Created for the disadvantaged world Available for everyone Tyndale House, Cambridge
Use it in your own language (50 available so far. Anyone can add their own)
Quickly look up a reference Click on a reference Or Start typing any reference
Bibles in hundreds of languages: Many English Bibles:
Bibles in the ancient languages (Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Syriac, Samaritan)
Search for words in any language Start typing in the language of your Bible (280 language Bibles installed so far…)
Then choose one of the Greek or Hebrew words You can also type in Hebrew, Greek, or transliteration Or type in a word to search the original text
Search results can be seen in any version. ESV version shows results highlighted. Or search by Strongs number
Many visual settings: Font size Headings verses separate Hebrew & Greek accents Jesus' words in red letters Different options are available for different versions Change the font, layout etc
Download version of STEP works when the internet is down The Download version runs in a browser as if the web were working On PC & Mac (Android in preparation)
Read any Bible versions together Any number of versions can be read together in different ways: eg Interleaved:
In side-by-side Columns (Here the Comparison feature is turned on, so differences are seen in blue. )
Interlinear - translating word-by-word (This view works for all Bibles marked “I”for “Interlinear”) (Click on the version name to display in Hebrew order)
Commentaries with Bibles Commentary can read alongside the Bible text
Bookmarks and Favourites Bookmarks are recorded automatically. Any bookmark can be fixed as a Favourite in a collection that remains at the top of the list.
Expand Greek & Hebrew meanings Hover over a word: The Hebrew or Greek is briefly explained
Or click on a word: More detailed language help appears Then click to see every place where the same word occurs.
Complex word searches too Many types of Complex search are easy to construct
Wordclouds in any language Animation of wordclouds shows the subject of a book like a cartoon.
Results are in three levels of detail. This is the middle level. Click on an entry to see the verses Subject search
STEP is a perfect combination of simplicity with a depth that satisfies any curiosity. There’s much more…