D4912 – Website Rebranding, Day 1 Impact clarification June 2006 V4.0
Document change log VersionDateChange MadePages impacted 3.06/24Logo replaced with updated logo that includes “Together with Nextel” tagline3, 4, 5, 6, /8Revised verbiage in footer to match new Brand-approved names /8Added information on the minimum size & clearance required for new Sprint logo9 4.07/10 Added UE webserver URL (link to helpful page that includes CSS information, coded example of compliant page, logos, etc.)10
Page 3 Topics for Discussion Global Navigation –Sites that use the correct current global nav (shown below) will need to: Add “Contact Us” (new URL shown below in green); change “About Sprint” to “About Us” Note that text changes and URL changes are not made by the CSS update. They must be made by development and/or content management systems. –Online typography, online color system detailed in Sprint Online Visual System Guidelines –Clicking on the global nav fully transitions the user to the new URL (does not open it in a new window) Sprint.com sprint.com/personal sprint.com/business Sprint.com/about Current Sprint.com sprint.com/personal/ sprint.com/business/ sprint.com/about/ sprint.com/contact/ Day 1
Page 4 Topics for Discussion Global Navigation for non CSS-compliant sites –Header is always 100% of window width. Header (global nav, logo & tabs or tab area) is 108 px high –Global Nav text is Trebuchet MS, 11px, # –11 px space between navigational name (i.e. “Personal”) and vertical pipe (“|”) –Logo size = 258px x 79px Do not put references to width, height and border attributes in the image element alt="Sprint" –Clicking on the global nav fully transitions the user to the new URL (does not open it in a new window) Sprint.com sprint.com/personal/ sprint.com/business/ sprint.com/about/ sprint.com/contact/
Page 5 Topics for Discussion Primary Navigation (tabs) – Sprintpcs.com –Sprintpcs.com tabs will change as indicated below –Other sites must change tabs to reflect new look & feel ONLY No other sites but Sprintpcs.com are required to change their primary tabs Current Day 1 Sprintpcs.com sprintpcs.com/mypcs* www1.sprintpcs.com/explore/ExploreHome.jsp sprint.com/business Sprintpcs.com/support (*manage1.sprintpcs.com if user times out on Manage) Current Sprint.com/personal/wireless/ Sprint.com/personal/wireless/support/ Sprint.com/personal/wireless/manage/ EXCEPT within Manage application. Within Manage, URL remains the same as today (manage1.sprintpcs.com)
Page 6 Topics for Discussion Primary Navigation (tabs) – tab construction & behavior –If CSS-compliant, new CSS will change tab look & feel for pcs sites –For other sites such as business, new tabs will have to be created Background images will need to be created by applications. If no design resources are available, requests can be made to UXD -Request needs to state application name and tab names -Requests should be sent to Prashanth via –Behavior/colors: Tabs (active): Font: TheSans Plain, 14px, #000000, white background. Tabs (inactive): Font: TheSans Plain, 14px, #999999, gradient background. Tabs (hover): Font: TheSans Plain, 14px, #666666, gradient background. –Spacing between each tabs' text and tab wall is 23px for all NON-PCS websites. –Tab height = 29 px. If application does not have tabs, tab area must still be part of header 23 px 29 px
Page 7 Universal footer Footer –Links shown below –Footer is always 100% of window width –Link color/behavior same as overall body link color/behavior Trebuchet MS 11px Link visited: #5C609E Link hover: # Link: #148AB2 Must show as hyperlink (underlined) –Background = gradient image –Area below the footer includes the copyright Color of text (non-link): # Background color: #F1F1F1 Text is Trebuchet MS 11px Text is aligned to the left –Clicking on the links fully transitions the user to the new URL (does not open it in a new window) sprint.com/legal/privacy.html sprint.com/legal/copyright.html sprint.com/contact/ sprint.com/legal/terms.html sprintstorelocator.com V 4.0: Link verbiage & order of links changed per final Brand decision. V 4.1 clarification: copyright footer text is aligned right
Page 8 Other colors Containers –Text: 11 px Trebuchet MS, white (#FFFFFF) –Background: #59639C –Exterior Border color: # –Interior Border color: #CCCCCC
Page 9 Additional Information Logo – Clear space and Minimum Size Source: June 22 Sprint Visual Identity Interim Guidelines
Page 10 Additional Information Helpful information stored on the UXD web page – –Provides CSS info and instructions, links to documentation, instructions on how to build the header if your application does not call the common.css files, provides alternative logos