ST. ANNE’S COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAREERS EVENING 2014 Welcome Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Agenda CAO Form……Central Applications Office How to choose the right course HEAR Scheme DARE Scheme Tips and Hints Scholarships PLC Courses…Post Leaving Certificate Courses Accommodation Grants…SUSI Careers Blog …how to access and use Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
School Careers Programme Careers classes Careers month Exhibition Speakers Trips to open days Access to Careers portal online account, personal and career values, interest quiz, online account to save, evaluate and rank course. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
About Applying It is YOUR choice It is YOUR responsibility It is YOUR decision NOT the Guidance Counsellor NOT your parents NOT your friends This is YOUR life Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
CAO Application Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Cao administers the University and Institute of Technology application system It is your responsibility to read the CAO handbook They are strict about deadlines Apply online/on-time is cheapest and safest They handle application for Level 6,7 and 8 Courses The CAO includes some fee paying colleges
Fees Public Colleges e.g. UL, LIT €2750 p.a. If entitled to a grant this will be paid and some maintenance will be provided. Sliding scale depending on family income. Adjacent/nonadjacent rates. Private colleges e.g. ICHAS, Griffith College Limerick fees vary but can be as little as €2500. Entitled to claim tax back on these fees if earning. Points may be lower as less applicants So depending on your situation there MAY be very little difference Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
CAO – General Info. Level 6 & 7 CoursesLevel 8 Courses Ordinary Degrees (7) Higher Certificates (6) Honours Degrees (8) Up to 10 Course Choices Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Types of course & entry requirements Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) NFQ Leve l Qualifi cation obtaine d Course Durati on Entry requirementsCollege Type Apply to 5FETAC Cert 1 year5 passes LCE, LCA with distinctions, interview, some subject entry requirements. PLC College Direct to PLC College 6Higher Cert 2 years5 OD3 LCE, FETAC Cert, college/course subject entry requirements, CAO points Institute of Technology CAO 7Ordinar y Degree 3 years5 OD3 LCE, FETAC Cert, Higher Cert, college/course subject entry requirements, CAO points Institute of Technology CAO 8Honours Degree 3 or 4 years 2 HC3 & 4OD3 OR FETAC Cert, Ordinary Degree college/courses subject entry requirements, CAO points Institute of Technology or University CAO
Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The Handbook Read this Handbook Carefully It is your contract with the CAO All your questions about application and offers are answered there Read it! Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The Handbook Two sections White pages - Details of applications procedures, offers, deadlines and other instructions Yellow pages – Lists of courses and codes in the different colleges Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
It is the applicants responsibility to: Research thoroughly all the courses for which you are making an application. Be au fait with all aspects of the application system used (CAO) for these courses, i.e., procedures, dates, fees, rules, etc. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The Online Form Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Application Number You are now given an Application Number Keep this carefully (sent instantly by and text) You will need it to log in to your account You can change your mind online free of charge until January 31 st After that changes can be made from 5 th May to 1 st July Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Choosing Your Courses You can choose up to 10 courses on the Honours Degree (level 8) list and You can choose up to 10 courses on the Higher Certificate/Ordinary Degree (levels 6 &7) list You don’t have to fill out all 10 You don’t have to fill out both lists Each list is independent of the other You can be offered choices from both lists But you can only choose one Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Special Access Routes: HEAR and DARE Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) HEAR : Higher Education Access Route – Students from socio-economic disadvantaged background – Income, medical card, social welfare, under-represented group, DEIS school, disadvantaged area DARE: Disability Access Route to Education – Students with disabilities/learning difficulties – E.g. Dyslexia, significant ongoing illness, physical disability, mental illness Enter course on reduced points, must meet minimum entry requirements Apply via your CAO Application
HEAR Higher Education Access Route is a third level admission scheme for school leavers from socio- economically deprived background Each college has a quota of places on a reduced points basis for HEAR students Information from and You must have an active address to apply and you will have to send on documentary proof of entitlement. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
DARE Disability Access Route to Education is a supplementary admission scheme for school leavers with disabilities and can mean reduced points For those with academic ability but who may not be able to meet points due to impact of disability You will require proof of disability including consultant’s report and school reference Information on and Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Important Information If an applicant has lived outside the EU then you may be required to apply directly to some colleges (see page 7 of Handbook) If a student has exemption from Irish and/or third language they must complete an NUI Exemption Form to ensure you meet the entry requirements of UCD, UCC, NUI Maynooth and Galway and other NUI Colleges. For other colleges please consult with me Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Restricted Applications Some courses consider more than just points Interviews, tests, auditions, portfolios or projects These are conducted around Easter These courses can’t be added to your application after February 1 st They can be changed or dropped Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Confirmation In May you will be sent a confirmation of course choices Check all details carefully If there are no errors you do not need to do anything Notify CAO of any errors by marking them on the form and sending it back Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
New CAO App (all smart phones) Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) “mapping your future”presentation Important dates inc calendar reminders How to apply Application checklist Points calculator Points College names/contact details Fees How to communicate with CAO
