Accessing and Using the e-Book Collection from EBSCOhost ® When an arrow appears, click to proceed to the next slide at your own pace. To go back, click the right mouse button and select “Previous,” “Reverse,” or “Back” to review a slide. If the slide show doesn’t start automatically, press the F5 key. Next…
What are E-Books? An e-book is an electronic version of a print book. Not all books in the Catalog are available as e-books; a few are available in both print and electronic-book formats. Over 90,000 titles and counting are available as e-books to RPCC users! Next…
What is e-Book Collection on EBSCOhost ® ? e-Book Collection on EBSCOhost ® is an online service that provides access to our library’s largest e- book collection. This is separate from Book Collection, another EBSCOhost product. Only e-books from e-Book Collection on EBSCOhost are included in the Online Catalog. You can access our library’s e-books 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from on or off-campus. Next…
Start from our home page … Next… If off-campus, you will be prompted to login to the RPCC databases, first. Click here... …then here
Is login always required to access an e-Book Collection title on EBSCOhost? No. It depends on where you are and what you need to do. To access an e-book from on-campus, login is not required. Access from off- campus, however, does require login. You will be prompted to login using your 9- character Library User ID, or your Alternate (Alt.) ID and your PIN. Next…
Your User ID Your Library User ID is your LoLA ID number. You can find it by logging into LoLA and looking at any schedule option (e.g., Week at a Glance). It will be in front of your name in the upper right corner. NOTE: The LoLA ID number is NOT the same as your LoLA user name. Next…
“My EBSCOhost” Account To use certain features of the e-books, on or off campus, you will need to create an additional account, called “My EBSCOhost”. This will enable you to add books to your Folder, making it easier to access them for future use, and to add notes. Creating this account, however, is not required to access and use the e-books. Once you have accessed the e-Book Collection’s landing page, take the following steps to create your account; accounts may be created on or off campus. If you experience any problems or have any questions, contact and state the nature of the Next…
Click here... Next… Then here to...
Complete the form to create your account. We recommend either your LoLA/Moodle username or your LoLA ID# Your password must be at least 5 characters. You may use your school address or another that you may have; be sure to remember which one you use. Then click here. Choose a question and provide your answer. Next…
Accessing Items in eBook Collection ® May be accomplished in one of two ways: You may go to the record for a selected E-Book from our Catalog OR You may go directly to eBook Collection ® from our E-Book Collections page on our website (Recommended for off-campus access) Next…
Accessing E-Books from the Catalog A specific E-Book can be accessed directly from a search in our Catalog. An E-Book will include a “URL” link in its record and its location will be eBook Collection. Keep in mind that not all records that include a “URL” are E-Books; these links will take you to other websites and resources. See the following examples. For more details on using the catalog, see the tutorial “Searching the Catalog.” Next…
Catalog search results list: Not all items with a URL are e-books! This is NOT an e-book,... … but this IS! Click on the URL and you will be directed to the e- book if on campus. If off-campus, you will first be directed to our login screen.
To search the eBook Collection on EBSCOhost from our eBook Collections page,... Click here … … to access the eBook Collection landing page. Next…
If you are off-campus, you should see this first, whether using the Catalog or eBook Collection on EBSCOhost. Next… Once logged in, you will be directed to..
eBook Collection ® Landing Page. Enter your search terms, and... … click search. Click here if you want to use more search options. Next… You may also browse by category.
eBook Collection ® Advanced Search Advanced Search allows for more options, such as title, author, subject, etc., to limit your search from the start. Next…
Browse By Category: History Browsing by Category will include all titles in the broad category. Next…
Basic Search for “civil war” Far too many titles to go through, but you can use other options to narrow any list of results even more. Next…
Refining your search: to limit by date, click and drag the slider to another year; your results will update Next…
To limit by Subject or Category, expand the sections, choose “Show more” if desired, choose more specific subjects or categories, and click Update. Next…
Refined Results Selecting for titles published between 1975 and 2013, and choosing the subject “United States – History – Civil War, ” narrowed the list to 20 titles! Next… To remove any limits that you have set, just click on the
Working With Results You can change your sort from “relevance” to other choices. If you wish to save the titles beyond your session, you will need to sign in to your MyEBSCOhost account. Next… Adding titles to the folder allows you to set them aside while continuing your search.
