Curricular Objects and the Hierarchy A Help Tutorial Presented by:11
Overview Curricular Objects and Hierarchy 2 This session will inform you on how the curriculum is used within the VITALS system. Also teaching you about how items in VITALS are interconnected and linked to each other.
Parent – Child Relationships 3 Every item within the curriculum is related through an organized hierarchy. This relation is through the parent-child relationship. Items that are the children fall under the larger category of the parent. Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
VITALS Hierarchy Levels 4 Curricular Component Curricular Unit Academic Program Curriculum Learning Objective Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
Example: Parent – Child Relationship 5 Curricular Component Learning Objective Curricular Unit Parent Child Parent Child Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
6 To navigate to the list view of all of the items in VITALS hover the Curriculum This is the VITALS home page. From here you can navigate to your desired area of interest Find the curricular items you want to edit by hovering over the Curriculum section and selecting Manage : List view of all curricular entities Teaching and Learning Methods : List view of all of the TLMs Curricular Resources : List view of all of the CRs Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
7 The yellow ‘caution’ icon indicates that no content has been loaded into this Curricular Resource This is the standard List Screen found throughout VITALS that displays all items you have permission to view Become familiar with the filter options found throughout VITALS. These are useful in locating your desired items Type “Film / Video” in the Object filter, to narrow your List Screen to display only those items Film / Video Press your space bar to reveal choices for each section Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
8 Click on the hyperlinked ID number to access the information for this specific item Navigate to the Hierarchy Tab Curricular Objects and Hierarchy
9 Parents are associated items that are above the selected one in the hierarchy Hierarchy Tab Curricular Objects and Hierarchy Children are associated items that are below the selected one in the hierarchy To edit these sections click on the pencil icon
10 In Edit Mode you can filter your results similar to the list view Editing the Hierarchy Tab Curricular Objects and Hierarchy Save your edits or Cancel them Drag and Drop items to either side of the list The Available section lists all items that are possible to use in the Parent section The Associated section lists all items that are currently listed in the Parent section
11 Hierarchy Tab Curricular Objects and Hierarchy To edit these sections click on the pencil icon Click on the Hyperlinked ID numbers to see the information for the associated items
12 Hierarchy Tab Curricular Objects and Hierarchy Select 3711 to see the information regarding this item The associated item’s organization, including the Hierarchy tab is identical to the previous item
Thank You! 13 If you have any questions or comments, please us! Presented by: Curricular Objects and Hierarchy