Making Your Choice Use your genuine order of preference The first choice is the one you want to do most If not that course your second choice is… Then your third choice and so on Ignore the points go for what you want most! Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
How to Choose…just Imagine… You’ll get 600 points what would you choose first, then second… It is the “good old days” and two honours will get you into any course, what would you choose first, then second … Aim high –but keep at least “one sure thing” in your choices Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The Important Things Are Know what the course involves before you apply Apply in your genuine order of preference Ignore points (within reason…DARE/HEAR may make up points) Only apply for courses you genuinely want to do Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Useful Resources Publications College Prospectuses – 2014 Entry CAO Handbook 2014 Entry Newspapers Internet Qualifax – Irish courses CAO – Contains links to course UCAS – U.K. Careers websites – Guidance Counsellor Blog College Open Days dates available under Career Events on Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
How it all works….. These are the applicants for CK101 Arts in UCC. The examination results have not yet been released, so these applicants are in no particular order. We are going to trace the progress of the applicant marked in red. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
When the results are released entry requirements are checked first. Applicants are placed in a queue for each course they applied for, their position in the queue is determined by their points. The applicant with the highest points is placed at the top of the queue. The points achieved by the applicant in red determines his position in the queue for each course he applied to. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The applicants marked in green have enough points to be offered places. The applicant marked in red has enough points for his second preference. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The applicant in red is offered his second preference, the highest preference course that he has enough points for, and he will now disappear from the queue in all his lower choices. Placing DN201 as his second preference meant that he would prefer to receive an offer on DN201 than on any other course except CK101 - which is his first preference. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Having been offered his second preference he must now decide to accept it or to do nothing. If he does not accept the offer the place will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers. Regardless of whether he accepts or not he will still be considered for an offer on his first preference if a place becomes available. In the second round, one more offer was made on CK101 and our applicant is now at the top of the queue. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
In the third round of offers two more offers are made on CK101 and our applicant, who was at the top of the queue, now receives an offer. He may do nothing and remain in DN201 or he may accept the offer and begin in CK101. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
So – what is the best way to fill in the courses? Dream Courses Realistic Courses Banker Courses Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
NO YES A Students Course Preferences - Example Students Points Total = 445 Cut Off Points for Course All Lower Preference Courses Disappear From Students CAO application Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Places Allocation Note: The position of a course in a student’s preference order does not in any way affect their chance of getting a place on that course. The exact same procedure takes place for both lists on the form, hence students may get get 2 offers in August – one from L6/7 list and one from L8 list - may accept only one. Students should think carefully about not accepting one of these offers, as they may not receive any further offers. Regardless of whether or not they accept a course in round 1, they will still be offered a higher preference course in subsequent rounds if they become entitled one. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Deciding Research the course on offer Don’t assume you know a course by its title Consider the lecture and teaching methods Consider the size of the college Consider the other facilities What options are within the course Is there work experience or internship? Is there mentoring of first years? Career implications Cost –fees, private colleges, accommodation Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Hints and Tips Do not include any course you have not researched thoroughly. It is a common mistake and may cause upset in August when offers are issued. CAO does not get ‘SENT’ rather it closes and opens with final changes no later than 1 st JULY Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Six ways to help choose the course Assess yourself and your interests i.e. Careers portal Interest Quiz and results Research What careers appeal to you? i.e. people, technical, practical, office, science, enterprise. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Six ways to help choose the course Realistically evaluate options, i.e. to be a doctor you need to like science, apprenticeships –practical, action. Select on basis of research and self- evaluation. What do you hope to gain from going to college, are you going for the right reasons and making informed choices? Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Assess yourself, who you are….. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Likes/dislikes/What I’m good at – School Subjects – Interest profiler – My skills: people, task, personal – Experiences e.g. sport, transition year, hobbies, achievements Ask the opinion of those who know you well – E.g. Parents/Guardians, Brothers/Sisters/Relations/Friends, – Teachers, Guidance Counsellor
Which course(s) ? Content: what will I be studying? Broad (eg business) or narrow (eg accounting) Continuous assessment (takes pressure off final exams) Length of course: 1,2, 3 or 4 years Class size: big or small College and Subject entry requirements Student experiences….facebook, twitter etc Course reputation Work placement/experience/study abroad Make a note of the advantages/disadvantages of each course. Students can use ‘Evaluate Courses’ section of their careers portal accounts Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Which college? Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Facilities eg library Accommodation on/off campus? Transport to/from college/home Sports, clubs, societies Disability supports Local or away from home Scholarships Social life City or large town? Costs?
