Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor - To Click Or Not To Click? Griffith’s Mobile Polling Experience Note: Please start any smart phone, netbook, tablet, laptop or other device and connect to wireless internet.
Polling and Student Response Systems Elicit student participation and engagement to prompt deeper thinking about a particular question or problem. Monitor students’ understanding of course content in real time, in order to identify and address areas of confusion and adjust the pace of the course appropriately. Provide students with instant feedback on their comprehension to help them monitor their own understanding. Spark discussion among students as they compare, justify, and (perhaps) modify their answers. Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
Background 2008 Griffith Grant for Learning and Teaching: Evaluation of audience response systems (‘clickers’) in the teaching of core (year 2/3) science subjects »Enabled the purchase of TurningPoint software and devices Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
Benefits & Limitations of TurningPoint ↑Saw and increase in lecture attendance ↑Perceived increase in engagement ↑Increased SET scores ↑Increased interest in the academic community about clickers ↓Significant cost – ongoing license fees ↓Maintenance issues – lost devices, battery issues ↓Administrative issues – access to the devices Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
The Brief Academic Requirements »Cheap »Easy »Bug Free Other Requirements »Equitable »Anonymous »Adaptable to distance learning Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
The Solution Mobile Polling - jPoll Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
jPoll Web based Uses the students own device »Smartphone »Laptop »Tablet »All you need is a browser and an internet connection Uses the university’s wireless connection if on campus Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
jPoll – the system Please go to the following address » Use the access code »1081 Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
jPoll – for online courses Questions can be embedded in the LMS Can be used in conjunction with virtual classrooms Can be used asynchronously Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
jPoll – usage How is it being used? »To gage how students feel Bored, interested, tired etc »To gage what students know Repeat information if students are incorrect »Follow up Find out what they want more info on »Evaluation of Teaching »Fully online courses CCJ course Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
jPoll – experiences so far jPoll has been deployed as a ‘Soft Launch’ Knowledge via Word of Mouth for Semester 1 Current Acceptance of the Product »22 sets of Questions »65 questions across Question Sets »2812 responses by users »42 staff members with administration access Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -
Q&A Nicole Wall - Blended Learning Advisor -