Micky Lina Zampichelli ELFADA project
Introduction to PhotoFiltre Download and install PhotoFiltre Menus and Toolbars How to resize a picture Use PhotoFiltre to edit one of your own photos Post about the process on your blog, with your edited image.
Have you ever edited pictures? If yes, what program have you used?
resize crop brightness contrast filter greyscale add text frame
PhotoFiltre is a free image editor. Installation is simple and quick. It is easy to use. Menus and toolbars give you easy access to many functions.
Go to website
Another window opens. Click on Free Download. Follow instructions.
This is what you see when you open the program. You will have an open desktop on which to begin. Click on new. The icons along the top and side make features easily accessible.
Hover your mouse over the menus/main tabs. A list of commands will appear.
Use your mouse to hover over the icon. The description of the tool will be displayed. Top bar Bottom bar
Open the image you want to resize using File – Open or click on the Open icon on the toolbar and look for it in the directory where you have saved the picture.
Resizing an image is one of the most common procedures we do with pictures. Typically a photo will be 1-2 or even 3Mb. Sending several of these in an would be too big for the receiver to download. And a picture this size is not suitable for a webpage/blog as it would take some time for the webpage to load.
Go to Image menu – Image size. The dialogue box gives you the original size in pixels. Make sure Preserve aspect ratio is ticked, so when you reduce the size the picture will not deform.
Enter a value in width, for example 400, and see how the other values change automatically. Click OK. See how its size has decreased.
Look at the picture and decide if you are satisfied with the size. You can undo unwanted change - use the undo arrow or go to Edit menu. Save the image. Once you have resized your picture, use the Save As to save the new file rather than using Save, which will overwrite your original file. You can save as type ‘png’ or ‘jpeg’
Write your post and click on where you would like your image to appear. Click on Upload/Insert - Add Media. Browse for the image you want to add to your post. Upload image The image is now stored in Gallery.
Choose the Alignment and Size you want. Insert into post.
Save Draft and Preview. To make changes click on the image. Two icons appear. Click on Edit Image to reduce the size of the image or to change alignment.
Use PhotoFiltre to resize one of your own photos, or find a photo on the internet. (Remember copyright and Creative Commons) Post about the process on your blog, with your edited image.
Choose another editing option/function Find a suitable image to edit Edit your image Post a blog about your editing process and a before and after image. Remember to resize images before embedding into your blog.
Simple frame Slide frame Puzzle Black & white Original Cropped
A. Very good and interesting B. I learnt something new C. It was ok D. Not very good E. Boring and uninteresting