EDUCATING TOWARD A CULTURE OF PEACE S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University
Culture of Peace
Is a growing body of shared values, attitudes, behaviors and ways of life based on : Nonviolence respect for fundamental rights and freedoms; understanding, tolerance and solidarity; sharing and free flow of communication; and full participation and empowerment of women UNESCO S.H. Toh & V.F. Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University
Culture Of Peace educating for dismantling a culture of war educating for living with justice and compassion educating for educating for human rights & intercultural responsibilities solidarity educating for educating for inner/personal environmental peace care S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University
DISMANTLING THE CULTURE OF WAR Wars & cycle of violence & counter violence Wars waste resources; Social needs unmet Nuclear threat & Proliferation still real Biological & chemical warfare Small wars (physical Violence in school) Media Violence; video games Violence in sports What can we do to educate for dismantling the culture of war? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University
LIVING WITH JUSTICE AND COMPASSION (Abolishing Structural Violence) World hunger & poverty Root causes-structural violence North-South relations Inequalities between & within nations Power of large Transnational Corporations Debt trap Power of IMF, World Bank, WTO, free trade agreements What can we do to educate for living with justice and compassion? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University Power of IMF, World Bank, WTO, free trade agreements Growth-maximizing globalization from above
EDUCATING FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Universal Declaration (1948) &Covenants, conventions & treaties Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights Link between human rights Trade, aid, &globalization Violation of rights of marginalized groups Culture of Human Rights within School cmmunity International Tribunals, Criminal Court What can we do to educate for human rights and responsibilities? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University Gap between promises & action
INTERCULTURAL SOLIDARITY History: Conflicts but more cooperation root causes of intercultural conflicts cultural identity: respect & pride in roots Wisdom of all civilizations racism & discrimination-real Multiculturalism-more than festivals, 4Ds (diet, dress, dance dialect) What can we do to educate for intercultural solidarity? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University legacies of colonization & displacement need justice, reconciliation & healing
LIVING IN HARMONY WITH THE EARTH What can we do to educate for environmental care? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University Ecological crisis, unsustainable growth & development Ecological footprint technocratic managerial paradigm of environmentalism versus holistic paradigm of ecological security 3 Rs not enough Over-consumerism Green justice Green ‘theology’ Earthrights
PERSONAL PEACE WHAT CAN WE DO TO EDUCATE FOR PERONAL PEACE? S.H. Toh & V.F Cawagas (2005) Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University loss of meaning, alienation more consumerism, more happiness? addictions feeling of despair, hopelessness loss of traditional values loss/lack of spirituality
PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES FOR EIU, ESD, ED.FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE AND INTERE-RELATED FIELDS All issues All levels All sectors Inter-related of Education school & society HOLISM Respectful Mind, Heart Listening & Spirit DIALOGUE CRITICAL EMPOWERMENT Open to new ideas Commitment participatory & personal & social democraticaction & teaching-learningtransformation Personal VALUES FORMATION Structural CulturalUniversal Roots Consensus