UMS TeamWorks HeRMIT Salary Changes June 2008
Project Outcome Efficient transfer of data between UMS and HeRMIT utilizing TeamWorks as the communication tool. Applies to all transactions as they relate to Salary Changes and/or Fund changes. Eliminates the guess-work out of what type of salary change you are really trying to process. Streamline reporting of salary change related data. Develop a common “language” among all users regardless of the system that is being utilized as it applies to Human Resource Transactions.
Salary vs. Assignment Change Salary Change Does not change an employees current position or title. Remains in the same position, band, and class. Examples are: In-band, Equity, Cost of Living, Change in Hours, Retention, Resident PG Level Changes. Changes only the salary or dollar amount. Can include a change to increase or decrease hours worked (FTE %). May also include a Fund Change. Assignment Change Reflects a change in title, band, and/or class change. Examples are: Resident to Faculty, FTE to Non-FTE, Non-FTE to FTE, Reclass, Promotion, Demotion & Transfer. Employee changes their position number and/or title. May also include a Fund Change
Timeline Information Please hold on to any fund code changes till Monday June 9, 2008 to allow for the Salary Change modifications to be incorporated into UMS. Starting Monday June 9, 2008 only the following units will be permitted to e-Transfer salary and/or fund changes: Pediatrics - Mike McGinnis CON – Joanne Langdale Psychiatry – Pam Thompson Medicine – Jill Griffith Epidemiology – Beth Hansell All other UMS users will be using the new EPear form and routing as they currently do. These users will be brought into the new e-Transfer process by the end of July.
e-Transfer vs. Routing EPears e-Transfer: Transactions that are submitted to TeamWorks and applied directly to HeRMIT with no manual data entry. All Fund Change Only will continue to be e-Transferted for all UMS users. Any transaction that changes a person’s assignment even when in conjunction with a salary change can not be e- Transferted at this time. Routing: EPears that are routed to HRM as part of your routing group. Transactions are printed in HR, manually moved through HR. Once HR approvals are met, transactions are manually entered into HeRMIT. Continue to route New- Hires, Assignment Changes, etc.
Actions vs. Reasons Actions: Items that appear on the Personnel Funding Tab. Ask the question: What is it that I need to perform for this employee? Current Actions include: New Hire, Salary Change Only, Reinstatement, RIF, Return from LOA, Assignment Change, Salary and Fund Change, Fund Change Only. Reasons: Also appears on the Personnel Funding Tab. Explains why you are performing the action selected. Reason related to Salary Changes & Salary and Fund Change Only are coded with an S##. All other Action Reasons start with the letter X.
Salary Changes Only and Salary &Fund Changes Only Single Salary and Salary & Fund Changes: On the Personnel Funding Tab Select the Action – Salary Change Only or Salary & Fund Change Only. Select the Reason - any reason that starts with an S## for example: S22 – Inc Performance. Multiple Salary and Salary & Fund Changes: On the Personnel Funding Tab Select Action - Salary Change Only or Salary & Fund Change Only. Select the Reason – S – Multiple Reasons On the HR Tab there are custom fields for up to three salary change reasons and annualized salary amounts.
Salary Change Reasons S-Multiple Reasons S01-Increase Merit S03-COLA S05-Increase Merit Default S07-Special Pay S14-Increase Hours (FTE%) S15-Decrease Hours (FTE%) S22-Increase Performance S23-Decrease Performance S33-Increase Skills / Knowledge S37-Increase Additional Duties/Responsibility S38-Decrease Additional Duties/Responsibility S40-Increase Retention S65-Equity Increase Internal S65A-Equity Increase Market S95-Increase Additional Duties Temporary S96-Dec Additional Duties Temporary See HR Website - UMS Corner for more detailed information on each reason.
Multiple Salary Changes From the Personnel Funding Screen Select an Action: Salary Change Only or Salary & Fund Change Only From the Personnel Funding screen Select a Reason: S-Multiple Reasons From Personnel Funding Screen Select the HR Tab and access the Custom Fields Window to display three salary change amount input fields and reasons
Important Information Salary Change Custom Fields You must select the Reason – S – Multiple Changes. The Dollar Amount is the Annualized Salary amount. Order for Multiple Salary Changes: COLA – PERFORMANCE – ALL OTHERS Annual Salary: Is the amount of money an employee earns as the FTE % changes. In UMS this is the Employer Cost column on the Payroll Items Tab. Annualized Salary: Is the salary amount an employee earns when the FTE% is at 100%. In UMS this is the Rate column on the Payroll Items Tab. FTE %: Represents an increase or a decrease in hours worked. In UMS FTE % is the % Modified column on the Payroll Items Tab.
