rating Forming Part of an Engine-room Watch Proficiency in use of Survival Craft Advanced Oil Tanker Cargo Operations Advanced Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties Security Awareness
TRADE RESTRICTIONS Please continue to draft trade restricted officer endorsements as a separate capacity and limitation until we are directed otherwise. This would include OSV and UFIV officers. See examples in the next 4 slides.
Drafting with Trade Restriction (DECK) SNM is renewing an inspected officer endorsement and an officer endorsement with a trade restriction (mariner has not submitted ECDIS). The NATIONAL portion should read: The INTERNATIONAL portion should read: Capacity Limitations Mate Of Self-Propelled vessels less than 500 GRT upon Oceans. Mate Of Offshore Supply Vessels. Radar Observer (Unlimited) Able Seaman (Unlimited) Lifeboatman Wiper SD (FH)
Regulation: II/1; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3: VI/4 Capacity Limitations OICNW Limited to service on vessels 500 GT or more and less than 3,000 GT. Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. OICNW Limited to service on motor propelled offshore supply vessels of not more than 3,000 ITC. Valid for near coastal voyages only. Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after 31 December 2016. Able Seafarer - Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Proficiency In use of Survival Craft Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training GMDSS Operator
Drafting with Trade Restriction (ENGINE) SNM qualifies for the following officer endorsements: The NATIONAL portion should read: The INTERNATIONAL portion should read: Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer Of Steam Propelled Vessels. Chief Engineer Of Uninspected Fishing Industry Vessels. 3rd Assistant Engineer Of Gas Turbine Propelled Vessels. QMED-Any Rating Lifeboatman Wiper SD (FH)
Regulation: III/1; III/2; III/4; III/5; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4 Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer Not valid for motor or gas turbine propelled vessels. OICEW Not valid on motor propelled vessels. Able Seafarer - Engine Rating Forming Part of a Engine-Room Watch Proficiency In use of Survival Craft Proficient in providing Medical First Aid Advanced Firefighting Basic Training
Drafting with SWBC (DECK) The NATIONAL portion should read: The INTERNATIONAL portion should read: Capacity Limitations Mate Of Self-Propelled Vessels of Unlimited Tonnage upon Inland Waters . Authorized for Near Costal service upon the Sheltered Waters of British Columbia as defined in the treaty Between the U.S. and Canada signed on 11-AUG-1934. Radar Observer (Unlimited) Able Seaman-Unlimited Lifeboatman Wiper Stewards Dept(FH)
Regulation: II/1; II/3; II/4; II/5; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4 Capacity Limitations Officer in charge of a Valid for service upon the Sheltered Waters of British Columbia as defined in the treaty between Navigational Watch the U.S. and Canada signed on 11 August 1934. Not valid for service on ARPA equipped vessels. (OICNW) Not valid for service on ECDIS equipped vessels after December 31, 2016. Able Seafarer-Deck Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (RFPNW) Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats(PSC). Proficient in providing Medical First Aid. Advanced Firefighting Basic Training
Drafting with SWBC (ENGINE) The NATIONAL portion should read: The INTERNATIONAL portion should read: Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer (Limited) Of Motor or Gas Turbine Propelled Vessels. Chief Engineer Of Uninspected Fishing Vessels . Second Assistant Engineer Of Motor or Gas Turbine Propelled Vessels . QMED-Any Rating Lifeboatman Stewards Dept(FH)
Regulation: III/1; III/2; III/4; III/5; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4 Capacity Limitations Chief Engineer Not valid on steam propelled vessels. Valid on Vessels of Unlimited Tonnage Upon the Sheltered Waters of British Columbia as defined in the treaty between the U.S. and Canada signed on 11 August 1934. Officer in Charge of Not valid on steam propelled vessels.. an Engineering Watch (OICEW) Able Seafarer-Engine Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFPEW) Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats(PSC). Proficient in providing Medical First Aid. Advanced Firefighting Basic Training
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