Greenprint Toolbox Greenprint Toolbox Tutorial Hosted by MetroGIS
Greenprint Toolbox Toolbar Widget Navigation Slider Map Coordinates Tennessee State Plane NAD83 (feet) Scalebar
Greenprint Toolbox General Map Navigation Zoom In: Double click mouse on map to zoom in on scale level. Re-center Map: : Click on the map while holding down the mouse button to drag map to desired location. If mouse has scroll wheel: Scroll forward to zoom in. Scroll backwards to zoom out.
Greenprint Toolbox Navigation Slider Move arrow on slider up to zoom map in or move arrow on slider down to zoom out Click on arrow to see the current map scale
Greenprint Toolbox Toolbar
Greenprint Toolbox Map Layers : Opens widget to make available layers visible or not visible on the map Bookmarks : Opens widget to allow users to zoom to a predetermined county or city extents. Users can also create their own bookmarks Print : Opens widget to allow user to print the map Hover over icon for menu to appear
Greenprint Toolbox Navigation Zoom In : Zoom into a defined extent. Click in the upper left of the area you want to zoom in to. Hold down the left mouse button and drag a box around the area. Release the left mouse button to complete the zoom in function. Zoom Out : Zoom out to a defined extent. Click and drag a box. The smaller the box, the further you will be zoomed out. Full Extent: Resets the map to the initial extent. Re-center Map: Move around the map in any direction. Click on the map while holding down the mouse button to drag map to desired location. (This tool is enabled at startup) Hover over icon for menu to appear
Greenprint Toolbox Tools Identify: Click on map to find out information about the features at that location. Hover over icon for menu to appear
Greenprint Toolbox Help Help : Opens the document you are currently viewing Home: Opens Cumberland Region Tomorrow’s home page. About: Information about the version of this application. Hover over icon for menu to appear
Greenprint Toolbox Layers Widget (By default only base layers are visible) Click on arrow to expand the group of layers Click on check box for group layers to make the group visible or not visible Click on check box for individual layer to make the layer visible or not visible Use scrollbar to view more information Layer Visibility
Greenprint Toolbox Layers Widget (By default only base layers are visible) Click on gear to change to transparency mode Slide arrow on slider for a group layer to change transparency Slide to left for more transparency, slide to the right for less transparency All layers in group become more or less transparent Layer Transparency
Greenprint Toolbox Layers Widget (By default only base layers are visible) Click on blue question mark to change to layer legend Layer Legend Use scrollbar to view more information
Greenprint Toolbox Bookmarks Widget Click on desired bookmark to zoom map to that extent
Greenprint Toolbox Print Widget Enter desired title for map Enter desired subtitle for map Press the print button Choose the appropriate printer and settings on the print dialog and press print
Greenprint Toolbox Identify Widget Click on identify tool Click map at desired location Widget flips to show records for features at that location Click on table to flip back to identify tool Click trash can to clear graphics
Greenprint Toolbox Widgets Click on green arrow to minimize widget Click on icon to maximize widget Click on x to close the widget Minimizing, Mazimizing and Closing