LIFECYCLE METADATA FOR DIGITAL OBJECTS Danielle Cunniff Plumer School of Information The University of Texas at Austin Summer 2014
Using ArchivesSpace You should have an account in the class ArchivesSpace instance: Username: your EID Password: (initial) There are three predefined repositories: IMLS C2C (IMLS Connecting to Collections Initiative) AFP (Austin Fanzine Project) Sandbox Start in the Sandbox
Sandbox Repository Selected
Create a new Accession
New Accession Panel Note that some information is required (Identified, Accession Date), while other information is optional.
Tooltips Most elements have tooltips, text that shows up when you hover over the element. Note that references to DACS are to the first edition.
Accessions vs. Resources Accession: Resource: We’ll create a new set of resources by importing a finding aid Finding aid:
Your first accession Create a new accession, using DACS to format the entries. You can do anything – for ideas, look at Note: try for smaller communities (10 or fewer items) All identifiers will use the organization code TxU-LS (MARC Organization for UT library school) Use the date of accession into Dspace, if known; otherwise, use today’s date Ignore Agents, Subjects, Classifications (for now)
Adding a resource Spawn a new resource from the accession Add a title for any finding aid to be created You will want to represent a hierarchy of objects Add at least one digital object Note technical metadata than can be included
Tutorial Assignment For any one accession, create a tutorial that shows how to complete a given step in ArchivesSpace. For example: Creating an accession (include AS required elements plus required elements from DACS v.2, updating tooltip references to DACS as needed) Creating a resource (either from an existing finding aid or from scratch) Add a digital object (include steps of creating checksum, extent information, etc.) Create an agent Create a location Using classification
Finding Aid Assignment Create an accession for a collection of digital objects Options: any one state in the IMLS Connecting to Collections repository at UIUC Connecting to Collections recordings (DVDs) Austin Fanzine Project (talk to Jennifer Hecker about options) Associate the accession with a resource (either by spawning or creating after the fact) Add digital objects for the various items – at least 5 Create any needed agents or other authority records (subjects, locations, etc.) When complete, export EAD
Useful URLs iSchool ArchivesSpace Connecting to Collections at UIUC Austin Fanzine Project DACS version ArchivesSpace GitHub: Example files for import testing: xporters/examples xporters/examples
Notes ArchivesSpace help isn’t available (requires membership) Our public interface is ArchivesSpace Sandbox is available Use username “admin” password “admin”