Change in FTE % Salary Change Reasons must include an S14 - Inc Hours or S15-Dec Hours for the FTE% to change in HeRMIT. Reducing the % Modified column on the Payroll Items Tab Example – You are giving a 3% - S03-Cola, $ S22- Performance Increase & you are reducing the FTE% from 100 % to 50% - S15-Dec Hours. The employee currently has an annualized salary of $ Action – Salary Change, Reason – S – Multiple Reasons On the HR Tab Salary in the Custom Fields: Salary Chg Amt 1 = $51, Chg Reason 1 = S03 – COLA Salary Chg Amt 2 = $54, Chg Reason 2 = S22 – Performance Increase Salary Chg Amt 3 = $54, Chg Reason 3 = S15 – Decrease Hours Change the % Modifier on the Payroll Items Tab to 50%. Annualized Salary
Salary Calculation Tool Kit The tool has four Tabs to assist with various salary calculation issues. They are as follows: A. Know the New Salary Amount – calculates the % and difference between the current and new salary. B. Know the % to be given - calculates the new annualized salary and the increase amount. C. Know the Increase Amount – Calculates the new annualized salary and the % to be given. D. Calculate the FTE% and Salary – based on FTE % increases /decrease amount will give either the annualized salary or the Annual Salary. Look for this tool under the Forms Section and UMS Corner on the HR website.
Salary Change Rule Validation Test Consists of Four Tests: First Test - Retro Rejection Rule Processing Second Test - Salary Decrease Rule Processing Third Test - Salary Increase Rule Processing Fourth Test - Fiscal Year Limit Rule Processing Based on the rules set for each test the following actions are processed: Reject – Return to originator with system generated rejections reason. Comp - Send to C&C for Review and the ability to reject with a specific rejection reason. Process – Continue Processing.
Salary Change Rule Validation Test First Test - Retro Rejection Rule Processing: Test whether the effective date of the salary change request is less than the date the transaction was received in TeamWorks. Second Test - Salary Decrease Rule Processing: Tests whether the amount of the increase is less than the current salary on Hermit.
Salary Change Rule Validation Test Third Test - Salary Increase Rule Processing: First tests whether the % Amount Requested is > the % Increase Start Amount and <= the % Increase End Amount. AND Next tests the Performance Rating Code if needed based on the employee type. The employee type will validate HeRMIT to check for the most current rating to determine if the amount requested can be processed. AND Last test whether the Salary Amount requested is less than the rule limit.
Salary Change Rule Validation Test Fourth Test - Fiscal Year Limit Rule: Tests against HeRMIT that the requested number of times a salary change reason has been used in the current Fiscal Year is not greater than the limit Sample of a Salary Change Rule:
Changes on the EPear Print Preview Function The Salary Change fields will be printed after any notes that are entered on the Notes tab. For those EPears that are being routed, the Records staff will data enter based on the reasons that you provide. For all Salary Changes you must provide a valid reason in order for the EPear not to be returned/rejected.
Tips and Trick Submitted EPears will be manually validated against the Rules table for processing. Residents who are changing their PG levels need to be submitted as a Salary Change with a reason code of S33 – Additional Skills and knowledge. For changes in hours (FTE% change) remember to send the Annualized Salary and to change the Modified % column to the appropriate percentage amount. The stories that you like to write are nice and we will accept them, but no transaction can be processed without selecting a valid action and reason.
Tips and Trick Continued For multiple salary changes use the action Salary Change or Salary & Fund Change and the reason is S- Multiple Reasons. Remember to enter the reasons on the HR Tab and include the annualized salary. If the transaction is a combination salary and assignment change, please route the EPear. It will not be able to be processed in TeamWorks at this time. Residents who are becoming Faculty are considered to be Assignment Changes not New Hires. Look for updates to be posted on the HR Website on the UMS Corner.
Recognition Jim Schaffner – MUSC - IT Damien Holton – UDS Beth Hansell, Joanne Langdale, Mike McGinnis and Jill Griffith for endless efforts of testing. Rhonda Richardson – HR - Assisting with Rule Table Review over and over again!!! And every other Steering Committee member who has spent their Thursday afternoons learning more than they ever wanted to know about Salary Changes. Many Thanks !!