Vacant Places If after all offers have been made, and Vacant places exist, they will be advertised on the CAO website, persons who have not applied already may make a vacant place application on payment of a fee. Vacant places advertised Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The CAO Essence Go for what you really want Work really hard to get it Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The long route…anyone? Pharmacy 2yrs in Athlone …on to Pharmacy in UK Speech and Language/Occupational Therapy Social Science in UCC P/G in Ireland in OT etc Physiotherapy Carlow 2 yrs UK/NI PE Tralee/UL Long routes are not guaranteed. Research! Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Other things to consider… Vacant places advertised on CAO website. Must still meet minimum entry requirements New courses often advertised over summer, see alerts lists section on CAO website Professional bodies e.g. Teaching council, Chartered accountants etc Postgraduate Study as an alternative route Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Scholarships Apply to CAO in normal way and make a separate, direct application to the college(s) of choice for a scholarship. Deadlines for application vary Types of Scholarships vary… excellence in sport, drama etc Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Scholarships Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Can be based on – Academic performance e.g. entrance awards – Academic performance (but has had social or economic disadvantages) plus economic/social assessment and interview e.g. Ciaran Patak (Pharmacy RCSI), Irish Tax Institute – Sports performance (e.g. county/national/international) How to apply … to awarding body/college When to apply – Some before LC, some after you start college Refer to College websites
End of Part 1 Any questions so far? Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
What if things don’t work out Apply as a mature student at age 23 You can apply to The Open University and still work Take evening qualifications Take a PLC course Apply again next year if not successful this time Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Non CAO Opportunities Apply directly to the Following: Gardai, Defense Forces, Montessori Training, Music Drama & Performing Arts, Hairdressing & Beauty, Failte Ireland, Childcare Colleges, Royal Irish Academy, Law Society of Ireland, Irish Management Institute, Art Craft & Design, Accounting Business Law & Journalism, Alternative Medicine, Independent Colleges and FAS. NCEF interesting development this year PLC Courses Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
PLC/FETAC courses Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) 1 year courses Done after Leaving Cert Can be used : – To train for a job e.g. hairdressing – As a stepping stone for a cao course e.g. art portfolio course for cao art course Academic requirements: usually 5 passes in Leaving Cert, some specific subject requirements Apply direct to the FE college, can apply to many Apply by end Jan Attend open days 4 th Febuary LCFE, CCL Examples include: Limerick College of Further Education, Central College Limerick, Coláiste Chiaráin Croom, Nenagh College, Newport College.
Most students apply to: Limerick College of Further Education Central College Limerick Newport College Nenagh College Templemore College of Further Education Coláiste Chiaráin, Croom Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
HOW Does progression work? Universities and Institutes of Technology both offer places on the scheme but in slightly different ways. Maximum 400 points when ‘converted’ Universities only offer places from a reserved quota for FETAC award holders. Institutes of Technology generally accept applications based on any PLC award in open competition with Leaving Certificate candidates; however they may also offer places through reserve quotas for FETAC applicants only, for example to some Nursing Degree programmes. There are 38 institutions offering progression links to 3rd level via level 5 and some level 6awards. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
How to see which courses have direct links Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Accommodation Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) On campus is recommended for first years There are a range of other types eg House-sharing, part-board, on campus etc Some can be pre-booked, with a part-refundable deposit Some start booking in December Others cannot be booked until after you are offered a place in college UCD you can make a provisional booking before the LC RESEARCH
Accommodation things to watch out for….. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Cost? Are bills included in the rent? Closeness to college? Public transport nearby? Location in safe area? General standard, facilities, utilities etc Broadband Get advice from friends, relations etc Contact college accommodation office for all types….they are generally v helpful and informative
Student Maintenance Grants Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Means tested and different levels of grant Tick the box on CAO Form helps with admin later SUSI…Student Universal Support Ireland – City of Dublin VEC administer SUSI for the whole country for new applications – Lot of documentation, evidence of income etc to be gathered….start now! – Late applications may be = getting grant late! – Application starts May 2014 (tbc)
Some general advice…… Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) The quality of your degree (e.g. 1 st class honours) is more important than the name of the college If you are not sure about which career broad-based degrees are better than more specialised ones e.g. do business now and specialise in accounting later, do computers now, game design later. Many students are choosing broad degrees first and following it with a specialised post graduate course
Timetable Jan 20 th Closing date for online cheaper applications Feb 1 st Closing date for applications May 1 st Closing date for late applications July 1 st Closing date for change of mind Round One Offers –one week after Leaving Cert results Round Two Offers –early September After Round Two –as necessary Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Common Problems! HELP! I don’t know what I want to do! I recommend everyone who is eligible applies to CAO. Use process of elimination for CAO. We begin this in class Consider all other options Create a back up plan Consider what is important to you e.g. Keep as many options open as possible versus job specific course How do I know if it’s a good course? NFQ Some courses not accredited on NFQ e.g. beauty courses accredited by international bodies e.g. CIDESCO etc Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Career Happiness Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor) Interest Personality Aptitude/ Ability
What I want for each student Develop Research skills as career planning is now a lifelong process Back up plan Organised and well planned process Apply to both PLC and CAO to give yourself every choice come August 2014 Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Finally Get lots of information Read the instructions Be on time CAO Courses in YOUR order of preference Include one “dead cert” Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
All documents are on….. Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)
Any Questions? Fiona Daly (Guidance Counsellor)