The art of scope
Definition Large scale Sweeping scope Spectacle Ability to transport viewer to other settings Viewed as a genre or as just big budget film-making
Ancient Genre Vast setting Supernatural involved Serious tone Central heroic figure Epic hero: 1. Well-known 2. Actions impact others 3. Strong mind and body 4. Weakness
Shared commonalities Well-known central historic or mythic heroic figure Actions of heroic figure central to resolution of central conflict Vast setting Serious tone Central conflict far-reaching effects
Common subjects and content Royalty Gladiators Great military leaders Leading personalities from world history Time of war Societal conflict Long span of time - events depicted - running time
Genre One of oldest - Pastrone’s Cabiria - D. W. Griffith Peak of popularity in early 60’s - Cleopatra, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Dr. Zhivago - War & Peace, Russian film…potentially most expensive ever made
Style isn’t cheap… Spectacular settings Specially designed costuming Sweeping musical score Ensemble cast of bankable stars On-location shooting Massive scale action sequences All this makes them VERY expensive to produce
The expense pays off… Many of highest grossing films are epic in nature: 1. Titanic 2. Avatar 3. Gone With the Wind 4. Star Wars
Sub-genres Historical 1. Kingdom of Heaven 2. Braveheart 3. Dances With Wolves 4. Seven Samurai Religious or Biblical 1. The Ten Commandments 2. The Passion of the Christ 3. The Mahabharata 4. The Message
Sub-genres Romantic epic 1. Gone With the Wind 2. Pearl Harbor Science Fiction : A Space Odyssey 2. Planet of the Apes 3. Star Wars Fantasy 1. Lord of the Rings 2. Harry Potter