Unité 3-Leçon B Au café
a drink une boisson
a cheese sandwich un sandwich au fromage
a ham sandwich un sandwich au jambon
a hotdog un hot-dog
a hamburger un hamburger
a steak with fries un steak-frites
an omelet une omelette
a quiche une quiche
a chocolate ice cream une glace au chocolat
a vanilla ice cream une glace à la vanille
a crepe une crêpe
a coke un coca
a mineral water une eau minérale
a coffee un café
an orange juice un jus d’orange
an apple juice un jus de pomme
a grape juice un jus de raisin
a lemon-lime soda une limonade
What would you like (to order)? Vous désirez?
I would like a salad. Je voudrais une salade.
please s’il vous plaît
And for dessert? Et comme dessert?
Give me a coffee too. Donnez-moi aussi un café.
What is the main street of the Latin Quarter? Le boulevard Saint- Michel. (Boul’Mich)
What is the most famous university in France? La Sorbonne
Where did frites originate? in Belgium (la Belgique)
What do they eat frites with in Belgium? mayonnaise!
What are Vittel, Perrier, Vichy, Contrex, and Evian? brands of mineral water
what is a lemon-lime soda with mint syrup? un diabolo menthe
what is a strong coffee, served black? un express
what is coffee with cream? un café crème (un crème)
Is coffee drunk during a meal or after a meal? after a meal
Where did crêpes originate? Brittany (la Bretagne)
Are crêpes only served for dessert? No, galettes(made with buckwheat) are also served.
What is always posted outside a French café or restaurant? the menu
Where might you sit if not inside a café or resto? on “la terrasse”
What are Les Deux Magots and the Café de Flore and Fouquet’s? famous cafés Les Deux Magots=> existentialists (Camus, Sartre)
What is a specialty of Alscace? choucroute garnie (sauerkraut w/ pork)
What is a specialty of Nice? salade niçoise (tuna, egg, lettuce, olives, tomatoes...)
What is a specialty of north Africa? couscous (semolina grain with a meat and vegetable stew)
What is a tourtière? a meat potpie made in Quebec (Canada)
What is an hors d’oeuvre? an appetizer
What are crudités? raw vegetables which are sliced or shredded
Put in order: dessert, meat course, salade, hors d’oeuvre, fromage hors d’oeuvre, meat course, salade, fromage, dessert