Working With Results You can change how your results are displayed on the page by changing the Page Options. Next…
Looking at the record for an e-book… Next… Click on either the title or “Detailed Record” to access the book’s record. From these links, you can go to the full-text and add the title to the folder, respectively. Hover over this icon and you will see a few more details about the book.
Detailed Record “Most Relevant Pages” are based on search terms, options, etc. Click the + to expand the list. Next… Click the + to expand the Table of Contents; once expanded, clicking on a chapter will open the book to that chapter. Use the Tools to add the book to the folder, print, , or save information about the e-book in one of several citation formats, and more! Creating a Note requires signing in to your personal account.
Working With Results: Using the Folder Once you’ve added titles to the session folder, you can access it to work with just those e-books. If you are signed in to your “MyEBSCOhost” account, the titles will be saved in your personal folder for future reference. Next…
Using the Folder From here, you can print, , or save information about the books that you have selected. NOTE: Content from the books is not accessed here, so printing, ing, or saving this information does not count against your page limit for printing from a book. Using the folder to work with several titles saves time and helps to organize your research. Next… Check the boxes for those books that you want to do more with. This sorts the books in the folder by title or date added.
Print Manager With the Print Manager, you can print the information about the book in several citation formats. Select your preferred format and click Print. Next…
Manager Enter your address in the To: field; you may add other addresses as needed (handy for group work!). Enter something that will identify what the books are for as the Subject Choose your preferred citation format and click Send. Next… When checking your … Look for the address in your inbox; if you don’t see it there, check places like your trash, spam or deleted folders. The information sent is the same as that shown for printing on the previous slide.
Save Manager Choose your preferred citation format and click Save. Next… Follow the directions given here to save your citations. IMPORTANT: Note that this saves only the information about the book, not the full-text content.
Browse the Table of Contents before “opening” the book! Next… Click any “+” or “-” block to expand or collapse sections of the Table of Contents Click on any link in the Contents to go directly to that section of the e- book. Click on eBook Full Text to open the book to the cover.
Getting around in the book Next… Click on any chapter or section to go to the 1 st page of that section. Use these to go to Full Screen, Fit Page Width, Fit Page, and Zoom In or Out. Use these to scroll through the pages or enter a page number & click Go.
Use these tools to: Search for terms… Create a note … (requires login into your MyEBSCOhost account) Dictionary… Print… Add to or remove from folder…. Get the citation for the book… Next… HANDY TOOLS!
Search Next… Enter your term(s) and click Search.
Scroll through the “keyword matches” and select a page to view. You can also clear your results to start over or close the search tool. Next… Search
Create a Note. Once you have signed in, you can enter your note and save it for future reference. Next…
Create a Note. Next…
Create a Note. You can also print a list of your notes. This will not affect the number of pages that you can print from the book! Next…
Dictionary Enter your term to be defined and click Search. Next…
Dictionary Next…
Printing or ing Content Note the page limits and your print options. You may also choose to send as an from this point or choose the tool to the right. Next…
Note the page limits and your options. Note that the 60 page limit applies to printing and ing combined, per book. If you print 30 pages, you will be allowed to print or another 30 from the same e-book. You can select a specific citation format Again, you may send to more than one address, handy for working in a group! Next…
Citations Next… You may copy your citation from here and paste into your document. Pay attention to the NOTE above! If you use certain citation applications, you can export the citation, as well.
More…. Don’t forget to sign out, especially if on a public computer. Sessions are timed for 30 minutes. Avoid using the browser back buttons. This may adversely affect your results. Use any “Back” or “Result List” links when available to return to a previous page. Visit the EBSCO Help and EBSCOhost Tutorials pages for more information as needed.EBSCO HelpEBSCOhost Tutorials Please note that our collection does not include audiobooks or downloading capability. Next…
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