Implementing Contractor Assurance System (CAS) for Property Management—A Cultural Change Colleen Griffith-Regal Lead Property Policy Analyst National Nuclear.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing Contractor Assurance System (CAS) for Property Management—A Cultural Change Colleen Griffith-Regal Lead Property Policy Analyst National Nuclear Security Administration

2 Overview National Nuclear Security Administration Contractor Assurance System (CAS) CAS Process Waivers and Pilot Programs Cultural Shift Questions?

3 National Nuclear Security Administration $6.3B in property asset –$30M in non-M&O contracts –CAS applied to balance 7 sites covering over 1480 square miles Scientific and engineering culture DoD Property Manual heritage Wide variation in site functions and restraints

4 Contractor Assurance System (CAS) Moving from transactional oversight to property management system approval Encouraging business best practices and industry standards Increases contractor control and responsibility Goal of improving operational efficiency

5 CAS Process Planning—HQ, OPMO, and LOCAS Training –CAS, process controls, sampling, metrics development, procedures documentation –Contractor and government personnel Baseline Assessments Reports and follow-up CAS approval FY 13 validation

6 Waivers and Pilot Programs NSNA Property Management Council proposes waivers to Senior Procurement Executive (SPE). Waivers require pilot studies. –Purpose of pilots is to test cost-effectiveness –Simple format, business case proposals –Post-pilot, cost savings and effectiveness validated No permanent waivers until validation.

7 Cultural Shift Transactional Systems approach Clear requirements Judgment Enterprise-wide standards Variability Clear mandate Creative use of resources New skill set –Wider application of industry standards –Management 101 –Different interpersonal skills –Higher level of analytical skills

8 Questions?