1-Adage Adage: (n.) a proverb,wise saying Example : One way to begin an informal speech is to quote and old adage.
2-Bonanza Bonanza: (n.) a rich mass of ore in a mine; something very valuable, profitable or rewarding ; a source of wealth or prosperity ; a very large amount ;sudden profit or gain. Example: The thrilling adventure movie set in Alaska proved to be a box-office.
3-Churlish Churlish:(adj.) lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; difficult to work with or deal with ;rude Example : The store manager instructed all the salesclerks to avoid churlish replies to customers’ questions.
4-Citadel Citadel: (n) a fortress that overlooks and protects a city ; any strong or commanding place Example : A medieval citadel once guarded the capital city of the Greek island of Rhodes
5-Collaborate Collaborate: (v.) to work with,work together Example: Several students plan to collaborate on a geology project for the annual science fair.
6-Decree Decree: (n.) an order having the force of law; (v.) to issue such an order ; to command firmly or forcefully Example: Why does nature always seem to decree nasty weather for our annual family picnic?
7-Discordant Discordant: (adj.) disagreeable in sound,jarring; lacking in harmony, conflicting Example: Their little spat struck a discordant note in our otherwise happy family get-together.
8-Evolve Evolve: (v.) to develop gradually ; to rise to higher level Example: Authors hope that their notes,descriptions, and character sketches will evolve into a book.
9-Excerpt Excerpt: (n.) a passage taken from a book,article. ;(v.) to take such a passage ; to quote Example: If you excerpt some material from a reference book,be sure to enclose it in quotation marks.
10-Grope Grope: (v.) to feel about hesitantly with the hands ; to search blindly and uncertainly Example: When the power failed, we had to grope in the dark to find a working flashlight.
11-Hover Hover: (v.) to float or hang suspended over ; to move back and forth uncertainly over or around Example: A large group of vultures hovered in the air above the wounded animal.
12-Jostle Jostle: (v.) to make or force one’s way by pushing or elbowing ; to bump, shove, brush against ; to compete for Example: I tried not to jostle other riders as I exited the crowded bus.
13-Laggard Laggard: (n.) a person who moves slowly or falls behind ; falling behind; slow to move, act, or respond. Example : Tenants who are laggard in paying rent run the risk of being forced to move.
14-Plaudits Plaudits: (n. pl.) applause; enthusiastic praise or approval Example: The skaters who won the gold medals gratefully accepted the plaudits of their fans.
15-Preclude Preclude: (v.) to make impossible, prevent shut out Example: Three wrong answers will preclude ant contestant from entering the quiz show’s final round.
16-Revert Revert: (v.) return,go back Example: Control of a property usually reverts to the legal owner when a lease is up.
17-Rubble Rubble: (n.) broken stone or bricks; ruins Example: Bulldozers and wrecking balls soon reduced the damaged building to a heap of a smoking rubble.
18-Servile Servile: (adj.) of or relating to a slave; behaving like or suitable for a slave or servant,menial; lacking spirit or independence, abjectly submissive Example: Most serious performers prefer constructive criticism to servile flattery
19-Vigil Vigil: (n.) a watch, especially at night ;any period of watchful attention Example: Thousands attended the solemn vigil at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
20-Wrangle Wrangle : (v.) to quarrel or argue in a noisy angry way; to obtain by argument ; to herd; (n.) a noisy quarrel Example : My brother and sister always wrangle over whose turn is to take out the trash.