W ELCOME, F OURTH G RADE P ARENTS ! Thursday, September 20, th Grade Teachers: Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Griffith Mrs. Taraborelli Mr. Zimmerman
S WITCHING FOR C LASSES Reading and math groups Year-long groups with flexibility based on need Science Each teacher is responsible for a unit Forces & Motion – Mr. Zimmerman Ecosystems 2 & Space – Mrs. Anderson Ecosystems – Mrs. Griffith Water Cycle & Weather – Mrs. Taraborelli Communication among teachers
S WITCHING FOR C LASSES Inappropriate behaviors reported back to HR teacher. Awards
H OMEWORK /C URRICULUM /T ESTING 40 minutes per night for fourth grade including reading Curriculum dictated by the State of PA who has adopted the National Common Core Standards Rigorous pacing required, therefore practice must be done at night Standardized testing for math, reading, science, and writing (pilot) Learning to read v. reading to learn Increase in inferential v. literal thinking Assessments are a combination of open and closed book
O TTER C REEK – M ATH F ACTS Memorization/automaticity v. “figuring out” Multiplication (Jan.) and division (May) Level-based Medals – F, L, R, W (Multiplication) Special award and gift for those who complete multiplication before the end of trimester 1 (early Dec.) Silicone wristband for those who complete division
O TTER C REEK – M ATH F ACTS Practice/quiz time each day in math class Sample Practice Sheet
Your child will bring home a letter containing these instructions. STUDENT NAMECODE
F IELD T RIP P OSSIBILITIES Hydroelectric Dam – Safe Harbor or Holtwood Ephrata Cloister Community Days Ag in the Classroom (district-wide fourth grade initiative)
S CIENCE W ORKSHOP P OSSIBILITIES Lancaster County Conservation District Watersheds Biodiversity Wetlands Hands-on, interactive activities
S PECIAL A CTIVITIES Dress as a Character (October) Thanksgiving (authentic foods from colonies) Colonial Stations (right before holiday break) Talent Show (May)
T ECHNOLOGY FOR COMMUNICATION Parent Portal Student grades Classroom information District Calendar Online District webpage/Fritz page
C ONFERENCE S IGN -U P Please sign up for a parent- teacher conference with your child’s homeroom teacher at the back of the cafeteria. Thank you for joining us this evening!