USING RUBIK’S CUBE The ORF’s Web-based Tool for Real-Time Facility Information 1 March 25, 2011 Draft for Information Technology Branch Prepared by La Vern James Division of Facilities Planning
2 ACCESSING RUBIK’S CUBE Right Click the Rubik’s Cube Icon on your desktop Select “Open” from the drop down menu This screen will appear
3 ACCESSING RUBIK’S CUBE Enter the same username and password that is used to log on to your PC and Left Click “Sign In” This screen will appear
4 EXPLORING RUBIK’S CUBE Home Page Left click in one of the boxes to view any of the Tabular, Chart or Plan Reports listed:
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE To perform the following functions for any view in Rubik’s Cube, click the appropriate icon: –Print – –Maximize –Alter 5
6 ACCESSING RUBIK’S CUBE Select “Show Dashboard ” from the toolbar This screen will appear
7 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE This screen represents your Facility Information Dashboard, a user interface that allows users to view demographic, spatial, real property asset and facility lifecycle data from sources that include the HHS Automated Real Property Inventory System (ARIS), NIH’s Enterprise Directory (NED), DFP’s Census Database, and DPM’s Vanderweil Facility Advisor (VFA) Database.
8 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE The toolbar on the Dashboard provides six categories of information that can be explored in more detail:
9 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB The “Portfolio” screen automatically appears when you click “Show Dashboard” to view building information that include: Usable Area by Building Predominant Use Utilization Chart Building Efficiency (Usable/Rentable) Condition Index by Building Alias Building Information Buildings –Building Code –Alias –Building Name Building Details
10 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB Hovering over the bars on the “Usable Area by Building by Predominant Use” chart will generate a pop-up that provides the Building Number and the Usable Area Sum
11 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB Hovering over the slices on the “Portfolio Utilization” chart will generate a pop-up that provides the number and percentage of buildings that fall into any of four categories of utilization.
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB Hovering over the bars on the “Building Efficiency (Usable/Rentable)” chart will generate a pop-up that provides the name of the leased property and its efficiency rate: 12
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB Hovering over the bars on the “Condition Index (CI) by Building” chart will generate a pop-up that provides the building number and CI for all assessed building at NIH’s Bethesda and Research Triangle Park campuses: 13
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB “Building Code” is a field that can be filtered as denoted by the triangular symbol to the right of the text. Hovering over the words “Building Code” will generate a pop-up of two funnels each with a red arrow pointing in opposing directions: 14
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PORTFOLIO TAB Click the right arrow that points upward to clear any previous filtering criteria : Click left arrow that points downward to filter: Click the “plus sign” and enter the Code, Alias or Name for the building in the boxes provided and hit “enter” to filter list and view specific building details. 15
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE NIH Institutes and Centers Tab Click the “NIH Institutes and Centers” to view IC specific information that include: –Net assignable square feet –IC by Building –Buildings by IC 16
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE NIH Institutes and Centers Tab Hover over any of the bars on the “NASF” bar chart to get a pop-up that displays the total net assignable square footage: 17
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE NIH Institutes and Centers Tab 18 Doubling clicking on any of the bars on the “NASF” bar chart will give you a pop-up table that displays the data elements that comprise the total nasf:
19 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE Floor Plan Tab Clicking the “Floor Plan” tab will provide a listing of buildings by floor. To view the drawing for a specific building and floor, click the appropriate box:
20 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE Floor Plan Tab Click the icons in the drawing window to manipulate the drawing and select spaces. Hovering over each Icon will reveal its function :
21 EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE Floor Plan Tab Selecting options from the “Highlight” and “Label” drop down menus, will create an overlay between a color-coded floor plan drawing and corresponding data:
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE NIH Websites Tab Click the “NIH Websites” tab to access the ORF Internet and NIH Space Plans: 22
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE PAT Report Tab Click the “PAT Report” tab to view the Performance Analysis Tool Reports for all assessed NIH buildings: 23
EXPLORING RUBIK’s CUBE Maps Tab Click the “Maps” tab to view a demo of the GIS map capability available via Web Central. This will be expanded in the future: 24
RUBIK’s CUBE Home Page 25 Click “My Jobs” from the toolbar to view a log of reports and jobs running during the current login session:
RUBIK’s CUBE Home Page 26 Click “My Favorites” from the toolbar to view all saved tasks:
RUBIK’s CUBE Home Page 27 “My Profile is controlled at the System Administrator level - - unauthorized users can not change these settings.
RUBIK’s CUBE Home Page 28 Click “Sign Out” to exit Web Central:
29 Enjoy Your RUBIK’s CUBE Experience