“Religious fervor is not a constant. When it flames most brightly, it transforms not only individuals but history; yet among the same people it may die.


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Presentation transcript:

“Religious fervor is not a constant. When it flames most brightly, it transforms not only individuals but history; yet among the same people it may die down into smoldering ashes that give no heat to personal life nor any energy to national life” James G. Leyburn ‘The Scotch-Irish, p.47


Religious Decline “The Vanishing Gospel”

Church of England Latitudinarian “You should remove the ‘not’ from the 10 Commandments and insert it into the Apostle’s creed!” The Dissenters “The most numerous and rich of the dissenters in England were the Presbyterians; who were also the leaders of the general apostasy of the dissenters from the principles of the Reformation” Samuel Davies Isaac Watts ( )

II. The Evangelical Revival A. The Moravians January 1, 1739 “Pentecost at New Year” Fetter Lane Society Benjamin Ingham; John Cennick The Moravians did not set out to establish their own churches but to be useful in the renewal of all denominations

B. John Wesley and the Methodists 1. Wesley’s Life & Work Samuel & Susanna “The Holy Club” In Georgia “But John and Charles did not learn from their parents, and did not learn from their home and their church, the grace and truth of Christ’s justification by faith alone” Dr. David Calhoun Four encounters with the Moravians; 1.On passage to Georgia 2.Savannah 3.London/Peter Bohler 4.Hernhutt

Conversion: “My heart Strangely Warmed” May 24, 1738Aldersgate Street Conversion makes him a “Flaming Evangelist” 2. Wesley’s Theology “Peace to his ashes, death to his errors, life to all the truth he preached…”CH Spurgeon Evangelical Arminianism Perfectionism “The trouble with John Wesley was that he was too logical…he took certain statements and pressed them to their logical conclusion, irrespective of other statements of Scripture” MLJ 4.Hernhutt

3. John and Charles Wesley’s Hymns CHARLES WESLEY The Methodists “Long my imprisioned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature’s nigth; Thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.”

C. George Whitefield ( ) Early Life and Conversion Life of God in the Soul of ManHenry Scogal

Whitefield and Scotland “If the pope himself would lend me his pulpit, I would gladly proclaim the righteousness of Jesus Christ therein.” Whitefield and Wales Griffith Jones ( ) Daniel Rowland ( ) Howell Harris ( ) William Williams ( )

Whitefield and America Lady Huntingdon (Lady Selina Shirley ( ) Chapel of Huntingdon’s Connexion

C. The Anglican Evangelicals William Romaine ( ) William Grimshaw ( )“The Apostle of the North” “When I die, I shall have my greatest grief and my greatest joy; my greatest grief that I have done so little for Jesus, and my greatest joy that Jesus has done so much for me.” John Berridge ( ) “Apostle of Cam and Fen” Henry Venn ( ) John Newton ( ) Hannah More ( )

J.C. Ryle’s summation of the theological principles of the Evangelical Revival The “absolute supremacy” of the Bible “as the only rule of faith and practice, the only test of truth, the only judge of controversy.” The “absolute supremacy” of the Bible “as the only rule of faith and practice, the only test of truth, the only judge of controversy.” The corruption of human nature by sin The corruption of human nature by sin The centrality of the atonement The centrality of the atonement The necessity of an “experimental knowledge of Christ crucified” and “the inward work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of men” The necessity of an “experimental knowledge of Christ crucified” and “the inward work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of men” The requirement of a serious, holy life as “the only certain evidence of a man’s spiritual condition” The requirement of a serious, holy life as “the only certain evidence of a man’s spiritual condition”

The Great Awakening Religious Condition in the Colonies Spiritual Deadness “The body of the rising generation is a poor, perishing, unconverted (except the Lord pour down his Spirit) an undone generation”Increase Mather, 1678

Symbols of deadness and decline: Half-way Covenant Theological Liberalism Beginnings of revival Theodore Frelinghuysen

Gilbert Tennant Log College, Nashaminy, PA New Brunswick Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield Bethesda in Georgia nd Trip1739, 40, Crossings 732 days on the water!