STRATA RESEARCH ON CLIMATE CHANGE Preparing strata titled communities for more extreme weather events in a world of climate change.


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Presentation transcript:

STRATA RESEARCH ON CLIMATE CHANGE Preparing strata titled communities for more extreme weather events in a world of climate change

An Overview What is climate change? How are strata title buildings & stakeholders affected? Who is NCCARF? Why is Griffith Uni researching this? When is this all happening?

Project Objectives & Timelines Understand climate change implications for strata stakeholders Collect all knowledge & experiences in one place Prepare analyses & reports for later reference Make recommendations for law reform Prepare best practice manuals Educate strata stakeholders Complete late 2012

Some Actions & Findings (So Far) 16 strata leaders interviewed, standard literature reviewed, Industry reference group formed & met twice Indicates a few key things – - low awareness & preparedness levels - legal barriers to building adaptation - funding & spending resistance by owners - dilemmas in emergency management situations - more information & education for all involved -challenges to conventional reliance on insurance The next stage is our strata survey

Becoming Involved Complete the online survey change-survey Read the blog Follow on Contact me

CHU’s Involvement CHU is a Principal Research Supporter CHU is providing funding, expertise & information CHU has invited me to present today Thanks CHU …