CHAPTER 7: Nutritional Status on Dialysis Abdul Halim B Abd Gafor Winnie Chee Siew Swee Tilakavati Karupaiah Koh Keng Hee Ahmad Fauzi B Abd Rahman Source:


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CHAPTER 7: Nutritional Status on Dialysis Abdul Halim B Abd Gafor Winnie Chee Siew Swee Tilakavati Karupaiah Koh Keng Hee Ahmad Fauzi B Abd Rahman Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR

Table 7.1.1: Distribution of serum albumin, HD patients, Year Number of patients MeanSDMedianLQUQ % patients <30g/L % patients 30-<35g/L % patients 35-<40g/L % patients ≥40g/L

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.1.1: Cumulative distribution of serum albumin, HD patients Cumulative Distribution Serum albumin (g/L)

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.1.2: Distribution of serum albumin, PD patients, Year Number of patients MeanSDMedianLQUQ % patients <30g/L % patients 30-<35g/L % patients 35-<40g/L % patients ≥40g/L

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.1.2: Cumulative distribution of serum albumin, PD patients Cumulative Distribution Serum albumin (g/L)

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.1.3: Variation in proportion of patients with serum albumin  40g/L among HD centres Year Number of centers Min 5 th centile LQMedianUQ 95 th centile Max

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.1.3: Variation in proportion of patients with serum albumin  40g/L, HD centres % Patients Centre (lower 95% CI, upper 95% CI) % with serum albumin >=40g/L

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.1.4: Variation in proportion of patients with serum albumin  40g/L among PD centres Year Number of centers Min 5 th centile LQ Media n UQ 95 th centile Max

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.1.4: Variation in proportion of patients with serum albumin  40g/L, PD centres 2013

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.1: Distribution of BMI, HD patients, Year Number of patients MeanSDMedianLQUQ % patients <18.5 % patients % patients >=

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.1: Cumulative distribution of BMI, HD patients Cumulative Distribution BMI (kg/m2)

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.2: Distribution of BMI, PD patients Year Number of patients MeanSDMedianLQUQ % patients <18.5 % patients % patients >=

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.2: Cumulative distribution of BMI, PD patients

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.3: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 among HD centres Year Number of centers Min 5 th centile LQ Media n UQ 95 th centile Max

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.3: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 among HD centres 2013

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.4: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 among PD centres Year Number of centers Min 5 th centile LQMedianUQ 95 th centile Max

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.4: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 among PD centres 2013

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.5: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 and serum albumin  40 g/dL among HD centres Year Number of centersMin 5 th centileLQ Media nUQ 95 th centileMax

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.5: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 and serum albumin  40 g/dL among HD centres % Patients Centre (lower 95% CI, upper 95% CI) % with BMI >= 18.5 & ALB >= 40

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.2.6: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 and serum albumin  40 g/dL among PD centres Year Number of centersMin 5 th centileLQ Media nUQ 95 th centileMax

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Figure 7.2.6: Variation in proportion of patients with BMI  18.5 and serum albumin  40 g/dL among PD centres 2013

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.3.1: Nutritional parameters between HD and PD patients, 2013 HDPD n = n = 3261 MeanSDMeanSD Age Albumin (g/dL) BMI Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) Sr Creatinine ((μmol/L) Hemoglobin

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.3.2(a): Nutritional parameters between diabetic and non- diabetic HD patients, 2013 DiabetesNon-Diabetes n = 13547n = MeanSDMeanSD Age Albumin (g/dL) BMI Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) Sr Creatinine ((μmol/L) Hemoglobin

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.3.2(b): Nutritional parameters between diabetic and non-diabetic PD patients, 2013 DiabetesNon-Diabetes n = 947n = 2314 MeanSDMeanSD Age Albumin (g/dL) BMI Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) Sr Creatinine ((μmol/L) Hemoglobin

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.3.3(a): Distribution of serum albumin and BMI by duration of dialysis among HD patients, Years<11-<55-<10>=10 MeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSD Albumin (g/dL) BMI

Source: 21 st MDTR Report 2013, NRR Table 7.3.3(b): Distribution of serum albumin and BMI by duration of dialysis among PD patients, Years<11-<55-<10>=10 MeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSD Albumin (g/dL) BMI