SPA Postings
Workflows There are 3 phases (workflows) in the recruitment process: 1)Creating a Posting 2)Screening and Transitioning Applicants 3)Generating a Hiring Proposal
SPA Workflows
User Groups Hiring Assistant (previously Hiring Manager) – Responsible for creating postings, moving applicants through the workflow and creating Hiring Proposals. Department Approver (previously Department) – Approval at the department level School/Area Approver (previously AVC/Dean) – Approval at the School/AVC level but may also be at the Division level if necessary. Executive Approver (previously VC/Provost) – Approval at the Division or Provost level, but may also be Chancellor. Budget (New!) – Reviews budget information during the Hiring Proposal
User Groups Contracts and Grants (New!) – Reviews budget information during the Hiring Proposal if the position is grant funded. PI (New!) – Principal Investigator reviews Posting and Hiring Proposal if the position is grant funded. AA Officer (New!) – The Affirmative Action Officer reviews postings, applicants and Final Candidates. Human Resources (same) – Performs various HR administrative role such as posting and reposting, compensation review, offers, and finalizing Hiring Proposals.
If you are not currently a UNCGjobsearch user, click here to create an account or if you have forgotten your password click here to request a password reset. Enter your Username and your Password, then click Login After navigating to the Jobsearch user login page: you will see this login screen.
Your Name Current User Role Navigation Tabs Items that you currently “own”, and require your attention Items that you have subscribed to, regardless of the current “owner” Links to the Jobsearch Support Portal and Applicant Portal Quick access to commonly used tasks
Hover over the Postings tab and select SPA
Then click on the orange Create New Posting button.
For SPA postings, ALWAYS select “Create from Template”
OR scroll through the list of templates and select the position classification title Search by position classification title here
Then click on the Create Posting from this Template link The information here in the template summary cannot be changed, only reviewed.
The Functional Title or Working Title is the title advertised to applicants. Select the Division (if necessary) Select the Department (if necessary) The Workflow state will remain “Under Review by HR” until the posting has closed and applicants are made available to the Hiring Assistant. This box MUST remain checked for SPA postings. For SPA postings, please disregard this box. Click the orange “Create New Posting” button to move on to the Posting Details section. This box should remain unchecked for SPA postings, as references are collected within the application or as an attached document.
SPA postings consist of 7 sections: Posting Details (largest section) Custom Communications Structured Interview Questions Internal Documents Applicant Documents Supplemental Questions Guest User Access There is also a Summary screen that shows all the information about the posting that you have entered. It will also show you the sections that require additional information.
Enter the Position Number The Functional Title was imported from the from the previous page. Position Type is used to help applicants filter vacancies on the job listings page. Position Summary includes job duties and can also include info about your Department/Division.
Preferred Qualifications can be based on education, experience or both. They do need to stay closely in line with the minimum qualifications. Any additional Special Instructions to your applicants can be listed here. Use the UNCG Salary Schedule as a guide to assist you.
Internal or External Hours worked Months per year worked Full-time, part-time, temp Is it time limited? Journey or Contributing or Advanced
List the 2-4 competencies needed to perform the duties of the job and carry the most weight, found in the position description.
If you have the funding and wish to advertise outside UNCGjobsearch, you can choose from the options provided or can add other sources you may wish to advertise in/at (, Listserves, etc.). IMPORTANT: The Hiring Department will be responsible for placing and paying for the additional external ads. If you do decide to advertise outside of UNCGjobsearch, you will need to provide a rough draft in this section. This information will be reviewed by the AA Officer. Please include the UNCGjobsearch URL and your position number.
Review the Availability Data to help determine if there is an underutilization of Females or Minorities. Check the boxes and add availability percentages for underutilized populations. Once this has been reviewed please check the EEO Acknowledgement Box.
Enter your information here. Any additional Hiring Assistants in your department can also be added here. The Alternate Contact person is for INTERNAL purposes only. Select the Principal Investigator if the position is grant funded.
Certain events/actions that occur during the application and recruitment selection process will trigger an . messages can be customized to brand your Department/Division or you can use the default text already entered. New!New!
A list of interview questions you will be asking your selected and approved candidates. IMPORTANT NOTE: All applicants must be approved in the UNCGjobsearch system by the AA Officer before interviews can be conducted.
HR requires a current, signed and dated Job Description be uploaded to the posting. You can also upload other documents here as well (Additional Advertising Plans, Other, etc.). These other documents are optional. Hover over the Actions drop down menu beside Job Description. Select Upload New. You will then be given the option to browse your computer for the document.
For SPA Postings, UNCG does not accept a resume in lieu of completing the electronic application. The SPA electronic application includes an Education, Work History and References sections. Applicants will only be able to upload the documents YOU Require OR make Optional. For documents you wish to be included, select the corresponding radial button under either the Optional or Required column.
As a Hiring Assistant, you can also add additional Supplemental Questions. These additional questions will not disqualify the applicant BUT will allow you to easily screen your applicants based on how the applicants answered the questions. SPA Position Templates have one or more Supplemental Questions that screen applicants on the minimum qualifications of the Banded position. These cannot be revised or removed.
Questions can be Open Ended or Predefined. You can also assign points to the Predefined questions. Questions can be sorted by Category (Education, Experience, Licensure, etc.) or Keyword. You can also browse through the list of questions by clicking on NEXT. If you are unable to locate a question that you wish to add, you can also Add a new one.
If other members of your department need access to this posting, the Guest Users Account will give them access to this posting only. They will be able to VIEW the applications and uploaded documents ONLY.
The password can be changed if you prefer. Note: s are sent after the posting has been approved by HR.
Posting the Vacancy Is the job description current? Are duties clearly defined? Does the ad state the minimum qualifications? What are the preferred qualifications? Posted long enough to get a good pool of applicants? Posted in sources to attract a diverse applicant pool?
The current status of the posting, who created it and the current owner. Navigation tabs to view the posting summary, history, change the settings, and view hiring proposals. The applicants tab will also be available here once the position has been posted. The checkmark signifies all of the required fields in this section have been completed. An exclamation point signifies a section requires additional information. See how the posting will look to applicants, print preview and the Take Action On Posting button, used to transition the posting to the next approver.
Send the posting to the Affirmative Action Officer for review, unless the position is grant funded, then send it the Principal Investigator first.
Comments to the next approver can be added. These comments are contained in the the approver receives. The posting can also be tracked in your watch list.
The Affirmative Action Officer reviews: EEO details The outside advertising information provided Salary range Affirmative Action Review
Human Resources Reviews: Spelling and grammar Whether or not this is an active position Salary range Competencies Human Resources Review
What’s Next? Once the position has been posted, HR and Jobsearch will send an to the Hiring Assistant. While the position is posted, users in the organization can view the applicants. Please be advised, that applicants should not be contacted until the posting has closed. This is the end of the first phase.
Human Resources Contact If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact: Natalie Jacobs directly at or by at